Video: Arab Media Gives Platform to Woman Who Warns Israeli Women to L Staff
June 8th, 2010 6:15 PM

Jillette Mocks BP Boycott Try: 'Oh No, Now They're Boycotting us on Fa

There are a lot of people angry at BP for causing huge damage to the Gulf of Mexico. As a way to vent some of this emotion, some are volunteering their help to clean up where the oil has washed ashore. Others are petitioning lawmakers to clamp down on oil companies to ensure this doesn't happen again. However, there's one option that has proved to be pointless according to Penn Jillette, half…
Jeff Poor
June 8th, 2010 6:13 PM

CNN's Gupta: Womb is a 'Sacred Space' and a 'Safe Refuge' for 'Babies

CNN anchor Dr. Sanjay Gupta refreshingly made an implicitly pro-life argument during a report about how toxic chemicals possibly affect the unborn children: "Here in the womb, enveloped in darkness and warmth, a baby's life begins in earnest. It is a sacred space: pristine, insulated, more than nine months of safe refuge from the world outside" [audio available here].Dr. Gupta made that statement…
Matthew Balan
June 8th, 2010 6:06 PM

MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe': White Working Class Voters Racist

MSNBC continued its defense of President Obama against “racist” critics Tuesday morning. The network’s show “Morning Joe” featured a panel of journalists discussing just how some opponents of President Obama’s agenda refuse to support him–because the President is either a Democrat or African-American.After host Joe Scarborough and Time's Mark Halperin ripped the Drudge Report for its headline…
Matt Hadro
June 8th, 2010 5:56 PM

WaPo's Kurtz: In 2002, Helen Thomas Exclaimed 'Thank God for Hezbollah

As other media outlets have given Helen Thomas the kid glove treatment in light of her "trailblazing" career, media consumers may be forgiven for assuming that Helen Thomas's anti-Israel, arguably anti-Semitic comments were an aberration in an otherwise unblemished career of assertive but fair journalism.To his credit, Washington Post's media reporter Howard Kurtz made note of other incidents,…
Ken Shepherd
June 8th, 2010 5:00 PM

Time Features Facebook Group 'Plug The BP Oil Spill With Sarah Palin

Time magazine on Monday featured a new Facebook group wanting to plug the BP oil spill with former Alaska governor Sarah Palin."Disasters require out-of-the-box thinking, after all," began Time's Kayla Webley. She continued, "In a week's time, more than 100,000 people have given a virtual thumbs up to a Facebook group that suggests the Gulf oil leak ought to be plugged with none other than former…
Noel Sheppard
June 8th, 2010 4:09 PM

MSNBC’s 'Morning Joe' Panel: Drudge Headline Racially-Tinged

For over seven minutes this morning, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” panel expounded on the racial overtones of Matt Drudge’s Tuesday morning headline and other criticisms of the Obama administration.It started when Time magazine’s senior political analyst Mark Halperin brought up the Drudge Report headline, “Obama Goes Street: Seeking ‘Ass to Kick’,” and alleged that it spun Obama’s comments to NBC’s Matt…
Matt Hadro
June 8th, 2010 4:09 PM

Timothy Egan Calls Tea Party a 'Constitutional Wrecking Crew

That's before the former reporter lights into the Republican Party and then the majority of Americans who support the new Arizona immigration law: "Poll-testing the Bill of Rights in a troubled time is always a risky proposition. In 2010, the Fourth Amendment - protection against unreasonable search and seizure - probably would not fare very well. After all, a majority of Americans back the…
Clay Waters
June 8th, 2010 4:02 PM

NBC's Lauer Prompted Obama's Use of the 'A' Word

In teasing the more emotional portion of Matt Lauer's exclusive Today show interview with Barack Obama, in which he blurted that he needed to "know whose ass to kick" over the oil spill in the Gulf, NBC's Brian Williams, on Monday's NBC Nightly News, left the impression that the President was finally showing "some anger." Something, as the MRC's Brent Baker pointed out, liberals had been pushing…
Geoffrey Dickens
June 8th, 2010 3:56 PM

Haley Barbour: Media's Oil Spill Coverage Exaggerating Facts, Harming

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour claims that the media's coverage of the Gulf oil spill is doing far more damage to his state's economy than the spill itself. "The coast is clear," Barbour quipped on Fox News Sunday. "The truth is we've had virtually no oil." Barbour criticized media coverage generally, and Fox in particular. Shep Smith, whose show airs at 4pm and 7pm on weekdays, has been one…
Lachlan Markay
June 8th, 2010 3:35 PM Equates Helen Thomas to Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity; Blames Depa

It's hard to imagine a scenario where one would be sympathetic toward former "dean of the White House press corps" Helen Thomas following her videotaped remarks that Israeli Jews "should get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany or Poland. However, in a June 7 column on, Anna Clark wrote that Thomas deserved leeway, since some talk radio personalities say "controversial,…
Jeff Poor
June 8th, 2010 3:26 PM

MSNBC Anchors in 'Anguish' Over Helen Thomas Retirement

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd, and Savannah Guthrie on Tuesday’s “The Daily Rundown” were in “anguish” over the forced retirement of Helen Thomas, but showed little sympathy for the Israelis that the Hearst columnist so odiously disrespected.“I think a lot of people feel some anguish about this because the comments were beyond the pale,” lamented Guthrie. “And yet it tarnishes a career that…
Alex Fitzsimmons
June 8th, 2010 2:59 PM

AP Falsely Frames H-P's Tech Job Cuts, Ignores 'Hiring Mode' in Sales

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, George Mason University economics professor Daniel Klein today notes that "self-identified liberals and Democrats do badly on questions of basic economics." It therefore shouldn't be terribly surprising that so many journalists do a poor job of economic and business reporting, because, as the Media Research Center has frequently and consistently documented…
Tom Blumer
June 8th, 2010 2:20 PM

CNBC Host: Obama's Language 'Disturbs Me

Nathan Burchfiel
June 8th, 2010 1:58 PM