FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler
FCC Cites Groups Funded by Soros, Ford Foundations 206 Times in Rules
March 19th, 2015 11:20 AM
You get what you pay for. The liberal Soros and Ford foundations spent $196 million advocating for increased Internet regulation. New FCC rules revealed a shocking reliance on liberal activist groups those foundations funded, citing them a total of 206 times.
The 320-page document, released March 12, referenced groups like Common Cause, Free Press and Public Knowledge -- all which received Ford…

FCC Passes Regulations Enabling Government to 'Micromanage' Internet
February 26th, 2015 3:01 PM
The FCC is from the government and they’re here to help with your Internet. Invoking the agency’s Title II authority, commissioners of the FCC passed a plan to regulate Internet service providers (ISPs) like public utilities on February 26. This decision surely pleased the left-wing Ford Foundation and Open Society Foundations which gave groups calling for government Internet regulation millions…
Soros, Ford Foundations ‘Lavish’ $196 Million to Push Net Regulations
February 25th, 2015 3:22 PM
The government could gain unprecedented control over the Internet, depending on the decision made this week by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It is a move long supported by top liberal foundations to the tune of at least $196 million.
On February 26, the commissioners of the FCC will decide if the Internet should regulated by the agency as a public utility as proposed by President…

Nets Barely Cover Obama’s Internet Regulations
February 9th, 2015 3:53 PM
It has been nearly three months since President Barack Obama spoke out in favor of Internet regulation, calling for “net neutrality” and a “free and open Internet.” In spite of the massive impact such regulations could have on Americans, the broadcast networks have given the issue short shrift.
Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Tom Wheeler said on February 4 that he backed…

Worse Than Seattle’s Super Bowl Call? The Media’s Calls on Government
February 2nd, 2015 9:37 AM
The Seattle Seahawks yesterday - in a moment of profound foolishness - forsook Beast Mode for Least Mode. And it cost them the Super Bowl. But they can take ever so slight solace - the Media has been in Least Mode for decades.
This has been on prominent display throughout the Barack Obama Administration - and certainly when it comes to the Administration’s many, MANY unilateral power grabs…

The New York Times Has Zero Idea How the Internet Works - Or Is Lying
August 18th, 2014 8:52 AM
It takes a special man to cram so much wrong into a mere 342 words. Or an Old Grey Lady.
The New York Times’ utterly ridiculous Editorial Board recently as one addressed Title II Internet regulatory Reclassification and Network Neutrality - and they did so in utterly ridiculous fashion.
They either have absolutely no idea what any of this is - or they are lying through their printing…
The Media’s One-Side-Fits-All Approach to Net Neutrality
May 19th, 2014 8:44 AM
What at times is worse than the Jurassic Press not covering something? The Jurassic Press covering something.
The all-encompassing government-Internet-power-grab that is Network Neutrality rarely gets outside-the-Tech-World media attention. But Thursday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted in Democrat Party-line fashion to begin its process of imposing it. This was a big…