
CBS Admits EV Complications, Says Customers Don't Want to Be 'Forced'

June 10th, 2024 4:06 PM

Monday’s episode of CBS Mornings included a segment on declining interest in electric vehicles. CBS admitted the complications, with correspondent Ben Tracy citing customers’ desire not to feel “forced” in their car purchases.

Labor Union Shortage Is to the Liberal Media's Chagrin

August 31st, 2022 5:41 PM

Monday is Labor Day. Will you celebrate unions? The media does. “Unions are cool again,” reports CBS News. They suggest unionization is booming. “Reporters” practically cheered when a Starbucks in Buffalo, New York, became the first Starbucks to unionize. “A big symbolic win for labor,” The New York Times called it. Since then, more than 180 Starbucks voted to unionize, and 300 filed for union…

Ed Rensi and Walt Disney

Former McDonald’s CEO to Woke Business: ‘Stay Out of the Culture Wars’

April 22nd, 2022 5:16 PM

The former CEO of McDonald’s slammed Woke America, Inc. for sacrificing its investors on the altar of discrimination and racial politics. Former McDonald’s USA president and CEO Edward Rensi authored an April 21 Fox Business op-ed headlined: “Time for Disney and corporate America to stay out of culture wars.”


CBS Touts GM Making Ventilators, Skips Trump’s Defense Production Call

April 28th, 2020 12:10 AM
A month after President Trump had invoked the Defense Production Act calling on General Motors to manufacture ventilators for the coronavirus crisis, CBS Evening News refused to acknowledge that fact as they praised to automaker on Monday. This came after the newscasts had repeatedly insisted the Trump administration wasn’t doing anything to have desperately needed equipment made here at home.…

Liberal Tech Outlets Tout GM’s Multibillion-Dollar Shift to Go Green

March 5th, 2020 3:21 PM
General Motors (GM) recently announced it was investing billions into a new eco-friendly “electric car” initiative to compete with the tech giant Tesla in an effort to go green, and tech media outlets are touting the change.

Shooting Ourselves In The Foot

July 11th, 2018 12:03 PM
The Canadian government, lining the pockets of its dairy producers, imposes high tariffs on American dairy imports. That forces Canadians to pay higher prices for dairy products. For example, Canadians pay $5.24 for a 10.5-ounce block of cheddar. In Washington, D.C., that same amount of cheddar sells for $3.64. Canadians pay $3.99 for a 1-pound container of yogurt. In Washington, D.C., you can…

CBS Blacks Out GM Factory Being Seized by Socialist Venezuela

April 20th, 2017 10:03 PM
As Venezuelan ruler Nicolas Maduro struggled against violent protests against him, the U.S. based company General Motors had its means of production seized by the socialist regime Thursday. “General Motors tonight saying it's been forced to suspend its operation in Venezuela after the government there confiscated its factory,” announced ABC Anchor David Muir during World News Tonight, “GM forced…

Networks Shield Government from Blame for 176 Deaths During Government

March 21st, 2014 12:41 PM
When lives are lost due to a faulty product the media point fingers all the way up to the top of the company. Just not when the government owns the company. The broadcast networks have aired 42 reports on the GM safety recall of faulty ignitions; malfunctions that resulted in more than 300 deaths. But in the course of their reporting, ABC, CBS and NBC only once said something that could…

The Real Bailout: GM’s Alive, But Many Small Businesses Aren’t

October 25th, 2012 10:29 AM
The auto bailout was a gift from the heavens … or so the media would have us think. They reported Obama’s foray into car manufacturing as having virtually no downside. And for the UAW, perhaps it didn’t. But for the hundreds of local car dealerships arbitrarily closed in the deal, the story was far different. Someone has told the dealerships’ side of the story and, all too predictably,…

WaPo Editors Declare Chevy Volt a Flop

September 13th, 2012 9:18 AM
Volyndra? That might be the best description of General Motors' Chevy Volt according a scathing review of that car. And the source of the review? None other than the editorial board of the liberal Washington Post so Obama administration supporters can scarcely write off the criticisms as "right-wing propaganda." Before you even get to the text of the story you can see the WaPo editorial board…

NBC News's Mark Murray More Nuanced On Janesville GM Plant Closing Tha

August 30th, 2012 6:18 PM
While the Obama acolytes at MSNBC are insisting that the Janesville, Wisconsin, GM plant was "closed" in December 2008 on President Bush's watch, NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray was more nuanced in an appearance with Thomas Roberts on MSNBC shortly after 2:30 p.m. Eastern today. Even so, Murray's reporting was misleading and is easily negated by a Web search turning up reporting by…