Mediaite: 'If The Election Were Held Today Obama Would Lose

November 3rd, 2009 9:46 AM
Would you ever in your wildest dreams have imagined a year after Barack Obama's historic victory a new website created by former MSNBC GM Dan Abrams and crawling with ex-Huffington Posters would declare in a headline, "If The Election Were Held Today Obama Would Lose?"Granted, the article written by ex-HuffPoster Glynnis MacNicol took its cue from a recently released Rasmussen poll, and…

Despite 'Truce,' White House Continues to Peddle Misinformation About

November 2nd, 2009 4:11 PM
It seems that the moratorium on appearances by White House officers on the Fox News Channel has ended. But high-ranking Democratic officials continue to peddle false information about the cable network, leveling unsupported charges of bias and political favoritism against it.Noel Sheppard reported last week that Fox Senior Vice President Michael Clemente and White House Press Secretary Robert…

Politico's Politicized Pic Picks

November 1st, 2009 7:10 AM
In deciding which Sunday talk shows to focus on, I typically tap into Politico's Sunday talk show tip sheet, which provides a helpful round-up of the Sunday line-up.Scrolling there today, I came upon the photo you see here.  Of all the innumerable images of the three men, these are the pictures Politico chose to announce the appearance of Joe Lieberman, Rush Limbaugh and David Plouffe on Face the…

Press Calls Plouffe 'Former Campaign Manager' As His E-Mails With That

February 15th, 2009 10:41 PM
Here's the relative tempest in a teapot that happened on Thursday: Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe made an unusual request for his speech today at the National Press Club: he wanted it off the record. ..... Politico editor-in-chief John Harris said that after hearing of Plouffe’s request, and decision not to reverse course, he backed out from moderating the lunch-time event. Harris…