AP Highlights GOP Problems for 2016, Ignores Democrat Baggage

May 2nd, 2013 6:21 PM
In the liberal fantasyland that is the Associated Press, it's only Republican governors with an eye on 2016 that are fraught with potential problems that could end their campaigns before they begin.  In their May 2 AP story, reporters Bob Lewis and Charles Babington sought to convince readers that the Republicans governors of Virginia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Florida are…

WashPost's Wagner Devotes 24 Grafs to Promoting Dem Gov. O'Malley's 'P

April 22nd, 2013 1:25 PM
"After an extraordinarily productive two years in which Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley muscled through legislation on several top priorities — including same-sex marriage,gun control, transportation funding and repealing the death penalty — the question is: What, if anything, is there left for him to do before leaving office?" That's how Washington Post staffer John Wagner opened his Metro…

Politico Spins Martin O'Malley's Fairy Tale

April 12th, 2013 4:59 PM
Martin O’Malley’s One Maryland is a fairy tale, and Politico’s Alexander Burns and Burgess Everett are the Brothers Grimm.  In another Politico puff piece Burns, aided by “transportation reporter” Everett, uncritically report O’Malley spin as fact.   Burns and Everett overly indulge and perpetuate O’Malley’s pragmatism fetish.  O’Malley paints himself as a results oriented politician, and…

WashPost Rewards Gov. O'Malley's 'Personal Push' for Gun Ban, Licensin

April 8th, 2013 7:22 PM
As if it weren't enough for the Washington Post to cheerlead for Maryland's new stringent gun control law in the editorial pages and in biased news accounts, staff writers Aaron Davis and Paul Schwartzman today rewarded liberal governor and potential 2016 presidential contender Martin O'Malley with a 62-paragraph front-page victory lap headlined "Behind Md.'s tough gun law, a personal push…

WashPost's Aaron Davis Grouses About Amendments That Would 'Gut' Md. L

March 20th, 2013 6:53 PM
A funny thing happened on the way to banning assault weapons in the deep blue state of Maryland. Some Democrats in the overwhelmingly-Democratic House of Delegates are considering amendments to reform the bill to carve out some exemptions. Given the composition of the state government, it may be the best bet that gun rights advocates in Maryland can realistically hope for in the short term, but…

Cal Thomas Column: Gov. O'Malley Spares Murderers with Repeal of Death

March 18th, 2013 4:59 PM
The Maryland legislature recently voted to abolish capital punishment in the state, making Maryland the sixth state in the last six years to eliminate the death penalty. The primary argument for repealing the law is that our justice system is imperfect and it's possible an innocent person could be condemned. Indeed, anti-death penalty activists presented Kirk Bloodsworth, a former death-row…

Dem Debate Meltdown: Stumbling Obama Surrogate Speaks Of 'President Ro

October 3rd, 2012 11:33 PM
How resounding was Mitt Romney's rout of Barack Obama tonight?  In the post-debate spin room, a hopelessly muddled Martin O'Malley, Dem guv from Maryland and supposedly an Obama surrogate, wound up referring to "President Romney"! Freudian slip, anyone? For good measure, pressed by MSNBC's Larry O'Donnell—clearly dismayed by Obama's dismal performance—to suggest what he'd recommend the prez…

Soledad O'Brien Thinks Obama -- Not Governors -- Should Get Credit for

July 13th, 2012 3:18 PM
Soledad O'Brien apparently thinks President Obama should get the credit for states with low unemployment, as she pressed two Republican governors to admit on Friday's Starting Point. Interviewing Gov. Terry Branstad (R-Iowa), O'Brien mentioned his state's low unemployment rate and asked "Do you think that the governors get the credit for that or shouldn't President Obama get the credit for…

ABC’s Terry Moran Caught Laughing As Obama Surrogate Trashes Mitt Ro

July 8th, 2012 3:15 PM
ABC’s Terry Moran was caught on-screen Sunday laughing as Barack Obama surrogate Martin O’Malley (D-Md.) bashed presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. When the Nightline host filling in for This Week’s vacationing George Stephanopoulos realized he was on camera, he tempered his glee and put on a more serious face (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC's Gregory Suggests Dems Label Virginia Gov. McDonnell an 'Extremis

March 12th, 2012 4:44 PM
Trying to help Democrats come up with a line of attack against the GOP in November on Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory teed up Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley to slam fellow guest, Republican Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell: "Do you think your counterpart here in Virginia would be a good running mate for Romney or would you cast him as an extremist?" [Listen to the audio…

Washington Post and Baltimore Sun Repeat O'Malley Budget Cuts Deceptio

February 26th, 2012 2:09 PM
Since ascending to the head of the Democratic Governor’s Association last year, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley has been fashioning a national profile for himself as a responsible fiscal steward of Maryland’s finances.   The Washington Post and Baltimore Sun are dutifully helping O’Malley perpetuate that fiction. O’Malley released his fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget last month, which includes…

WashPost Hails 'Ambitious' Md. Governor's Call for 'Tough Choices': Ta

February 1st, 2012 4:24 PM
The media may be busy trying to reelect Barack Obama, but it's never too early for them to start grooming the 2016 field. Look no further than the Washington Post, for example. "O'Malley to set ambitious agenda," read the teaser headline posted this morning at the  Post's website. "Watch the Maryland governor deliver his sixth State of the State address now," read the caption beneath a photo…

Morning Joe Hypes GOP Setback in Ohio Labor Law Vote Without One Word

November 9th, 2011 11:53 AM
Political analysts across the country were closely watching votes on two key initiatives in Ohio Tuesday to get a sense as to where the nation is on the power of labor unions as well as the President's signature piece of healthcare legislation. On MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday, the failure of Ohio's Issue 2 - which strikes down Governor John Kasich's (R) anti-collective bargaining law by…

WaPo Buries Opposition to Tuition Bill; Baltimore Sun Paints GOP Criti

May 11th, 2011 11:24 AM
Yesterday liberal Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) signed into law a measure allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities. Covering the story today, the Washington Post offered this bland print edition headline on page B1: "O'Malley signs bill allowing immigrant tuition breaks." The move "bucks trend in other states" and a "showdown…