Bill Simmons

Michaels Briefly Mentions Kaepernick, Mocks Costas' 'Redskins' Lecture
October 21st, 2016 11:39 AM
As NFL ratings plunge, the press has adamantly avoided placing any blame on player national anthem protests. However, on Bill Simmons’ show Any Given Wednesday, “the Kaepernick thing” was finally mentioned…and quickly shut down. On October 19, host Simmons had on sportscasters Al Michaels and Bob Costas to discuss the fate of the NFL. He began the discussion by citing the recent NFL ratings drop…

Politics Trumps Sports on Bill Simmons’ New HBO Show
June 23rd, 2016 11:08 AM
The premiere episode of HBO’s new weekly sports talk show hosted by Bill Simmons debuted Wednesday night. The 46-year-old blogger, podcaster and ESPN talent now hosts his very own talk show on HBO called Any Given Wednesday where he is free to allow guests to swear like sailors and he can have fun bashing Republicans.
Bill Simmons: 2015 Has Been Obama’s ‘Career Year’
November 18th, 2015 11:25 PM
Almost two years ago, in an interview with The New Yorker’s David Remnick, President Obama drew one of the worst sports-related analogies ever when he likened ISIS to a JV team. Last month, Obama sat for an interview with an actual sportswriter, Bill Simmons, who pretty much pitched batting practice, thereby minimizing the chance of presidential gaffes, sporting or otherwise. The Q&A appears…

Lena Dunham Doesn’t Care 'What Conservative White Men Think'
January 14th, 2015 2:59 PM
Lena Dunham is blissfully untroubled by self-awareness. It’s a quality that might be endearing in someone less repulsive. But in a recent interview with Grantland’s Bill Simmons it comes off as the obnoxiousness of a spoiled brat.
Take, for instance, when the 28-year-old, who’s currently flogging her memoir (even Obama had the decency to wait until his early 30s), and much of who’s work in “…

Grantland: Fox News Essentially a ‘Conservative Daily Show’ That
August 23rd, 2014 7:10 AM
The ESPN-affiliated, Bill Simmons-run website Grantland, which specializes in sports and popular culture, claimed on Friday that Fox News Channel is a major source of what Simmons calls “unintentional comedy” (or maybe "subconscious comedy" would be more accurate).
In a feature about the history and influence of Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” segment, Grantland staff writer Brian…