JournoListers Conspired To Destroy Sarah Palin Day McCain Picked Her

New e-mail messages published by the Daily Caller Thursday show a coordinated effort by the JournoList's members to destroy Sarah Palin the moment she was named John McCain's running mate on August 29, 2008. Some even discussed how the former Alaska governor's decision to have a Down Syndrome baby rather than abort it could be used against her.  As the attacks ensued, the Nation's Chris Hayes…
Noel Sheppard
July 22nd, 2010 10:53 AM

Media Touted Distorted Claims Texas Conservatives Removed Slavery from

As the Texas State Board of Education worked to complete its once-every-ten-year revision of the curriculum for the state’s schools in May, much of the mainstream media promoted complaints and distortions from the left – many originating with the left-leaning Texas Freedom Network – about the nature of the changes in the guidelines and how they would effect textbooks that might end up in other…
Brad Wilmouth
July 22nd, 2010 10:15 AM

Open Thread: Obama's Recovery Summer

Ladies and gentlemen, Andrew Klavan:Feel better now?
NB Staff
July 22nd, 2010 9:08 AM

L'Affaire Sherrod: Quick Question Crumbles Capehart's White House Cove

Jonathan Capehart is the early frontrunner to win my Obama Parrot of the Week, the dubious award I hand out on my local TV show to the media member most wantonly toeing the White House line.On today's Morning Joe, the Washington Post editorialist, trying to suggest the White House was not involved in the firing of Shirley Sherrod, offered a strained theory of how Sherrod misunderstood what she…
Mark Finkelstein
July 22nd, 2010 7:25 AM

Daily Caller Runs Pieces of Obama Election Glee from JournoList, Plus

The latest installment of The Daily Caller's exploration of the liberal JournoList isn't an article, but a list of euphoric reactions to the election of Obama. Jonathan Strong does quote here from some establishment media. When one writer (Laura Rozen of Politico) starts listing Bushies who will no longer have to be listened to, Time's Joe Klein nominated "Pete Wehner," one of those dreaded…
Tim Graham
July 22nd, 2010 6:39 AM

Salon Editor-in-Chief Accuses Conservatives of Distorting Facts, Then

If you're going to write an article blasting the opposition for distorting facts, it absolutely behooves one to double check all of their own statements for accuracy. Such is the case of Joan Walsh, Editor-in-Chief of Salon, who recently penned a piece titled, The Shame of Right-Wing "Journalism".  The article includes the sub-heading, "Andrew Breitbart and Tucker Carlson distort facts to smear…
Rusty Weiss
July 22nd, 2010 2:38 AM

Shirley Sherrod Reminds CNN’s Gergen of Nelson Mandela

Exhibiting an extreme case of the media euphoria over Shirley Sherrod’s vindication, moments before Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack appeared before the cameras CNN senior political analyst David Gergen gushed to Rick Sanchez: I have to tell you, Rick, I don't want to put her on too high a pedestal. I don't think she would want that. But I kept thinking about Nelson Mandela as I heard her…
Brent Baker
July 22nd, 2010 1:30 AM

Olbermann: Sherrod was 'Assassinated by Fox News and That Scum Breitba

UPDATE at end of post: Glenn Beck skewers Olbermann for this pathetic rant!Keith Olbermann interrupted his much-needed vacation Wednesday to surprise his few viewers with a "Special Comment" about the forced resignation of USDA official Shirley Sherrod.Quite predictably, his greater than twelve minute tirade largely focused on Fox News and Andrew Breitbart -- the latter repeatedly referred to as…
Noel Sheppard
July 22nd, 2010 1:19 AM

Cyndi Lauper: George Bush a Criminal, Evangelism Bullsh*t

Alana Goodman
July 22nd, 2010 12:00 AM

In Light of NAACP Condemnation, Media Brings Back Tea Party Fraud

Memo to media members wishing to invite the Tea Party Founder on your show, or use him as a source for your biased reports:  He isn't exactly who you think he is. Since the NAACP voted to condemn extremist elements in the Tea Party, news networks, sites, and liberal blogs have rushed to include ‘Tea Party Founder', Dale Robertson, in their reports.  Problem being, Dale Robertson as Tea Party…
Rusty Weiss
July 21st, 2010 11:59 PM

MSNBC Cherry Picks, Edits FNC Clips to Claim FNC Incited Sherrod Resig

On Tuesday’s Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, as host Maddow complained that a video clip of former USDA official Shirley Sherrod had been edited to make it appear that she currently has a tendency to discriminate against white farmers at USDA – a clip that led to her firing by the Obama administration – the MSNBC host not only incorrectly claimed that FNC coverage of the clip had helped incite her…
Brad Wilmouth
July 21st, 2010 9:05 PM

Schultz Says Breitbart 'Nutjob, Makes Me Sick' But Whines Won't Come O

Hey, it's been a long day with all this Sherrod stuff.  So let's kick back and enjoy some—unintentional—humor, courtesy Ed Schultz.  On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed advised Dems not to go on Fox News because they'll "beat you up."  Schultz then unleashed a torrent of venom on Andrew Breitbart, saying among—many—other things that Breitbart is a "nutjob" who "makes me sick."But Schultz began…
Mark Finkelstein
July 21st, 2010 8:21 PM

Politico's VandeHei Takes NAACP to Task for Labeling Tea Party Racist

Appearing on Wednesday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC to discuss the Shirley Sherrod controversy, Politico co-founder Jim VandeHei pointed out the NAACP's role in fueling racial accusations: "If you think about this, where this thing started, the NAACP comes out and makes this charge against the tea party movement."VandeHei rejected the NAACP's claim of racism in the political movement: "It's a…
Kyle Drennen
July 21st, 2010 6:11 PM

CNN's Feyerick Plays Hardball With Ground Zero Mosque Developer

On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN correspondent Deborah Feyerick refreshingly asked the developer behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero many hard questions. Feyerick bluntly asked Sharif el-Gamel, "Why not have a prayer space for Buddhists or Jews or Christians...why must it be Muslim?" The correspondent even brought up how one of the landing gear of one of the planes ended up on the site of the…
Matthew Balan
July 21st, 2010 5:40 PM