Kim Jong Il

Pretend Tough Guy: Macho Joe Scarborough Mocks 'Little' Mike Johnson
February 20th, 2024 8:52 PM
Macho MSNBC host Joe Scarborough continued to expose his troubling obsession with outward manifestations of masculinity. Macho Joe was back at it Tuesday during Tuesday's Morning Joe, twice referring to the Republican Speaker of the House as "little" Mike Johnson.
Learning from North Korea's History
May 1st, 2018 2:13 PM
Before meeting with North Korea's "very honorable" (Trump's words) dictator, Kim Jong-Un, the president should bone up on the history of that country's duplicity and deception, including ways it has used the wishful thinking of some past U.S. presidents to achieve its objectives. A good place to start is an essay written by Joshua Muravchik of the American Enterprise Institute for the March 2003…
Poor Baby President: Axelrod Wonders Whether He Did Obama Favor By Get
September 6th, 2013 8:41 AM
One thing is certain: Axelrod didn't do the rest of us any favors . . .
On today's Morning Joe, after Joe Scarborough empathized at length, in the context of the Syrian situation, about what a lonely job President Obama has, David Axelrod actually had the chutzpah to say "there have been many days where I wonder, gee, I wonder if all of us who helped him get elected did him a favor." View…

Barely News: North Korea's 'Criticism Sessions' and Reported Punishmen
January 15th, 2012 9:52 AM
Yet another episode being reported from the totalitarian nightmare that is North Korea is getting short shrift in most of the world's press, namely "criticism sessions" (i.e., rat out your neighbor, coworker, etc.) identifying North Koreans who allegedly weren't sufficiently grief-stricken over the December death of Kim Jong Il (pictured at right), weren't sufficiently demonstrative about it,…

AP Writer Marvels at Omnipresence of Kim Jong Il Images, Never Notes C
December 31st, 2011 12:50 AM
Jean H. Lee's Friday afternoon report at the Associated Press on the omnipresence of images of the late Kim Jong Il throughout North Korea reads more like an audition to be the communist nation's next propaganda minister than a wire service report.
Not once does she call the late tyrant a tyrant, or for that matter even a Communist. If you didn't know any better, you would think you're…

USAT's Woodyard Incorrectly IDs 1976 Lincolns Used in Kim Jong Il Fune
December 30th, 2011 4:55 PM
It's certainly not the most egregious media bias or error story you'll every see. But hey, it's the end of the year and almost GOP primary time, so take a break, lighten up a bit, and enjoy this one.
On Wednesday, as shown here and based on when comments first appeared, USA Today's Chris Woodyard put up an item in McPaper's "Drive On" blog about how the funeral of North Korean Dictator Kim…

NYT Outshines AP's Awful Coverage of 'Mourners' at Kim Jong Il's Funer
December 28th, 2011 10:08 AM
At the New York Times Thursday morning, reporter Choe Sang-Hun's covering the funeral for late North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il made it clear to readers that it "The funeral, and the mourning, appeared to have been meticulously choreographed by the government." Meanwhile, over at the Associated Press (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes), a story involving…

Flashback: Ted Turner Dismissed Threat of Brutal Kim Jong Il: 'Didn't
December 19th, 2011 4:29 PM
Will the death of despotic dictator Kim Jong Il lead to less pandering and naive reporting on North Korea? Not if the past is any indicator. On September 19, 2005, CNN founder Ted Turner appeared on his own network to credulously insist that Kim "didn't look" evil. Turner proclaimed, "...He didn’t look too much different than most other people." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
After a…
Open Thread: North Korea's Dictator Kim Jong Il Dead
December 19th, 2011 10:35 AM
After 17 years reigning as the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il has reportedly died of heart failure, and his son, Kim Jong Un, has been announced as his successor. With instability in the region possibly posing a security threat to neighboring countries and abroad, governments around the world are keeping a careful eye on the region.
What do you think Kim Jong Il's death means for…

NPR: Obama's Fat Lip Could Improve Image With Jong Il, Ahmadinejad and
November 27th, 2010 5:14 PM
It appears that at NPR, even a fat lip for the President is to be heralded as a crowning achievement furthering his prestige and street cred when dealing with despots like Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
According to Scott Simon, a president with a "gnarly, vivid scar" might even be able to intimidate China's rulers into halting their currency manipulation (audio follows with partial…
George Lopez Cracks Sarah Palin is ‘Evil Egomaniac That Might Destro
September 17th, 2010 4:17 AM
On Thursday’s Lopez Tonight on TBS, during a segment featuring photographs of public figures wearing similar clothing called "Who Wore it Better?" comedian George Lopez cracked that Sarah Palin was "an evil egomaniac that might destroy the world" as an image of her was shown next to a picture of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il. Guest and fashion guru Tim Gunn took part in the segment as the two…
Whoopi Goldberg: 'Shum Jum Yum Yum' More Radical Because of Bush
October 24th, 2008 2:32 PM
Whoopi Goldberg’s solution to winning the War on Terror: talk to "Shum Jum Yum Yum," whoever that is. On the October 24 edition of "The View," the aforementioned co-host defended Barack Obama’s call for unconditional talks with rogue nations like Iran. Whoopi concluded that dictators such as "Ahmadinejacket" and "Shum Jum Yum Yum" (presumably she meant Kim Jong Il?) have become "less rational"…
Amanpour Omits Husband’s Work for Albright, Downplays N. Korean Fami
May 12th, 2008 1:50 PM
Christiane Amanpour interviewed former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, famous for her October 2000 meeting with North Korean dictator Kim "He’s Not a Nut" Jong Il, as part of her "Notes from North Korea" program, which aired on Saturday and Sunday evenings. During the segment, the CNN senior international correspondent failed to note how her husband, James Rubin, worked as spokesman and…
Albright Calls Bush ‘One of the Worst Presidencies’; RNC Responds
January 10th, 2008 3:34 PM
Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright has been in the public eye as of late out promoting her latest book and attacking the Bush administration on everything from global warming to globalization. So much so, that the Republican National Committee has fired back in kind. Albright appeared at a Barnes & Noble in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on January 9 to discuss…