NBC's Todd Blames 'Tea Party Effect' and GOP 'Infighting' for Akin Con

August 22nd, 2012 5:40 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams brought on political director Chuck Todd to give a "damage assessment" for Republicans in the wake of the Todd Akin controversy. Todd attempted to blame the conservative grassroots for the uproar: "...the Tea Party effect....will maybe cost Mitch McConnell a shot at controlling the United States Senate. Their own infighting has done this." […

New York Times Conflates Akin's 'Rape' Comments With GOP's Pro-Life St

August 22nd, 2012 3:29 PM
The New York Times extended the controversy over offensive comments made by Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin to indict the entire Republican Party, misleadingly conflating Akin's remark about "legitimate rape" with the party's traditional pro-life stance. Wednesday's two connected lead stories were ushered in under the banner headline "Ignoring Deadline to Quit, G.O.P. Senate Candidate Defies…

NB Publisher Bozell: Media Obsess Over Akin to Distract From Economy

August 22nd, 2012 2:57 PM
There’s no denying that what Rep. Todd Akin said was completely inappropriate, but for it to receive four times more coverage than the Vice President of the United States’ indefensibly racist gaffe is unconscionable. Todd Akin is a congressman. Joe Biden is one heartbeat from being the leader of the Free World. Once again, the media’s double standard is exposed for all to see. If Ronald…

Frenzied Media Give Four Times More Coverage to Akin Flap Than Biden's

August 22nd, 2012 1:23 PM
A week after giving relatively light coverage to Joe Biden's "chains" smear, the broadcast networks eagerly dove into the Todd Akin controversy, giving over four times more coverage to an uproar involving a statewide (conservative) politician than a controversy involving a national (liberal) politician. NBC, CBS and ABC's evening and morning shows have devoted an astonishing 88 minutes (or 40…

Politico Scrutinizes GOP for Pro-life Language in Platform, Fails to N

August 22nd, 2012 11:48 AM
"GOP rejects rape exception in platform," blared a Politico headline yesterday. "Even as Mitt Romney sought to quash the furor surrounding Todd Akin’s 'legitimate' rape comments, the Republican platform committee here approved an abortion plank that includes no exemptions for rape, incest or even to save the life of the mother," James Hohmann noted in the lead paragraph of his August 21 story…

Time's Joe Klein: 'Awful Lot of Celebration of Ignorance Going on in R

August 21st, 2012 6:19 PM
Time magazine's Joe Klein made a truly disgraceful comment on MSNBC's Hardball Tuesday. "The Republican Party has a major grassroots problem which is that a good part of its grassroots now celebrate ignorance. It’s more, it’s more than abortion and women’s rights" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Matthews Smears GOP: 'Some People' 'Have a Problem With a Woman Sayin

August 21st, 2012 6:02 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Tuesday continued the effort to tie the entire Republican Party to the gaffe-prone Todd Akin, smearing the GOP as a party that doesn't believe in the concept of rape. Matthews interrogated former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele: "Is it true or not true that you've got people in your party so far to the right that they have a problem with a woman saying she…

Networks Devote an Enormous 21 Minutes to Obsessing Over Akin, Hyping

August 21st, 2012 4:02 PM
The network morning shows on Tuesday devoted an enormous 20 minutes and 53 seconds to obsessing over a gaffe by a Republican congressman, hyping Todd Akin's comments for nine separate segments. NBC, CBS and ABC touted Democratic efforts to link the gaffe-prone representative to the GOP presidential ticket. Former Democratic operative turned Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos…

MSNBC's Roberts Uses Akin Row As Springboard to Bash GOP Over Pro-Life

August 21st, 2012 1:48 PM
Every four years, without fail, the liberal media wring their hands over the influence of pro-lifers on the GOP platform, suggesting that the party is too "extreme" in its position on abortion and hence out of step with middle-of-the-road voters. Of course, the same concern is not expressed regarding the Democrats' position on the same issue being too out-of-step with most Americans. This…

NBC Declares: 'Women's Issues Are Front and Center Again' and GOP is

August 21st, 2012 1:03 PM
At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed: "Firestorm. A Congressman's words about rape rocket across the country...women's issues are front and center again." Introducing the lead story moments later, Williams announced how "suddenly" Republican Todd Akin's comments "exploded well beyond the borders of Missouri." Correspondent Andrea Mitchell began her report…

Piers Morgan Spins Todd Akin Controversy Into 'Romney's Worst Nightmar

August 21st, 2012 12:24 PM
CNN's Piers Morgan played right into the hand of the Obama campaign's co-chair on Monday night, casting the fallout from Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) rape remarks as "Romney's worst nightmare." "Yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head," Morgan told Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) after she delivered her liberal spin tying Akin to Paul Ryan and the GOP. "Now it [the debate] has become Romney's…

Howard Fineman: 'Todd Akin Is the Paul Ryan of Missouri

August 20th, 2012 6:27 PM
Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday's Hardball compared the Republican vice presidential candidate to a congressman who is under fire for discussing what makes a "legitimate rape." Fineman attacked, "Because Todd Akin is the Paul Ryan of Missouri." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Akin on Sunday was asked about women who get pregnant after being raped. He replied, "If it’s a…

AP's Kuhnhenn Leads Obama's First Presser in Five Months with Softball

August 20th, 2012 4:51 PM
Although the Obama/Biden campaign has plenty of gaffes and erroneous statements to answer for from the past five-and-a-half months -- the last presidential press conference was March 6 -- Associated Press White House correspondent Jeff Kuhnhenn opted to toss a softball to President Obama today as he was selected by the president to ask the first question at the chief executive's impromptu…

NBC's Todd: After Creating 'Economic Havoc,' House GOP 'Partied and Go

August 20th, 2012 4:31 PM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd used reports of a Republican congressman skinny dipping during a 2011 trip to Israel to slam the GOP: "...a bunch of freshman House Republicans who came to Washington trying to stop things...create this confrontation with the President over the debt ceiling...created all sorts of economic havoc…