Robert Kennedy

WATCH: MRC's Schneider Rips Apart Election-Interfering Big Tech Giants
MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider blew the lid off the gargantuan election interference that leftist Big Tech platforms have been engaging in for years.

The Network Newscasts Cheer As The Kennedys Come To Biden’s Rescue
Each of the network evening newscasts delighted in reporting that the Camelot Cavalry, if you will, had come to the aid of President Joe Biden in Philadelphia. The Kennedy family joined Biden on stage to denounce their brother who is also running for president.

RFK Jr. Goes After ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ at BlackRock, Vanguard
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. laid into three massive corporations for pushing a key element of the American Dream out of reach for many American families.

WATCH: Jordan Slams Biden Admin, FBI Collusion with Big Tech to Censor
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) called out the anti-free speech efforts of the FBI and President Joe Biden’s administration during a Thursday Congressional hearing.

WHAT?! RFK Jr Offers Gov’t-Owned Social Media as Censorship Solution
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. clearly identified the problem of social media censorship but has a potentially dangerous solution.

NYT Again Smears Conservatives As Anti-Vaccination; Opposite Is True

60 Minutes Actually Reports That Robert Kennedy Approved MLK Wiretap

'Hardball' Attacks Ivanka in WH as ‘Un-American,’ Demands PP Support
During the same show that MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and David Corn denounced the Susan Rice controversy as racist and sexist, Tuesday’s Hardball featured Matthews and MSNBC Live host Stephanie Ruhle imploring Ivanka Trump to defend Planned Parenthood while smearing her White House job as “un-American” and the Trump family as modern-day Romanovs.
O'Donnell Links Lead Up to March 15 Primaries to Cuban Missile Crisis
Anti-Vaxxer Jim Carrey Lashes Out at California Vaccine Mandate

Jonathan Chait: 'Paul Ryan Is a Nut’
Ann Coulter Column: Bill O'Reilly Is Killing History with Factually Ch