Elise Jordan

Morning Joe: Democracy Dying in Israel Just Like in America & Trump
On Tuesday, Morning Joe ran segments attacking Israel over and new law democratically passed by the democratically elected Israeli Knesset parliament that would limit the Israeli Supreme Court’s power to strike down laws. But despite the democratic underpinnings of the Israeli system of government that brought about the law, the panel suggested democracy was dying there.

Failing Upward: MSNBC Hypes Defeated Dems, Cheney For Higher Office
For Rep. Liz Cheney and Democrats who have lost, Thursday’s MSNBC Reports had good news: you can still land a cushy job in the Biden Administration or even run for president.

Mika Brzezinski Labels 'Sick' Republicans 'The Party Of Inhumanity'
MSNBC Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski went on a rant when discussing the state of the GOP on Wednesday. In her world, the GOP is “sick” and “the party of inhumanity,” not only for sending 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, but for also being pro-life and defending the Second Amendment.

MSNBC Pushes Disinfo About MO Pregnancy Law, Domestic Violence Stats
Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe catered to lefties once again by promoting abortion, disregarding the importance of the family, and making false claims about certain laws to further push their pro-infanticide stance. Leading the charge was former Missouri senator now MSNBC political analyst, Claire McCaskill (D).

'Pastor' Scarborough Compares The January 6 Hearings to Church
If Americans had a nickel for every time the liberal media unnecessarily focused on the January 6 hearings, they’d have enough money to fill their gas tanks in this economy. But on the Wednesday edition of Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan wanted those nickels for the collection plate as they opined about taking people to their heretical church and…

Morning Joe Blames Trump For Russian Invasion of Ukraine
As Russia continued preparations to invade Ukraine on President Biden's watch, on Tuesday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe bizarrely tried to point a finger of blame at former President Trump instead. Hosts and pundits claimed the only reason Vladimir Putin didn’t further dismember the eastern European nation during Trump's presidency was because the Republican already gave Putin everything he…

SHOCK: MSNBC Admits Defunding Police Hurts Dems
It's not often that the left-wing media openly admit Democrats are on the losing side of an issue. That’s why we here at NewsBusters are always happy to report on it when it happens. During a segment on Morning Joe, MSNBC’s political analyst Elise Jordan exposed viewers to a rare moment of honesty, not something that viewers of the leftist cable channel are accustomed to seeing.

Riot-Inciting Sharpton Can't Imagine Why BLM Riots Would Be Called Out
While tens of millions of Americans prepared to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, MSNBC's PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton conducted a race-baiting, impeachment-related interview. He invited Black Lives Matter activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham and MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan on to discuss the implications of the upcoming impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.

MSNBC's Wallace Slams GOP 'Jerks' After Rubio, McConnell Get Vaccine
On Monday's Deadline: White House, MSNBC host and disgruntled ex-Republican Nicolle Wallace reacted to news that Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham were among those who got the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting they did not deserve it so soon because they have been "jerks" in reacting to the pandemic.

MSNBC Analyst Lets Al Sharpton Wrongly Label Her as Still Republican
In the last several weeks, now that the election is over, MSNBC production teams have been struggling to keep track of which of the network's pretend Republican analysts are actually still identifying as Republicans. On Sunday's PoliticsNation show, host Al Sharpton incorrectly identified MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan as a "Republican strategist," as did the chyron, even though…

Morning Joe Laments to Klobuchar: 'Was Last Night Good for the Party?'

MSNBC Panel Refuses to Denounce Weld Insisting Trump Be Executed
MSNBC’s Morning Joe stooped to a new low on Monday morning when the assembled panel refused to condemn 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld’s insistence that President Donald Trump should be put to death because, in his mind, he’s committed treason for his conversations with the Ukrainian president. Not only that, but Weld twice made this case while panelists Mike Barnicle, Mika…

MSNBC Smears New Trump Immigration Policy as 'White Nationalism'