Ryan Seacrest

ABC Family Proudly Announces 'Transgender Docu-series' with Seacrest
December 12th, 2014 9:34 PM
This headline is a bit amazing: “ABC Family Orders Transgender Docuseries Produced by Ryan Seacrest.” Pat Robertson sold his Family Channel, and Disney is taking it in an entirely different direction. In 2011, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) announced that ABC Family was the most pro-gay network of the ten networks it reported on. In the summer of 2013 came The Fosters,…

Kathy Griffin Boasts to Letterman 'I Tried To Blow Anderson Cooper
January 3rd, 2013 9:21 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, vulgarian comedienne Kathy Griffin on CNN's New Year's Eve broadcast kissed Anderson Cooper's crotch.
On the CBS Late Show Wednesday, Griffin was quite pleased by her antics proudly telling host David Letterman that she sent an email message to Ryan Seacrest proclaiming, "I tried to blow Anderson Cooper" (video follows with transcribed highlights and…

NBC's Seacrest to Michelle Obama: Does President 'Look to you for Enco
October 16th, 2012 5:13 PM
In a fawning softball interview with First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday's NBC Today, special correspondent Ryan Seacrest was eager to know how she helps the President during debates: "What did you say to him when the two of you walked backstage after the first debate?...Have you spoken to him about the prep?...does he make eye contact with you? Does he look at you for encouragement?"

Christian Contestant Ignores American Idol Producers, Says 'God, Use M
March 22nd, 2012 2:11 AM
As NewsBusters reported last Friday, the producers of the hit show American Idol warned contestant Colton Dixon to tone down his overtly Christian references if he wanted to win the competition.
Dixon clearly didn't heed their advice, for after his incredible performance of Billy Joel's "Piano Man" Wednesday, he told host Ryan Seacrest, "I’ve been praying before this whole thing because…

American Idol Pays Tribute to...Barack Obama
March 15th, 2012 1:54 AM
Is it possible to turn on the TV today without being told how wonderful Barack Obama is?
Apparently not, for on Wednesday’s American Idol – yes, the nation’s premier musical competition – the Commander-in-Chief was gushed and fawned over like a rock star (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Ryan Seacrest to Interview Joe Biden on the Radio
January 18th, 2012 6:54 AM
Does Ryan Seacrest have a liberal bias? Maybe he's gunning to be the next Matt Lauer. On his national radio show, Seacrest announced he'll have Vice President Joe Biden on his show on Monday. Seacrest's online announcement lists the other significant political leaders he's interviewed include the late Ted Kennedy, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Bill and…
American Idol's Ryan Seacrest to Replace Matt Lauer at Today Show
August 15th, 2011 12:03 PM
Could Ryan Seacrest go from interviewing pop star Katy Perry on American Idol to just announced GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry on the Today show in the very near future? If some execs at Comcast, which owns NBC, have their way it could happen.
According to Colby Hall at Mediate.com "rumors have persisted" that longtime Today show co-anchor Matt lauer will leave his duties after his…

Obama to Give Election Day Exclusive to 'American Idol' Host Ryan Seac
November 1st, 2010 7:00 PM
In case you didn't know, the President really doesn't like Fox News. Why? Fox is "not really a news station," in the words of White House advisor David Axelrod.
Barack Obama hasn't given the most highly-rated cable news channel an interview in eight months. But he apparently has no problem sitting down for an election day exclusive with the b-list host of "American Idol", Ryan Seacrest.…
Obama Idol: 'American Idol' Goes Out of the Way to Pay Tribute to Curr
January 20th, 2010 6:29 PM
Has it come to this that now even pop culture platforms like "American Idol" are in the tank for President Barack Obama? It appears so.Season nine of the popular Fox show "American Idol" found itself in Chicago where nearly 12,000 people auditioned to become the next winner of the singing talent show. But the "Idol" producers took the opportunity to link the Chicago auditions with the most…
American Idol Contestant Mocked for Christian Beliefs by Idol Host
January 21st, 2008 7:32 PM
Now, I have never seen this show, so you'll have to excuse me if I am misunderstanding the whole American Idol "thing," OK? As I seem to recall, the deal is that you sing for a washed up 80s pop star, a fat guy no one ever heard of and some English dude and they rate you on your talent. Right? Or is it that they are supposed to rate you on your sex life and moral beliefs? Because, it seems that…