Penn Jillette: It Was a ‘Shock’ That Religious Americans are the

On Tuesday’s Lopez Tonight on TBS, magicians Penn and Teller appeared as guests, and, while discussing their controversial program "Bullshit!" on Showtime, and the show’s history of criticizing religion, Penn Jillette conceded a compliment to American Christians that they are "the most tolerant people worldwide." He also admitted that it was a "shock" to discover the relative tolerance of…
Brad Wilmouth
May 26th, 2010 3:40 AM

York: Obama Can Treat Media with Contempt Since He Knows They’ll Alw

The Washington press corps “have only themselves to blame” for President Obama refusing to answer their questions at White House events, exemplified by how he hasn’t held a press conference in ten months, Washington Examiner chief political correspondent Byron York contended in his Tuesday column, “Fawning press now gets cold shoulder from Obama.” After all, “Obama treats them with contempt…
Brent Baker
May 26th, 2010 1:04 AM

Gibbs Scolds WH Reporters for Asking So Many BP Questions

Doesn't everyone remember in 2005 when George W. Bush's Press Secretary Scott McClellan (bless his back-stabbing heart) called reporters into the West Wing of the White House and scolded them for asking too many questions about Hurricane Katrina? That followed a similar admonishment earlier in the year about the press's obsession with anything and everything to do with the Iraq War. You don't…
Tom Blumer
May 26th, 2010 12:33 AM

Post 'Conservative' Blogger Attacks Palin for 'Immature' Facebook Post

Weigel's 'Right Now' piece latest example of his attacks on conservatives.
Melissa Afable
May 26th, 2010 12:00 AM

WaPo Praises D.C. Super-Size Condom Program

Newspaper promotes expensive expansion of 'free' distribution effort
Nathan Burchfiel
May 26th, 2010 12:00 AM

CNN Blog: Christian Athletes 'Pious,' Attention-Seekers

Contributer John Blake criticizes athletes who praise God during sporting events
Melissa Afable
May 26th, 2010 12:00 AM

'Today' gives 'Sex and City 2' Star Platform to Push for Same-Sex Marr

Actress Cynthia Nixon appears on 'Today Show' to discuss new film, but ends up talking about same-sex marriage in New York
Sarah Knoploh
May 26th, 2010 12:00 AM

Famed War Hero Speaks Out Against Obama Decision to End 'Don't Ask, Do

Jeff Poor
May 26th, 2010 12:00 AM

Bozell Column: Preposterous Bill Press

Radio talk-show host Bill Press is the tiniest of fish in the radio ocean, but this minnow’s all over the place complaining about the whales. The problem is, of course, that if the market is any kind of measurement, no one knows, or cares, that he’s written a book. So he’s written a column to self-tout “Toxic Talk: How the Radical Right Has Poisoned America’s Airwaves.” Press writes about the…
Brent Bozell
May 25th, 2010 10:45 PM

Nets Dig Out ‘Plug the Damn Hole’ Quote to Buck Up ‘Frustrated

CBS and NBC on Tuesday night reached deep into a Washington Post story – specifically, the 20th paragraph of a 24-paragraph article – to pluck out a quote in order to demonstrate a “frustrated” President Barack Obama has been angry about the gulf oil spill. “A frustrated President Obama says ‘plug the damn hole,’” Katie Couric teased at the top of the CBS Evening News. She soon elaborated: …
Brent Baker
May 25th, 2010 10:39 PM

Behar: BP Oil Spill 'Can Be Laid at Cheney’s Feet'; 'People Should B

He may be out of office, but Cheney Derangement Syndrome lives on. This time, and just like other times in the past, "The View" co-host and host of her own HLN show, Joy Behar used the BP oil spill to attack the Bush administration, specifically former Vice President Dick Cheney by suggesting he was really behind the oil spill.  Her source - it was an outspoken critic of the Bush administration…
Jeff Poor
May 25th, 2010 8:45 PM

Another Example of Oil And Accuracy Not Mixing on Rachel Maddow Show

What is it about oil spills that make liberals so slippery? Come to think of it, this isn't fair. What is it about oil spills that make liberals more slippery than usual? There, that's better. The fact that oil companies receive federal subsidies doesn't sit well with Chris Hayes, Washington editor of The Nation magazine and occasional guest host on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show. Sitting in for…
Jack Coleman
May 25th, 2010 8:25 PM

Video: ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis Arrested at Immigration Protest Staff
May 25th, 2010 6:39 PM

Left on the Cutting Room Floor: Climate Depot's Marc Morano Takes on A

We've all sort of known the media have been in the tank for the global warming alarmist movement. For evidence, look no further than a March 2008 segment that aired on ABC "World News" attacking leading climate skeptic, University of Virginia environmental scientist Professor Emeritus Fred Singer. And the same culprit behind that 2008 segment, "World News" weekend anchor Dan Harris, was at it…
Jeff Poor
May 25th, 2010 5:49 PM