Mark Sanford

Maher Defends Weiner: In the Future 'We Will Elect a President Whose P
April 27th, 2013 11:31 AM
HBO's Bill Maher on Friday – like so many liberal media members before him – made the case for disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) to be forgiven for his sins and allowed to re-enter politics.
At the conclusion of his Real Time program, Maher said, "In the not too distant future, we will elect a president whose penis we have all seen" (video follows with transcribed…
CBS Trumpets 'Out of Touch' Mark Sanford's 'Rough Week'; Touted 'Real
April 23rd, 2013 3:51 PM
Norah O'Donnell spotlighted former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's "troubles with his ex-wife" on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, and asserted that the disgraced Republican "seemed a little bit out of touch" after running a political ad "saying it's been a tough week for him after...what the people in Boston have gone through."
By contrast, O'Donnell's co-anchor, Charlie Rose, played up…
Stephen Colbert Trashes MSNBC's Morning Joe: 'Sometimes People Confuse
April 4th, 2013 3:36 PM
In the midst of a segment pushing his sister's candidacy for an open House seat in South Carolina, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert took some shots at MSNBC's Morning Joe.
"Joe’s show is just about confusion in that sometimes people confuse it with news” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Washington Post's Chris Cillizza Calls Mark Sanford 'Turd In Political
April 3rd, 2013 1:25 PM
I find that the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza usually plays things pretty much down the middle, and subscribe to his Fix email blast.
So it came as an unpleasant surprise to find in my inbox a little while ago a Cillizza email, linking to his current Fix column, tthat referred to Mark Sanford as "the turd in the political punch bowl." Cillizza repeated the line in the column itself. View…

NBC Seizes on Mark Sanford Congressional Run and Dredges Up Scandal
February 19th, 2013 1:14 PM
Amid all of the news breaking in Washington, from the upcoming sequester cuts to President Obama's second term agenda, NBC's Today decided to focus its Tuesday political coverage on a scandal that plagued former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford four years ago. The news hook was Sanford running in a GOP primary for the congressional seat left open by newly appointed Senator Tim Scott.

Kurtz Mocks Fox for Hiring Sex Scandal Plagued Former GOP Governor, Do
October 23rd, 2011 5:32 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday mocked the hiring of sex scandal plagued former governor Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) by Fox News.
Hypocritically, the "Reliable Sources" host neglected to mention his own network's prior relationship with the prostitute loving former governor Eliot Spitzer (D-N.Y.) (video follows with transcript and commentary):
MRC-TV: Bozell Discusses Media Lack of Interest in Blumenthal's Lies
May 24th, 2010 11:44 AM
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (D) "loves to prosecute businesses for potentially misleading advertising" but when he's exposed as a serial liar about his Vietnam War service, the media refuse to hammer him for the scandal, NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell told viewers of the Saturday, May 22 "Fox & Friends."While credit is due the New York Times for breaking the story,…
SNL: Cheating Politicians Don't Get The Airplay Tiger Woods Does
December 13th, 2009 12:00 PM
"Saturday Night Live" opened yesterday's show by mocking media for supposedly under-reporting the extra-marital affairs of three politicians, but the sketch completely ignored how the press boycotted the philandering of Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards for nine months.The program's producers also opted not to include disgraced former Democrat Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer in the…
Transparent: AP Puts No-News Story about Sanford on National Wire
August 6th, 2009 2:56 PM
Could they be any more obvious about it?Just in case you somehow haven't heard about it in the past couple of months, the Associated Press wanted to remind everyone this morning that South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (who, to be clear, I believe should resign), who had AN AFFAIR(!!), went back to work today -- and that this really, really deserved to be a national story, as shown in the mini-…
Biased Much? AP Sanford Headline Straight From the Snarkiest of Blogs
July 19th, 2009 10:09 AM
You don't have to be one of South Carolina Mark Sanford's few remaining supporters or sympathizers (and I am neither) to recognize the following AP headline as ridiculously, sarcastically biased:While this headline might make be good water cooler and late-night comedy fodder (perhaps that was the point?), it's more than a little unprofessional, and beyond that more than likely inaccurate.
Coulter 'Worsting': Olbermann Can Dish Personal Details But Can't Take
July 10th, 2009 10:12 AM
My dear late father used to say that whenever a person's reaction is disproportionate to the stimulus, something else is at work. Keith Olbermann's "Worsting" of Ann Coulter on last night's Countdown [video] is a good illustration of the principle. Olbermann ostensibly awarded Ann his "Worst Person" for what was, after all, a rather mild swipe at Rachel Maddow, a tongue-in-cheek reference to…
CBS Highlights Tea Party Protests on July
July 7th, 2009 3:30 AM
On Saturday’s broadcast network evening newscasts, the CBS Evening News uniquely gave attention to the tea parties that were inspired by the Tax Day Tea Parties from April. Anchor Jeff Glor set up the report: "In scores of communities tonight, people spent their Fourth of July not celebrating but protesting. Taking a cue from the 1773 Boston Tea Party, they rallied against federal tax and…
Heavy Coverage of Sanford’s Woes, But Where Are Democratic Scandals
July 2nd, 2009 12:09 PM
In the week since South Carolina’s Republican Governor announced he had flown to Argentina to carry on an extra-marital affair, the broadcast morning and evening news shows have gone full bore on the scandal, cranking out 49 stories even in the midst of other major stories like Michael Jackson’s death and the continuing repression in Iran.
The morning after Sanford announced his affair, on…
Jenny Sanford for Governor: Kudlow, Moore Urge S.C. First Lady to Run
July 1st, 2009 9:50 AM
While many on the left are reveling in the downfall of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford after he disclosed his affair with a woman in Argentina, there's a sympathetic figure being overlooked that might have the necessary background to fill the void left by the governor should he resign. On CNBC's June 30 "The Kudlow Report," Wall Street Journal senior economics writer Steve Moore explained his…