Michael Chertoff
DGB Goes Underground? DHS Signals Alleged Disinfo Work ‘Must’ Continue
The Biden administration openly signaled it will continue its march against alleged “disinformation” in a report released Wednesday.

Three Times Biden Disinfo Board Member, Advisors Spread False Info
The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board was paused but not disbanded, and two advisors and one former board member are hardly qualified to be the arbiters of truth. It turns out that the christened disinformation board elitists spread false information in the past.

Disinfo Board Advisor Once Suggested Discouraging Differences Was Bad
An advisor for the Biden administration’s Ministry of Truth once suggested that discouraging differences in opinion at the government level was a bad thing. Irony abounds!

Biden Disinfo Board Advisors Indicate NO CHANGE in Censorship Mission
The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board may be paused, but it’s not yet disbanded. And President Joe Biden’s chosen consultants indicate that the board still plans to censor Americans.

BEWARE! DGB Advisor Chertoff Tied to Soros-Funded Think Tank
Disinformation Governance Board advisor Michael Chertoff has a demonstrated anti-conservative bias as well as ties to the leftist, George Soros-funded Aspen Institute.