General Pinochet
NYT's Rohter Finds Parallel Between Tea Party and Chilean Dictator Gen
February 11th, 2013 3:10 PM
Larry Rohter, who was perhaps the New York Times' most biased reporter during the 2008 campaign (beating some stiff competition) now works the foreign arts beat. In a Sunday Arts & Leisure profile of Pablo Larrain, director of the movie "No," about the 1988 vote that ended the long dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, Rohter actually compared Pinochet indirectly to the Tea Party and the…

Mayor of London Suggests Bush Could Be Arrested for Torture If He Land
November 24th, 2010 1:50 PM
On Monday's Democracy Now broadcast, taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio anchor Amy Goodman promoted a newspaper column in the Daily Telegraph by the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, suggesting that George W. Bush should be arrested if he lands in Great Britain on his book tour, much like former Chilean dictator Agosto Pinochet, put under house arrest in London in 1998.