Jonathan Gruber

Gruber Before Vermont Failed: Single-Payer Must Succeed in States
December 26th, 2014 10:28 AM
Earlier this morning, I posted on Vermont's abandonment of its attempt to impose and implement a "single-payer" (i.e., government-controlled) healthcare system, and on how muted the press coverage has been.
It's difficult to overstate how devastating the Green Mountain State's blowup is to the left's oft-stated long-term goal of imposing single-payer, occasionally referred to a "Medicare for all…

Gruber a 'Household Name' in LAT Editorial, Despite No News Stories
December 11th, 2014 11:20 PM
Tuesday afternoon, Kyle Drennen at NewsBusters observed that the Big Three networks "Appear Finished With Gruber Coverage," and that their Tuesday morning shows had no coverage of the de facto Obamacare architect and his congressional appearance.
One factor likely influencing the nets' posture is how original news sources like the Associated Press and the nation's largest dailies have managed to…

Lefty Blogger: Right-Wing ‘Nonsense’ About Gruber Confused Public
December 10th, 2014 6:03 PM
The Talking Points Memo editor and publisher contends that no matter what right-wingers say, Obamacare is “almost certainly the most deeply scrutinized, discussed and argued over piece of legislation of the entire 20th century and early 21st century.”
Nets Appear Finished With Gruber Coverage, Morning Shows Silent
December 10th, 2014 4:18 PM
Despite ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber being grilled by both Republicans and Democrats in a Tuesday congressional hearing over his infamous remarks that the health care law was passed due to "the stupidity of the American voter," none of the Big Three network morning shows on Wednesday made any mention of the latest development in the controversy.
Nothing to See Here: Major Newspapers Sweep Gruber Off Front Page
December 10th, 2014 3:14 PM
Three of the nation's major newspapers downgraded ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber's testimony to the U.S. Senate, keeping it off the front page. The New York Times on Wednesday demoted the story to page A-20.
NBC Nightly News Ends Silence on Gruber 32 Days After 1st Video Aired
December 9th, 2014 10:19 PM
After a month in which NBC Nightly News gave more prominence to ugly Christmas sweaters, grape salad, Al Roker's 34-hour weather report, and a live broadcast of Peter Pan starring Brian Williams' daughter, Allison, the broadcast finally discovered Jonathan Gruber.
On Tuesday evening, NBC’s evening newscast acknowledged the name Jonathan Gruber for the first time and his insulting comments…

FNC Airs 55 Minutes of Live Gruber Hearing Coverage, CNN/MSNBC = 0
December 9th, 2014 4:49 PM
Tuesday’s congressional hearing that featured Jonathan Gruber being grilled about his controversial ObamaCare remarks was carried live by Fox News for 54 minutes, and 53 seconds. CNN and MSNBC didn’t bother to air any of the hearing live.

Blogger: Grubergate a ‘Brand-Name Controversy Like Benghazi’
December 9th, 2014 10:38 AM
Dylan Scott writes that “Gruber-mania has gripped the conservative mediasphere in a way that few stories have, becoming another brand-name controversy like Benghazi and the IRS,” and that “the larger meaning was baked into Gruber-gate -- there is a hashtag and Gruber can now be used as a verb -- almost immediately.”
Ten Stories NBC Nightly News Aired Instead of Covering Gruber Scandal
December 9th, 2014 8:55 AM
It’s been a month since video surfaced of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber mocking the “stupidity” of voters and boasting about the duplicitous ways liberals pushed through the far-reaching health care law in 2010, and NBC Nightly News remains the only network evening news broadcast to have completely ignored the story. Here are ten stories — some goofy, some self-promotional, but all of which…
Nets Skip Sebelius Stating ‘Financial Literacy' of Americans Is 'Low'
December 5th, 2014 12:21 AM
In an interview with USA Today published on its website Tuesday, former Obama administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tried to distance herself from the numerous comments by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber, but still found a way to sound like Gruber when explaining why Americans oppose the health care law.
Speaking with USA Today’s Susan Page, Sebelius …

Ex-Obama Aide Debunks the Media's 'Who's Gruber?' Narrative
December 4th, 2014 5:31 PM
A former top aide to Barack Obama appeared on CNBC, Thursday, and demolished the narrative, promoted by the administration and some in the media, that Jonathan Gruber is minor figure. Ex-presidential adviser Steven Rattner previously exposed the ObamaCare architect, who lashed out at "stupid" Americans," as an "important" individual.

Bozell Slams Networks for Covering Lauten Twice as Much as Gruber
December 2nd, 2014 4:07 PM
Earlier today, Media Research Center (MRC) founder and president Brent Bozell reacted to a study just released by the MRC revealing that the big three broadcast networks -- ABC, CBS, and NBC -- have covered unknown Capitol Hill staffer Elizabeth Lauten’s Facebook post – about how President Obama’s daughters looked and acted at an official event – almost twice as much as ObamaCare architect…

Networks Spend More Time on GOP Staffer Comments Than Gruber Scandal
December 2nd, 2014 2:33 PM
On Sunday and Monday, the broadcast networks seized on the personal Facebook comments of mid-level congressional staffer Elizabeth Lauten criticizing the Obama daughters – devoting over 14 minutes of national news air time to the controversy in the period of two days. However, it took those same networks several days to even notice the video comments of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber…
MRC's Notable Quotables: No Charges in Ferguson = Grand Jury 'Failure'
December 1st, 2014 8:44 AM
After the grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, chooses not to indict police officer Darren Wilson, NBC's Brian Williams dubs them "a failure," while as rioters burn buildings in Ferguson, Time magazine posts an essay: "In Defense of Rioting."