Media Warns of $100/Barrel Oil – Still Hasn’t Happened

December 3rd, 2007 1:44 PM
Remember when everyone was warning of impending economic collapse from oil reaching that mystical mark of $100 a barrel? Over the past two months, it has been on the way according to the media. But as of December 3, the price of crude has decreased - not increased as predicted."Crude briefly cracked $90 a barrel for the first time and analysts say that will soon trickle down to the pump," Alexis…

Broder To Republicans: Take McCain-Huckabee

December 2nd, 2007 8:09 AM
"A camel is a horse designed by committee." -- ascribed to Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis.Perhaps the only thing more likely to yield ungainly results than a committee designing a horse is a Democrat designing a Republican presidential ticket. David Broder tries his hand at it in his WaPo column today, "Principles Amid the GOP Pack. The result is a double-humped dromedary known as…

CNN Includes Conservative Questions in Democrats’ Debate

November 16th, 2007 2:45 PM
Surprisingly, CNN, during its Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas, asked a numbers of questions that conservatives might propose on Thursday night. During the first hour of the debate, moderators Wolf Blitzer, Campbell Brown, and John Roberts asked a total of 13 questions (not counting follow-up questions) on a number of issues. Of these, five could be considered to be "conservative."…

Did Democrats Shoot Themselves in Foot by Boycotting Fox News

November 16th, 2007 1:21 PM
Would the Democrats have been better off if Fox News had run their debate? The candidates are boycotting Fox as a way to please their far-left base, but Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on this morning’s Fox & Friends criticized how CNN’s Wolf Blitzer repeatedly interrupted exchanges among the candidates last night (“It reminded me of Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon 2.”) and forced candidates…

CBS’s Smith Interviews Dennis Kucinich on Cheney Impeachment

November 7th, 2007 5:15 PM
On the CBS "Early Show" co-host Harry Smith admitted last Friday that he's "actually admired Dennis Kucinich for a long -- since he was mayor of Cleveland." Well, five days later on Wednesday's "Early Show," Smith interviewed his hero. Kucinich was on the program to discuss his House resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney, which was unexpectedly called up for a vote on Tuesday.Smith…

Bill Cosby: 'Brother Lite' Clarence Thomas 'Doesn't Want to Help Anybo

November 4th, 2007 11:55 PM

CBS’s Smith ‘Admired’ Kucinich ‘Since He was Mayor of Clevelan

November 2nd, 2007 3:52 PM
While previewing an upcoming interview with extreme left-wing presidential candidate, Dennis Kucinich, on Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith remarked, "I've actually admired Dennis Kucinich for a long -- since he was mayor of Cleveland." In addition to Smith admitting that he admired someone as liberal as Kucinich, who wants to establish a Department of Peace and claims to have seen…

Would Norah Dare Get as Personal With Hillary as She Did With Mrs. Kuc

October 30th, 2007 5:12 PM
What's a good-looking young girl like you doing with a weird old guy like him? And what's up with the tongue-ring?Norah O'Donnell all but asked the first question of Elizabeth Kucinich this afternoon, and did ask the second one.View video here.

CBS: Democrats ‘Live,’ Republicans ‘Die’ by YouTube

October 11th, 2007 6:52 PM
On Thursday’s CBS "Early Show," host Harry Smith and reporter Jeff Greenfield analyzed the effectiveness of YouTube videos for 2008 presidential candidates.The segment described how a an Edwards campaign video "...says let's get serious about what matters," while Giuliani and Romney are examples of how candidates can "...die by YouTube."After they described how successful videos were for…

Statistical Analysis Shows ABC News Unfair in Democrat Debate

August 24th, 2007 7:19 AM

Fox News Unfair? Dennis Kucinich Complains About ABC News

August 23rd, 2007 4:06 AM