
CNN's Costello Hounds Democratic Rep. Over Syrian Refugee Vote

November 20th, 2015 5:30 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello badgered Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader over his vote in favor of additional scrutiny for Syrian refugees applying to enter the U.S. Costello spotlighted how "some on Twitter have not been kind — calling you a traitor to Oregon and...xenophobic," and how "some say the intent of this bill is to really create so many checks that it will be impossible for any…

NBC Hits GOP for ‘Ugly’ Refugee Talk; Hillary ‘Going Against the Tide'

November 19th, 2015 9:13 PM
NBC Nightly News lashed out at conservatives and Republicans on Thursday for creating an “ugly” and “angry debate” with President Obama over whether to accept Syrian refugees while gushing how Hillary Clinton was “[g]oing against the tide” of a bipartisan majority of voters and members of the House in backing the President.

Atlantic: Republicans Engage in Race-Baiting, But Might Not Be Racists

November 19th, 2015 3:41 PM
On Tuesday, The Atlantic featured an article that lamented decades of Republican race-baiting in presidential campaigns. The piece by [authors] allow that race-baiting “does not mean that those who employ them are racists,” but it does “show a willingness to exploit societal ills for political gain.” The authors don’t think Republicans are racists, just that Republicans have a tendency to exploit…

Carson Says Press Deliberately Trying to Damage Candidacy

November 15th, 2015 1:01 PM
During a pre-recorded interview with Fox News’ Howard Kurtz that aired on Sunday's MediaBuzz, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson sharply criticized the press for trying to damage his candidacy with erroneous stories about his personal biography. When pressed by Kurtz to explain why the media would want to damage his campaign, Carson explained “when you deliberately lie and you put that…

‘SNL’ Calls Bush 'Jeb Hitler' After Saying He Would Kill 'Baby Hitler'

November 15th, 2015 9:05 AM
On Saturday Night Live, Weekend Update co-anchor Michael Che shamelessly mocked Jeb Bush after the Republican told the Huffington Post he would happily travel back in time to kill baby Hitler. Che claimed this would have “left Germany in the weak bumbling hands of Adolph’s brother Jeb Hitler." The SNL cast member also mocked Ben Carson, who said he would not kill baby Hitler because of his pro-…

Chad Henderson Walls Off Twitter Account After NewsBusters Criticism

November 14th, 2015 10:56 PM
We'll have to live without Chad Henderson's tweets for the time being. Once again, Henderson, as he did in 2013, has taken his Twitter account private, limiting it to "confirmed followers." This time he likely did so in reaction to a NewsBusters post earlier this afternoon by P.J. Gladnick. Henderson first gained notoriety during the initial Obamacare sign-up process in late 2013 when he claimed…

On HBO, Leno Compares Trump to Hitler, Suggests Ben Carson 'Lies'

November 14th, 2015 11:37 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, comedian Jay Leno compared GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump to Adolf HItler as the group discussed Trump's talk of requiring all illegal immigrants to leave the country before being considered for reentry.

George Stephanopoulos Tees Up Obama to Trash Americans as Bigots

November 13th, 2015 11:41 AM
Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos on Thursday and Friday threw softballs at Barack Obama, setting the President up to attack certain Americans as bigots and to trash Ben Carson. On Thursday's Nightline, the journalist asked about Donald Trump’s immigration and deportation plans. Stephanopoulos wondered, “So, what do you think when you hear people cheer for that…

NBC Tries (and Fails) to Make Hay with Story on Ben Carson’s Friend

November 13th, 2015 10:48 AM
On Thursday night and Friday morning, NBC News tried their best to go after Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson by attempting to make a mountain out of a molehill of his relationship with a man who was convicted nearly a decade ago of insurance fraud while ignoring the ongoing investigation of Hillary Clinton over her private e-mail server.

Ex-CIA Hayden Stuns Mika With Praise of Carson Foreign Policy Approach

November 13th, 2015 7:57 AM
"Wow . . . I'm absolutely surprised by that answer . . .  Are you sure? . . . Are we talking about the same person?" That was Mika Brzezinski's stunned response after her attempt to recruit retired General and former CIA Director Michael Hayden into her campaign against Ben Carson blew up in her face on today's Morning Joe.  Referring to Carson, Mika asked Hayden "are you concerned that there's…

Daily Beast Pundit: GOP Will Still Be ‘Delusional’ in 2016

November 12th, 2015 6:01 PM
It’s often noted that Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, just as Democrats had lost five of six before that. Dems snapped out of it thanks to a Bill Clinton-led tack towards the center, but Michael Tomasky predicts that the GOP will stay to the right in 2016, thereby extending its slump. After Michael Dukakis’s defeat in 1988, observed Tomasky…

AP Pair's GOP Debate 'Fact Check' Promotes Minimum-Wage Fiction

November 12th, 2015 10:58 AM
Tuesday evening, Associated Press economics writers Christopher Rugaber and Josh Boak attempted to "fact check" statements made by candidates at the just-completed Republican presidential debate. Claiming that "The fourth Republican presidential debate was thick on economic policy — and with that came a variety of flubs and funny numbers," the two writers botched at least half of the six points…

Mika: Ben Carson 'Doesn't Sound Completely Connected With Everything'

November 12th, 2015 7:32 AM
Did Mika Brzezinski just suggest that Ben Carson has a screw loose? On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski said of Carson "I want to be very careful with my words, but he just doesn't sound completely connected with everything." Judging from her halting cadence,  Mika clearly seemed to realize that she was treading on some very controversial mental-health ground. The lead-in to her "connected"…

CNN's Costello: 'Is It Too Politically Dangerous to Attack' Carson?

November 11th, 2015 6:33 PM
Carol Costello was true to her liberal form on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom during a segment with Rick Tyler, Senator Ted Cruz's campaign spokesman. Costello asserted that "Ben Carson didn't exactly give riveting answers" during the latest GOP presidential debate, and asked, "Why did no one challenge him on that?" She also wondered, "Is it too politically dangerous to attack Ben Carson, or to even…