Andrew McCarthy

Inside the Media's Desperate Cover-Up of 'Obamagate'
May 16th, 2020 4:00 PM
How does Watergate differ from Obamagate? Journalists led the charge to uncover the first. But now? Now journalists are leading the coverup of the second. Over there at Real Clear Investigations, J. Peder Zane has illustrated the media coverup exactly. A sample from Zane:

NYT Distorts Trump’s ‘Cure-All,’ Blames Him for Tank Cleaner Death
April 25th, 2020 2:49 PM
President Trump performed some confusing speculation on the efficacy of ultraviolet light and disinfectants during his coronavirus briefing Thursday, and as usual, the New York Times overstated the facts to push its anti-Trump agenda. Saturday’s front-page story appeared under the distorted headline, “Science Fires Back Loudly on Trump’s Cure-All.” "Cure-All"? Another article falsely blamed him…

The Times and Post Push Spygate Cover-Up With Barr Attacks
October 5th, 2019 4:00 PM
Once upon a time — in a galaxy far, far away — The New York Times and The Washington Post were the go-to papers when it came to uncovering political scandals. Both papers made a point of running the Pentagon Papers, an internal and secret U.S. government history of various presidents and their relevant Cabinet secretaries decision-making on American involvement in the Vietnam War. The Post, of…

At NY Times, Leonhardt Stretches IG's Conclusions to Breaking Point
June 15th, 2018 7:49 PM
David Leonhardt's Friday New York Times column about President Donald Trump's reactions to the Inspector General's report on the FBI's and Department of Justice's pre-2016 general election actions is treating it as a blanket exoneration. Therefore, everything Presidential Donald Trump has said about it is a lie.

Unhinged Colbert: Iran Deal Was 'An American Promise' and a 'Treaty'
May 10th, 2018 8:51 PM
Since Donald Trump's election, America's late-night show hosts have abandoned genuine comedy in favor of rabid, anti-Trump resistance. That's certainly their perogative. But if that's how they want it, they should be called out when they attempt to rewrite history as Stephen Colbert did Tuesday night. The Late Show host claimed that the now-nixed Iran deal was an "American promise," and a "treaty…

CNN's Lemon Shouts 'No!' 9 Times to Stop Conservative's HRC-Email Talk
December 29th, 2017 10:13 PM
At CNN, it's not unusual to see one conservative or center-right guest in a panel discussion stacked with leftists, including the host. That's bad enough, but there has clearly been an increase in the number of times the lone conservative or center-right guest also ends up on the receiving end of rude, abusive treatment one would never see directed at other panelists. Such was the case Thursday…

AP Ignores Illegality of Now-Halted ObamaCare Subsidy Payments
October 15th, 2017 9:36 PM
There's a lot of competition for this dubious distinction, but the media's treatment of President Donald Trump's decision to end certain Obamacare subsidy payments to insurance companies is perhaps the most blatant example of comprehensive bias on a single topic seen during the past week. Apparently, the press realizes that acknowledging how Trump's justification for ending the subsidies is…

AP Takes Dictation as London's Top Cop Cites Terror Victims' Diversity
June 11th, 2017 1:30 PM
In remarks so bizarre and out of touch that satirists at outlets like The Onion would have rejected them if someone had suggested their inclusion in a made-up story, London's police chief has described the diversity of the city's London Bridge terror attack victims and witnesses interviewed as positive things. Gregory Katz at the Associated Press did his part to play along with the charade by…

Andrew McCarthy on Fox: 'No Obstruction' But Comey Trying to Invent It
June 10th, 2017 11:20 PM
Recent NewsBusters posts have shown how the hysterical establishment press wants the American people, against all factual evidence, to believe that President Donald Trump obstructed justice in his conversations with James Comey. Former federal prosecutor and prolific national security columnist Andrew McCarthy, in Wednesday and Thursday appearances on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show, made several…

AP Buries Obama's Use of Pseudonym to E-Mail Hillary's Private Server
September 26th, 2016 7:36 PM
Never let it be said that the folks at the Associated Press aren't on top of the news, making sure that readers as well as subscribers who use AP copy in their radio and TV broadcasts learn the most important developments of the day.
That's sarcasm, folks. Friday evening, in a story primarily about the FBI's grant of immunity to longtime Hillary Clinton assistant Cheryl Mills, the AP's Michael…

Mika Brzezinski: A Reporter Has Hillary Wall Street Speech Transcripts
February 22nd, 2016 11:59 AM
Early Saturday morning, while covering the upcoming Nevada Democratic Party caucuses, co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed on MSNBC's Morning Joe show that a "print reporter" has "actual transcripts" of certain of Hillary Clinton's paid speeches to financial firms.
This naturally leads to the question of whether we'll ever actually see the words Mrs. Clinton spoke which typically "earned" her roughly…

Media Pushback Against Invoking 'No-Go Zones' Ensues
November 17th, 2015 11:10 AM
The Washington Post's Erik Wemple and certain "I walked through Bedford Stuy alone" reporters are contending that, in Wemple's words, "the term 'no-go zone' is best left in retirement." No sir, it needs to be defined appropriately, then used when appropriate.
Avoiding use of the term enables a dangerous detachment from reality. There is already quite a surplus of that. Patrick J. McDonnell at…

Virtually Absent From U.S. Press Coverage of Egypt's Constitution and
December 15th, 2012 9:21 AM
As voting on Egypt's constitution begins, an Associated Press story this morning by Aya Batrawy and Sarah El Deeb typifies how the U.S. press is only nibbling around the edges of its content. The headline reads "EGYPTIANS VOTE ON ISLAMIST-BACKED CONSTITUTION." In the story's content, the pair found an 23 year-old Egyptian engineer who told them, in their words, that "he felt the proposed…

Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Like Christian Conservatives in U.S
January 31st, 2011 3:27 PM
The Daily Beast contributor who once insisted that there's "no such thing as sharia law" is at it again, dismissing the threat of radical Islam presented by the political instability in Egypt.
In a January 30 post at Washington Post/Newsweek's "On Faith" feature yesterday, Reza Aslan dismissed fears that the Muslim Brotherhood is a radical group that could take Egypt in a theocratic direction…