
'Family Guy' Rerun Tops 'Women's Concert for Change' in Sunday Viewers
June 3rd, 2013 1:01 PM
As NewsBusters previewed, NBC aired the Women's Concert for Change Sunday, a virtual Who's Who of liberal performers.
Despite such high-powered stars as Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez, as well as appearances by Jay-Z and Madonna, the show was actually topped in the ratings by a rerun of Fox's Family Guy.

Madonna Calls Anderson Cooper a 'Freedom Fighter' and a 'Bad A** Mothe
March 17th, 2013 10:05 AM
Pop star Madonna showed up at the 24th annual Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Awards Saturday mockingly dressed as a Cub Scout.
At the end of her over twelve minute vulgarity laden presentation of the association's Vito Russo award to Anderson Cooper, she called the CNN host a "freedom fighter" and a "bad a-- motherf--ker" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary…
Madonna Strips For Hurricane Sandy Donations
November 14th, 2012 9:01 AM
The Material Girl has been showing more than a lot of love for victims of Hurricane Sandy.
At her most recent concerts in Cleveland and New York, she stripped for the audience in order to get donations for storm relief (videos follow with transcribed highlights and commentary, mild vulgarity).

Madonna Strips for D.C. Concert Crowd After Saying 'You All Better F
September 25th, 2012 12:07 PM
Pop singer Madonna gave a vulgarity-laden endorsement of the President Monday at a concert in the nation's capital.
Performing at the Verizon Center, Madonna said, "You all better f—king vote for Obama" (video follows with transcript and commentary, serious vulgarity warning):
Madonna Slams Ricky Gervais: 'I Haven't Kissed a Girl in a Few Years
January 15th, 2012 9:44 PM
While introducing Madonna at Sunday’s Golden Globes, controversial host Ricky Gervais mocked her as being “just like a virgin.”
Madonna quickly struck back saying, “If I’m still just like a virgin, Ricky, then why don’t you come over here and do something about it? I haven’t kissed a girl in a few years – on TV” (video follows):

YouTube? More Like LibTube
November 2nd, 2011 10:58 AM
You Tube is launching a series of nearly 100 new channels. The set of new channels is laden with liberal voices and controversial material, and is practically devoid of conservative and Christian voices.
Liberal-leaning channels include offerings from sources such as Slate, The Chopra Well (with Deepak Chopra, a New Age guru and Huffington Post contributor), and Take Part TV (makers of Al…
Politico's Simon: McCain and Palin 'Stoking Anger' Towards Obama
October 12th, 2008 7:30 PM
Politico's Roger Simon claimed Sunday that John McCain and Sarah Palin are responsible for the anger being expressed towards Barack Obama by their supporters.Unfortunately, he had nothing to say about who's responsible for the hatred being expressed towards Sarah Palin on television, at rock concerts, and even at sporting events.I wonder why.Appearing on Sunday's "Reliable Sources," Simon gave…
Madonna Compares McCain to Hitler, Obama to Gandhi (w/video
August 24th, 2008 11:00 AM
UPDATED with video at end of post.n case you missed it with the Olympics going on, Russia invading Georgia, and the campaign for president in full swing, pop star Madonna started her much-awaited tour in Wales Saturday.Amidst the requisite autoerotic writhing and gyrating, Madonna managed to bash John McCain -- actually equating him to Adolf Hitler and Robert Mugabe! -- while comparing Barack…