'Daily Beast' Puts Rand Paul In Big Red Bullseye

August 7th, 2014 9:31 AM
It's different when the MSM puts a Republican inside a bullseye, because, uh . . . Remember when in 2011 voices on the left from Keith Olbermann to Paul Krugman to the Huffington Post among many others suggested that Sarah Palin was at least partially to blame for the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords because Palin had put out a map of House seats with bullseyes depicting districts, including…

Thom Hartmann Actually Believes Keith Olbermann Was Early 'Big Cheerle

June 17th, 2014 5:58 PM
Remember that scene in "Spinal Tap" when lead guitarist Nigel Tufnel showed documentary filmmaker Rob Reiner how he could turn up the volume on his amplifier all the way to 11, for that "extra push over the cliff" which he couldn't get with ordinary amps that would only go to 10? Left wing radio host Thom Hartmann just cranked Iraq war revisionism all the way to 11. (Audio after the jump)

Democrats Complain MSNBC Has 'Double Standard' on Hosts Speaking at Fu

April 10th, 2014 10:02 PM
The Democratic National Committee has accused the MSNBC cable channel of having "a pretty big double standard" regarding its “confusing policy” of forbidding some anchors from attending political fundraising events while others are allowed to speak at similar programs, according to a letter written to Phil Griffin, president of the liberal television network. Mo Elleithee, the DNC's…

ESPN Ombudsman Finds ESPN Isn't Airing Enough Advocacy Against 'Jock C

March 25th, 2014 3:02 PM
In case you’re one of those conservatives that doesn’t want liberal social crusades constantly mixed in your sports journalism, see D.C. sports radio host Steve Czaban. He has a blog post titled “ESPN Will Force You To Care! Resistance Is Futile.” ESPN ombudsman Robert Lipsyte  – a former New York Times columnist whose more recent home is Mother Jones – is lecturing the less-than-…

AP Admits It: MSNBC's Leftist 'Loose Lips' Offer Plenty of Ammo to Cri

February 8th, 2014 1:09 PM
The notion that MSNBC is now the most controversial gaffe-a-minute cable news network has been ratified by the Associated Press. AP media reporter David Bauder wrote a story headlined “Loose lips give ammunition to MSNBC foes.” “Since MSNBC is in the political ring, its opponents are always on the lookout for things to attack,” Bauder wrote. “Lately, NBC's left-leaning cable news sister has…

It’s Not Just a Tweet: MSNBC’s Despicable Record of Smearing Repub

February 3rd, 2014 8:27 AM
On Thursday, MSNBC President Phil Griffin apologized for a Twitter post suggesting conservatives (“the rightwing”) are racists who would “hate” a cute new Cheerios ad because it featured a biracial family: “The tweet last night was outrageous and unacceptable. We immediately acknowledged that it was offensive and wrong, apologized, and deleted it. We have dismissed the person responsible for…

Olbermann to Esquire Magazine: 'I’ve Never Fought the Word Genius' A

January 18th, 2014 11:32 PM
On the cover of the latest Esquire magazine is this quote from ESPN  host Keith Olbermann: "I’ve never fought the word genius when people have said that about me." In a "What I've Learned" interview, Olbermann added, "But what it is is instinct and a set of skills that are working so fast you don’t know they’re working." Keith also declared "I have a leafy brain, according to the theory of…

ESPN Guest Slams 'Star-Spangled Banner' as 'War Anthem

November 8th, 2013 12:03 PM
Just when it seemed that the biggest controversies in football consisted of the Washington Redskins being criticized for having a “racial” team name and the Miami Dolphins dealing with accusations of bullying by suspended guard Richie Incognito, along comes ESPN analyst Kevin Blackistone, who charged on Wednesday that the “Star-Spangled Banner” is nothing short of a “war anthem” that should not…

ROFL! Keith Olbermann: 'I'll Always Deliver What an Employer Wants

October 21st, 2013 4:07 PM
He's been fired by virtually every television network he's worked for, but Keith Olbermann recently told GQ, "I'll always deliver what an employer wants." Try not damage your computer and/or keyboard as you read Olbermann talking about the wonders of himself:

Keith Olbermann Launches New Sports Show by Stating 'Reporting Is Dead

August 29th, 2013 12:52 AM
During Monday's debut of Keith Olbermann's new weeknight program on the ESPN2 sports channel -- unsurprisingly called Olbermann -- it took him only 48 seconds to stray from sports reporting into his former role as political commentator while slamming a reporter with the New York Daily News for “making up” a story on whether New York Jets coach Rex Ryan would be fired. “Reporting is dead;…

Olbermann Invites George W. Bush on New ESPN Show

August 14th, 2013 6:51 PM
For years, Keith Olbermann mercilessly attacked George W. Bush on his MSNBC program Countdown. Despite this, the producers of Olbermann's upcoming program on ESPN2 told the Hollywood Reporter Wednesday that they've reached out to Bush to appear on the show:

Keith Olbermann Booed for Making Fun of Al Gore

August 10th, 2013 11:42 AM
Keith Olbermann on Friday was booed for making fun of Al Gore. Potentially even funnier, this happened moments after CBS’s Craig Ferguson mocked Olbermann for owning “a little dog that fits in your purse as you go around to your outspoken liberal meetings” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Olbermann on New ESPN Show: 'There's No Such Clause That Said I Could

July 24th, 2013 6:40 PM
The New York Times claimed last week that Keith Olbermann was given a new late night show on ESPN2 with the caveat that he not discuss politics. Speaking to reporters at the Television Critics Association's summer press tour Wednesday, Olbermann denied this saying, "There's no such clause that said I could not talk about politics, there is no such clause referring to content about anything…

Olbermann Gets Late Night Show on ESPN2, Can't Discuss Politics

July 17th, 2013 12:02 PM
It appears people really don't learn from their mistakes. Despite Keith Olbermann departing ESPN in 1997 under a cloud of controversy, the sports channel is reportedly giving him his own late night program with the caveat that he doesn't discuss politics.