Juan Williams: Obama 'Hasn't Conveyed That He Really Cares About' Oil

NPR's Juan Williams on Sunday spoke an astonishingly inconvenient truth about the Gulf Coast oil crisis: "[President Obama] just hasn't conveyed that he really cares about this issue, and that he's not off to the side watching."This was in stark contrast to Time's Joe Klein who said this weekend, "This is more Bush's second Katrina than Obama's first," and New York Times columnist Frank Rich who…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2010 11:23 PM

Six Months Late to a Game That's Long Been Over: NYT, Newsweek Acknowl

Parts of the U.S. establishment press have acknowledged "climate science" reality, six months late. The fallout from ClimateGate (link is to the NewsBusters tag), the name eventually given to the scandal resulting from the unauthorized posting of over 1,000 emails and dozens of documents obtained from University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) in the UK, goes back a full six months…
Tom Blumer
May 30th, 2010 9:58 PM

Ted Turner: If We Don't Prepare For Global Warming We'll Be Extinct

CNN founder Ted Turner said Saturday that if we don't prepare for global warming, we'll be extinct.In a multi-part interview with CNN Newsroom anchor Fredricka Whitfield, Turner spoke about his own devotion and dedication to environmental causes. "Have you altered all your life, all your living so you are what one would call energy responsible?" asked Whitfield. "What we really have is a choice…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2010 6:09 PM

N.Y. Times Published Unproven Adultery Claims of Nikki Haley -- After

Clay Waters of MRC's Times Watch project noticed this week that the The New York Times was just as guilty as The Washington Post of jumping on the unsubstantiated adultery charges against female GOP gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley in South Carolina: [Reporter Shaila] Dewan used the sex scandal of former South Carolina Republican Gov. Mark Sanford as an excuse to suggest, without substance…
Tim Graham
May 30th, 2010 5:53 PM

Gregory Asks Obama's Energy Adviser: Should We Start Drilling in ANWR

A rather startling thing happened on Sunday's "Meet the Press": David Gregory asked White House Energy Adviser Carol Browner if in response to the Gulf Coast oil spill, America should start drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.After a lengthy discussion about what went wrong in the Gulf to cause the current crisis, Gregory asked his guest, "Is the problem that we're drilling in water…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2010 4:35 PM

Frank Rich Blames Oil Spill on Bush, Cheney, Beck, Palin, Tea Party an

With the Gulf Coast oil spill appearing to spin out of control, the Obama-loving media are now working overtime to shelter the President from any possible blame.Exhibit A: New York Times columnist Frank Rich's pathetic piece published Sunday.Almost incomprehensibly, "Obama's Katrina? Maybe Worse" is more of hit piece on the Bush administration than a serious analysis of the failings of the…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2010 2:47 PM

CBS Touts Grayson’s Push for Legally Mandated Paid Vacation, Looks t

On CBS's Sunday Morning show, correspondent Jim Axelrod filed a report touting the movement in America to make it the law of the land that some employers must provide paid vacation to their employees, even giving controversial Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson - known for making vicious attacks against conservatives – a chance to plug his proposal to make paid vacation, which the Florida…
Brad Wilmouth
May 30th, 2010 2:26 PM

AP Throws Pity Party for Overwhelmed Obama: Oil Spill Just One 'Priori

On Saturday, the Associated Press informed its readers that President Obama cannot be expected to focus all of his attention on the Gulf Coast oil spill. The reason? Presidents have to juggle a number of pressing issues at a time, and what with America being in a recession, Obama simply can't afford to give sole focus to this disaster. Too bad the AP wasn't so understanding in 2005 when…
Candance Moore
May 30th, 2010 1:54 PM

Time’s Joe Klein: Oil Spill is ‘Bush’s Second Katrina,’ ‘Rep

On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Time magazine columnist Joe Klein joined the ranks of left-leaning media figures like Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann in blaming the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on the Bush administration. As the panel discussed President Obama’s handling of the disaster, Klein opined that "this is more Bush’s second Katrina than Obama’s first," and, after…
Brad Wilmouth
May 30th, 2010 1:46 PM

ESPN's Weissman: Despite Exoneration 'The Questions Remain' About Duke

What will it take for the MSM to stop smearing the falsely-accused Duke lacrosse players?  Judging by the performance of ESPN's Steve Weissman this morning, legal exoneration is not enough.Introducing an ESPNNEWS item on a lacrosse game between Duke and the University of Virginia, Weissman claimed that three years ago, the Duke team had been involved in "a devastating scandal," and that while…
Mark Finkelstein
May 30th, 2010 1:33 PM

Swastikas and Nazi References at Pro-Illegal Immigration Rally, Will M

For over a year, America's media have been depicting Tea Partiers as homophobic racists citing inflammatory signs at rally events as evidence.On Saturday, pro-illegal immigration supporters in Phoenix, Arizona, carried signs quite similar to what our press found repulsive and extreme when present at conservative protests.Will swastikas and the Arizona governor being referred to as "Adolf Brewer"…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2010 12:58 PM

Memorial Day Special: Woman Writes Letters to Local Soldiers for 42 Ye

Although we observe Memorial Day on the last Monday of May now, the original holiday was May 30.With that in mind, we at NewsBusters wanted to begin our commemoration of those that have fallen nobly serving our nation by recognizing a living patriot.Doris Ventres is an 82-year-old, eighth-generation American that has been handwriting letters to military members from her town of Ridgefield,…
Noel Sheppard
May 30th, 2010 10:59 AM

Open Thread

NB Staff
May 30th, 2010 10:02 AM

Behar on Oil Spill: Bush-Cheney 'Started It, And Now This Poor Guy Has

On her CNN Headline News show Thursday night, Joy Behar thought the "Obama's Katrina" language from Republicans was odd, since the "Bush/Cheney administration" is responsible for both disasters. Steve Kornacki of Salon.com insisted "all of the insults, all of the criticisms that were hurled at the Bush right after Katrina, they are just dying to throw back at the Democrats."Behar replied: "But…
Tim Graham
May 30th, 2010 6:43 AM