Time's Amy Sullivan: Rev. Wallace Charles Smith Is No Jeremiah Wright

April 29th, 2011 6:17 PM
The pastor who preached the Easter sermon that Barack Obama heard this past Sunday is not another Jeremiah Wright, Time's Amy Sullivan insists in an April 29 blog "Swampland" blog post entitled "Conservatives Go After Another Obama Pastor." Sullivan was responding to the complaints of conservative talkers Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who highlighted some controversial remarks Smith made to…

Ed Schultz: Palin is Racist for Criticizing the Obamas' Connection to

November 20th, 2010 2:34 PM
After spending much of his week accusing Rush Limbaugh of racism, Ed Schultz on Friday made the same absurd claim about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Following in the footsteps of others on his network as well as the liberal blogosphere, the MSNBCer said it was racist for Palin to refer to comments Michelle Obama made in 2008 about never having been proud of her country before her…

Media Bash Beck for Not Being Evangelical After Years of Bashing Evang

August 31st, 2010 5:48 PM
The editors of the mainstream media must think we all have very short memories. Their latest schtick is to smear conservative talk show host Glenn Beck as a creepy Mormon who has no business influencing evangelicals. Aside from the disgusting hypocrisy of Mormon-baiting one minute and then bashing Islamophobia the next, these news outlets are also hoping you've forgotten about their recent…

WaPo Finds It Scandalous Beck Would Challenge Obama's Religious Belief

August 30th, 2010 7:23 AM
The Washington Post found it newsworthy that "Beck challenges Obama's religious beliefs after rally in D.C.," but emphasized how Glenn Beck's views could cause a backlash, and papered over Rev. Jeremiah Wright's wild-eyed radical sermons as merely focusing on "the importance of empowering the oppressed." In the story on page A-4, Post reporter Felicia Sonmez made no mention of the president's …

After JournoList Exposé, No One Better Ever Deny Liberal Media Bias A

July 22nd, 2010 12:18 PM
Managing Editor's Note:  NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell today reprimanded members of the press in light of the recently exposed e-mails from the now-defunct JournoList that show a blatant, deliberate campaign to smear conservatives. That statement is published below. Click here for more background on JournoList. The revelation of these e-mails simply proves that we have been right all along…

Flashback 2008: CNN’s Roberts Declares ‘Rev. Wright-Free Zone’ D

July 20th, 2010 9:52 AM
In the wake of Tuesday's revelations concerning liberal media members trying to bury the Rev. Jeremiah Wright story in the spring of 2008, one has to wonder how many mainstream organizations played a hand.On May 5 of that year, at the beginning of an interview with Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, CNN's John Roberts said (video available here courtesy Ed Driscoll, relevant section at…

Media Liberals on 'JournoList' Plotted to Bury the Jeremiah Wright Sto

July 20th, 2010 8:14 AM
The Daily Caller has another scoop on the leftist JournoList e-mails today, recalling when liberal scribes all wanted the Jeremiah Wright story to be dead and buried in the spring of 2008. Jonathan Strong explained "Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over…

Obama's Former Rev. Wright Gives Seminar Bashing Whites and Jews, Medi

June 27th, 2010 11:07 AM
President Obama's former spiritual advisor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, gave a seminar at the University of Chicago last week in which he made numerous anti-Semitic remarks while once again attacking white people.According to the New York Post, during the five-day course that cost up to $1,000, Wright claimed "whites and Jews are controlling the flow of worldwide information and oppressing…

CNN Blames White People For Obama's Slow Action On Oil Spill

June 9th, 2010 5:24 PM
UPDATE - 6/9, 5:45 PM | Lachlan Markay: One of CNN's primary sources for this piece has endorsed the notion that "Rev. Wright's anger about the domestic and foreign policies of the USA are well rooted – and documented – in the current reality of the USA." Details below the jump.The excuses keep rolling in to explain why President Obama is seemingly detached from the oil spill crisis in the Gulf…

Newsweek Denounces Hateful 'Antigovernment Extremists' -- Like Glenn B

April 15th, 2010 4:39 PM
The April 19 Newsweek cover that's shamelessly selling the "remarkable" tale of our economic recovery also promises a story on "Hate on the Right." In fact the word "HATE" takes up half a page, white letters on a black background, with the subhead "Antigovernment extremists are on the rise – and on the march." Pictures illustrating the article strangely connect Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin with…

Author Says Obama Is Not a 'Phony' When He Changes His Speech Patterns

April 6th, 2010 5:30 PM
Appearing on the Charlie Rose show on PBS Monday, New Yorker editor (and former Washington Post reporter) David Remnick tried to argue his way out of his new book’s reporting on the phoniness of Barack Obama. Remnick suggested Obama has been a "translator" between races and cultures. Rose asked him to discuss Reverend Wright. By dumping him, the most significant message Remnick came away with was…

Say What? Rev. Wright Claims Fox News Ruined His Granddaughter's Senio

March 12th, 2010 7:18 AM
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s longtime minister and permanent embarrassment, preached in Washington on Wednesday, reported  Hamil Harris of The Washington Post. (It was nowhere to be found in my Thursday paper.) Harris suggested Wright's nastiest words were saved for Fox News, which wanted to ruin his granddaughters. It sounded a little like paranoid Ross Perot in 1992. The anti-Obama…

Holy BlackBerry? ABC Sticks to Obama Staffers and Friends on Church Av

February 1st, 2010 5:05 PM
The Obama family's continued lack of church-going in Washington was spun by ABCNews.com into something cute and positive, at least from the sound of the headline: "Holy BlackBerry! Obama Finds Ways to Keep the Faith During First Year in Office."ABC’s Devin Dwyer recycled the tidbit from Terry Moran’s Nightline interview with Obama last July where Obama said he keeps the faith by getting daily…

Remember Wright? Mika Says Obama 'Worked For Decades' To Transcend Rac

January 12th, 2010 7:51 AM
Does the name Jeremiah Wright ring a bell with Mika Brzezinski?The Morning Joe co-host sought today to explain the pass Pres. Obama gave Harry "negro dialect" Reid by claiming that PBO has "worked to transcend racial issues for decades." The skeptical look on Joe Scarborough's face [see still after jump] as Mika uttered her assertion was priceless. Let's take a stroll down memory lane with Rev.…