Liberal PBS Pundit Mark Shields Slams Obama for Dumping Chuck Hagel

November 29th, 2014 4:11 PM
On Friday’s PBS NewsHour, the Shields and Brooks week-in-review segment began with mutual sensitivity about the Ferguson situation – the word or concept of riots never quite emerged. But what was really surprising was liberal Mark Shields unloading on the Obama White House over the dumping of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, which anchor Judy Woodruff tried to soft-pedal as Hagel “steps down.”

Liberal PBS Analyst Mark Shields Talks Trash: Boehner Lawsuit Is 'Bogu

June 28th, 2014 11:12 PM
In the Friday PBS NewsHour, anchor Judy Woodruff lamented the current impasse in Washington: "I don’t know what else to call it, war between congressional Republicans and the president." She sounded shocked that Speaker John Boehner filed suit to protest the president's constant end-runs around Congress and legislating from the White House on Obamacare, immigration, and other issues. Shields…

PBS Analyst Mark Shields: House Benghazi Hearings 'Will Be A Disaster

May 13th, 2014 7:18 AM
PBS NewsHour analyst Mark Shields started with an admission on Benghazi on Friday night: “Has the White House been transparent? Absolutely not.” But he lamented that the House special committee hearings “will be a disaster. It won’t be good for the country.” It’s only being done for the Tea Party and Fox News. Apparently, hearings are only productive and wonderful when run by liberal…

PBS Analyst Mark Shields Says Sebelius 'Stepped Up Manfully' to Take O

April 12th, 2014 9:13 AM
While HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius was getting a polite shove out the door, PBS NewsHour analyst Mark Shields offered a note of disclosure: “Well, first of all, let me just admit up front, Kathleen Sebelius has been a personal friend. For 46 years, I have known her.” He even oddly said she “stepped up manfully, to use a bad adverb” in taking the blame for Obamacare. But Shields and his…

David Brooks: Obama Would Have to 'Ride With Miley Cyrus On The Wrecki

March 22nd, 2014 10:44 PM
Barack Obama has taken a few soft-soap interviews on the PBS NewsHour, so anchor Judy Woodruff didn't want to say he was sell Obamacare in less than dignified forums -- like prank interviews with the schlub from "The Hangover" movies. Pseudoconservative analyst David Brooks and liberal Mark Shields typically agreed that Obama has oodles of dignity and cannot be mocked. Brooks said only if…

Mark Shields: If ObamaCare Crashes ‘Republicans Could Run a Laundry

November 16th, 2013 4:41 PM
On PBS’s Inside Washington Friday, the perilously liberal Mark Shields said of ObamaCare, “You can forget 2016 if this thing craters and crashes, the Republicans could run a laundry ticket in 2016 and win.” Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer marvelously responded, “I’m going to recommend to my colleagues on the right that we do exactly that. 2016 we’re going to run a laundry ticket and…

PBS Staff RINO David Brooks Rants 2012 GOP Debates Were 'Looney Tunes

November 9th, 2013 2:36 PM
New York Times columnist David Brooks always knows he's sitting on a liberal Democrat set at the PBS NewsHour. PBS viewers don't want a real conservative that makes conservative arguments. Only insults are welcome. So in praising Chris Christie on Friday's show, he said the 2012 GOP presidential debates were "Looney Tunes." He was dead serious. But when the subject turned to liberal Democrats…

PBS’s ‘Inside Washington’: Single-Payer System Solves ObamaCare

October 26th, 2013 6:01 PM
Even before the disastrous ObamaCare launch, many conservative pundits have said the so-called “Affordable Care Act” was the first step toward a single-payer, universal healthcare system in America. On PBS’s Inside Washington Friday, syndicated columnist Mark Shields and Politico’s Evan Thomas both advanced single-payer as the solution to all that ails us with host Gordon Peterson agreeing (…

Mark Shields: 'Republicans Have Had One Major Victory in the Past 25 Y

October 26th, 2013 2:44 PM
Is it ignorance that causes liberal media members to speak falsehoods when talking about either politics or the economy or is it a willful dishonesty? Take the case of Mark Shields who on PBS's News Hour Friday actually said of Republicans, "They have had one major victory in the past 25 years" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PBS Staff RINO David Brooks Says Anti-Obamacare Conservatives ‘Aren

September 14th, 2013 1:55 PM
While media reporters have hailed the "new" PBS NewsHour for having two female anchors, the liberal-bias formula is exactly the same. PBS Republican-in-Name-Only David Brooks is assigned to trash the Republicans as extremist obstructionists, so that Democrat hack Mark Shields can agree, and add that they don't live in reality. Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry is already demonstrating…

Krauthammer Scolds Shields and Totenberg for ‘Spinning From the Whit

September 14th, 2013 12:52 PM
On Inside Washington Friday, PBS’s Mark Shields and NPR’s Nina Totenberg predictably echoed the Administration’s claims that its threats of force in Syria led Russian President Vladimir Putin to broker a chemical weapons deal. Fortunately for viewers, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was present to scold his fellow panelists for “spinning from the White House” (video follows with…

Mark Shields: Fox News Acts Like 'Fourth Branch of Government' Not App

June 1st, 2013 4:16 PM
PBS's Mark Shields on Friday, in an attempt to mock Fox News, actually made a bit of a fool of himself. After noting on Inside Washington that ObamaCare had passed Congress, been signed into law by the President, and affirmed by the Supreme Court, Shields ridiculed Fox News as being "a fourth branch of government...that hasn't approved it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Politico's Evan Thomas Calls Obama 'Dishonest' and Hypocritical

June 1st, 2013 3:57 PM
Politico's Evan Thomas went where few journalists dare on Friday. Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, the former Newsweek editor called Barack Obama "dishonest" and said he was guilty of commiting a "huge act of hypocrisy" (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):

Mark Shields Howler: Bob Dole 'Was a Certifiable Conservative

June 1st, 2013 2:24 PM
PBS's Mark Shields said something on Friday's Inside Washington that is guaranteed to make right-thinking Americans across the fruited plain double over in laughter. Bob Dole "was a certifiable conservative" (video follows with transcript and commentary):