Marie Harf

Fox-Hating Beast Trashes Faulkner, But Denounced Black Stereotypes
It’s no secret that The Daily Beast hates the Fox News Channel. On Tuesday, The Beast published an item allowing anonymous Fox News staffers to grossly condemn former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s signing as a contributor, including one referring to her as a “mini Goebbels.” And amidst their chest-puffing about the evils of Fox News, Faulkner Focus host and Outnumbered co-host…

Former Obama Flack Marie Harf Denies Left's Hostility to Christianity
On Friday's Outnumbered, former Obama State Department spokesman Marie Harfwas "sort of ... offended" when asked why there is "such an open animosity to Christianity from those on the left." Harf rejected the idea "that there is something inherent among the left that means we don’t like Christianity." Gosh, what would make anyone believe that?

Politico Investigative Reporter Hammers Critics of 'Bombshell' Article

'Progressive' Wolf Blitzer Praises Jane Fonda, Marie Harf

ABC, CBS, NBC Skip Marie Harf’s Lefty ‘Jobs for ISIS’ Idea

Matthews: America 'Getting Humiliated, Sounds Like We Can't Stop' ISIS