Charlie Pierce

VIDEO: All of Media's False Doomsday Predictions for Salute to America
The media hastily have distanced themselves from their projections of street brawls and naked partisanship at the Salute to America event following a largely patriotic, unobjectionable July 4 speech by President Trump. Since TV news audiences are unlikely to hear talking heads acknowledge their numerous false predictions, here is a reminder of the worst of the bunch — ranging from the cynical…

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump ‘Hijacked’ the Fourth of July

Esquire's Pierce Trashes Bush for Enabling 'Far Right'

MSNBC’s Hayes Fears Trump ‘Could Literally’ Trigger Nuclear Armageddon

Journalist on MSNBC: Convention Full of ‘Angry,’ ‘Old’ ‘White People'

Esquire’s Pierce Asks: Why Doesn’t NBA Punish Owners Who Oppose Ga