Neil Armstrong

NBCUniversal and Corporate Leftism
September 8th, 2018 2:30 PM
Within the last decade, the NBCUniversal media conglomerate – at one point owned by General Electric – has gone further to the left. Unfortunately, nothing has changed since the conglomerate’s 2011 sale by GE to cable communications giant Comcast, perhaps best known for its cable TV and internet service.

Neil Armstrong Biopic Skips Patriotism, Flag on the Moon
August 31st, 2018 9:12 AM
Sheila Jackson Lee was right! The astronauts must have planted an American flag on Mars because, according to Hollywood, they didn’t put one on the moon.
The new Neil Armstrong biopic First Man starring Ryan Gosling records the astronaut’s iconic small step, but ignores the other iconic moment from the 1969 moon landing: Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planting the American flag.

NBC Marks 45th Anniversary of Apollo 11's Launch; ABC and CBS Yawn
July 17th, 2014 2:51 PM
NBC Nightly News stood out on Wednesday as the only Big Three morning or evening newscast to notice the 45th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11, the mission that landed the first men on the Moon. During his 41-second news brief, Brian Williams paid tribute to Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins as "the living embodiment of the right stuff."
Williams also pointed out that "…

Major Networks Eulogize Neil Armstrong, Ignore His Recent Criticism of
August 27th, 2012 8:07 PM
An American hero left the Earth last weekend, and was fondly memorialized in video eulogies by network news media.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon, and the iconic remarks he made on that first Apollo mission will never be forgotten. While it was appropriate to recall that historic day, Armstrong was always a committed defender of the U.S. space program. He was critical of…

Networks Don't Blame Obama as to Why the 'Manned Space Program is Now
February 22nd, 2012 12:46 PM
The Big Three networks all recognized the 50th anniversary of John Glenn's historic orbital spaceflight on their evening newscasts on Monday. Both NBC and CBS highlighted how there's "no certainty when the U.S. will launch astronauts again, [and] Glenn worries America may be losing its edge." But the networks failed to mention that President Obama put the decades-old endeavor in limbo, which…

MSNBC's Bashir Distorts Gingrich's Stance on NASA, Leaves Out Obama Di
June 15th, 2011 4:23 PM
On his June 15 program, MSNBC's Martin Bashir misled viewers with claims that GOP presidential candidates, including and especially Newt Gingrich, were dead set on "grounding NASA." Yet not once did Bashir remind viewers it was President Obama who has been criticized by Apollo program veterans for ditching the agency's project to send missions back to the moon.
"Coming up, Newt Gingrich likes…
CBS 'Early Show' Ignores Astronaut Criticism of Obama's Space Program
April 14th, 2010 12:11 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in news reader Betty Nguyen reported on President Obama's new plan to cut back America's space program, but failed to mention sharp criticism by astronauts Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, and Eugene Cernan in a signed letter sent to the White House.Nguyen noted: "President Obama unveils a revamped plan for America's manned space program....reviving part of a plan…