Facebook, Instagram CENSOR MRC, Ben Carson for Margaret Sanger Post

September 26th, 2022 5:34 PM

Facebook and Instagram censored the Media Research Center, slapping an outdated fact-check on an MRC post of a quote criticizing Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s racist views.

EXCLUSIVE: Critics Wreck PolitiFact’s Biden Anti-Oil Policy Fact-Check

September 20th, 2022 6:59 PM

PolitiFact had the audacity to argue like President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist policies didn't really have anything to do with America’s energy inflation crisis, continuing to prove why its worthless so-called “fact-checks” belong in the trash bin.

PolitiFact Helper: Tim Ryan 'Mostly True,' J.D. Vance 'Mostly False'

September 18th, 2022 7:03 AM

On Saturday, PolitiFact's Twitter account hinted at how they're tilting their "fact-checking" in the Ohio Senate race. Tim Ryan is overwhelmingly True, and J.D. Vance is typically False. 

EXCLUSIVE: Expert Rips PolitiFact Shielding Biden's Student Debt Scam

September 6th, 2022 11:10 AM

The left-wing PolitiFact hacks worked overtime to gaslight Americans on the deleterious effects of President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness scam. 

Carley Shimkus (left) and Economist Philip Magness (right)

Facebook Censors Economist for Correctly Defining ‘Recession’

August 2nd, 2022 3:25 PM

Facebook sparked outrage among free speech advocates when it fact-checked a senior economist with the American Institute of Economic Research for spreading so-called misinformation. The platform flagged the economist for — get this — correctly defining the word “recession.”


PolitiFact Lets Al Gore Smear Away, But Rushes to Defend AOC PR Stunt

July 31st, 2022 4:02 PM

This is how tilted PolitiFact is: there was no "fact check" on Al Gore going on national TV and saying "climate deniers" are like the police in Uvalde that let children be murdered, but former Rep. Doug Collins drew a "False" for saying on Fox Business that Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar got "fake arrests" on Capitol Hill to protest abortion.


PolitiFake: Fact-Checker Cries ‘False’ that WH Redefined Recession

July 29th, 2022 12:13 PM

Facebook fact-checker PolitiFact played the role of the village idiot by fact-checking an Instagram post that dared to slam the Biden White House for redefining the word “recession.”

PolitiFact: 'Mostly False' to Say Some States Have No Abortion Limits

July 14th, 2022 7:02 AM

PolitiFact has a tremendously annoying habit of tagging pro-life groups as "Mostly False" for saying something that's True. Blue states like Oregon, Vermont, and New Mexico have no prohibitions on abortions. But somehow it's "Mostly False" to say you can get an abortion at any time for any reason.


PolitiFact Claims Biden's 'Mostly True'! USA Now an Abortion 'Outlier'

June 26th, 2022 7:28 PM

PolitiFact’s routine tendency to defend President Biden’s accuracy in his public proclamations continued within hours of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision on Friday. Biden claimed America was now an “outlier among developed nations” in the world. They ruled "Mostly True"! In truth, America was an outlier before Friday.

PolitiFact Slams DeSantis Press Aide for 'Harassment,' She Slams Back

June 14th, 2022 11:09 PM

Florida-based PolitiFact picked a fight with Christina Pushaw, the press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and she didn’t shrink from the fight. PolitiFact editor Angie Drobnic Holan wrote a fundraising piece titled “PolitiFact reporters face online harassment; we keep fact-checking anyway.“

Inconvenient Fact About Mass Killings

May 20th, 2022 7:29 PM

After the mass murder of 10 in a Buffalo, New York, supermarket committed by a man who posted a racist manifesto, Wesley Lowery, a CBS reporter, said: “Let's be clear, the stuff Tucker (Carlson) and Laura Ingraham say every night, it could be written by white supremacists very often. There's a section of this manifesto where the shooter starts talking about, 'People will always say diversity…

Facebook SLAPS Absurd Fact-Check Warning Over Brigitte Gabriel Post

May 17th, 2022 10:02 AM

Facebook shrouded one of Brigitte Gabriel’s posts with a phony fact-check warning. Did the platform’s algorithm fail again?


PolitiFact Throws 'Mostly False' at Ad Exposing Dr. Oz in 2019

May 12th, 2022 7:06 PM

PolitiFact has jumped into evaluating the contentious Pennsylvania Republican primary to succeed Sen. Pat Toomey. They've haven't gone easy on the celebrity in the race, Dr. Mehmet Oz. But for some reason they jumped on Dave McCormick for a negative ad on abortion which demonstrates the dramatic flip-flop Dr. Oz has very recently taken on abortion. McCormick drew a "Mostly False"…

PolitiFact Cries LIE on Kentucky Derby 'Horse's Ass' JOKES About Biden

May 11th, 2022 12:23 PM

The Democrat "fact check" website calling itself PolitiFact is so fervently dedicated to defending President Biden that it's repeating its lame fact checks of previous Kentucky Derby jokes. On Monday, staff writer Monique Curet threw a "Pants on Fire" rating at a Facebook user named Eddie Foley -- with about 1,300 friends at this juncture -- for repeating a joke about Biden being insulted as a…