The Establishment

Alt-Left Insanity: ‘Feral’ ‘Queer Femme Fight Club’ You Always Wanted
February 1st, 2018 12:12 PM
Who among you hasn’t longed to watch the alt-left beat itself to a bloody pulp? Come on, raise your hand. You know you want to.
Thanks to folks at equally alt-lefty Vice, we get to watch the spectacle. Welcome to “Femme Feral, a feminist fight club that combines protest, performance, and noise punk to ear-splitting, rib-cracking effect.” Sounds promising. (And the photo is directly from the…

Alt-Left Insanity: It’s Christmas, So #Resist Trump with Cards, Gifts
December 21st, 2017 7:05 AM
Tree decorated? Check. Eggnog all fresh? Check. Cookies awaiting Santa? Check. Now all you have to do is resist Trump.
Ho, ho, ho.
That’s the attitude of The Establishment which delivered two separate anti-Trump Christmas stories this week. Because the alt-left proves how insane it is only on days ending in “Y.”

Alt-Left Insanity: Crazy Liberal Outlets Promote Sex with Ghosts
December 16th, 2017 1:15 PM
The beauty of writing this column is that I’m almost beyond being shocked. The alt-left has successfully blurred the line between crazy (cray-cray for you younger folks) and conventional. So I wasn’t even especially shocked when I read this: “Fed Up With Mortal Men, Women Are Having Sex with Ghosts.” It’s not even a funny/punny headline. There’s no “ghost of a chance” comment deployed. No “give…

Alt-Left Insanity: Libs Want to Ban Raising Kids, Kill Aging Parents
November 16th, 2017 8:29 AM
If Paul McCartney and Wings want to record another album, they should call it, Ban On The Run. It could be the Splinter theme song, appropriate since this is “Ban Week” on that crazy, alt-lefty site. Ban Week gives the Splinter staff a chance to opine (say dumb garbage) about everything from cologne to zoos. If you didn’t think liberals hated everything before, you will now. Even more disturbing…

Alt-Left Insanity: Gender Fluidity and ‘Oppressive Shadow of Marriage'
October 14th, 2017 1:30 PM
One of the reasons we call liberals the alt-left is their opposition to anything traditional or normal -- like free speech, patriotism or marriage. Marriage has been a particular target of the left for many years. Forget the campaign for gay marriage. The left hates the institution, but it’s easier to wreck it from within than without. As The Establishment puts it, “marriage sits at the red-hot…