CNN Analyst Echoes Liberal Talking Points on Arizona Immigration Judge

On Wednesday night's "Anderson Cooper 360," CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin claimed that the federal judge in the Arizona immigration case doesn't possess "a strong political profile one way or another," which is a sign the decision is well-supported by the law.Cooper asked Toobin if Judge Bolton, who decided the case, was a liberal, noting that she was appointed to the post by President Clinton."She'…
Matt Hadro
July 30th, 2010 3:26 PM

WikiLeaks Proves We Need the MSM

If Anne Applebaum is to be believed, the existence of primary sources is in and of itself the reason the dead-trees should be kept around. She writes for Slate:I didn't think it was possible, but Julian Assange has now done it: By releasing 92,000 documents full of Afghanistan intelligence onto the laptops of an unsuspecting public, the founder of Wikileaks has finally made an ironclad case for…
Matt Robare
July 30th, 2010 2:44 PM

Keith Olbermann's Colleague Chuck Todd Calls Andrew Breitbart a 'Propa

Chuck Todd works for the same network that employs the likes of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, liberal propagandists all, yet it's doubtful Todd would ever call them that, however he did attach that "p" word to one Andrew Breitbart. During a segment, on Friday's Today show, headlined: "White House Distractions, Sherrod Story Lingers with Lawsuit Plans" Todd relayed…
Geoffrey Dickens
July 30th, 2010 1:49 PM

Chris Matthews' Opinion of Sherrod's Breitbart Suit Changes in Two Hou

Chris Matthews in the course of less than two hours Thursday appeared to radically change his opinion about Shirley Sherrod's pending lawsuit against Andrew Breitbart.As NewsBusters previously reported, Matthews during the 5 p.m. installment of "Hardball" got into a heated argument with former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean about the contents of the controversial video…
Noel Sheppard
July 30th, 2010 1:44 PM

Leftwing Talk Show Host Inadvertently Produces Campaign Commercial Aga

Does the host of the leftwing "The Young Turks" internet talk show, Cenk Uygur, realize that he has provided some really good reasons to defeat Harry Reid in November? I'm sure that wasn't his intent when Uygur went into some detail on the sad state of the Las Vegas economy which sure wasn't helped when President Obama openly discouraged businesses from making trips there last year despite the…
P.J. Gladnick
July 30th, 2010 1:10 PM

Only Fox News Hits Gibbs With Questions on Possible Plans to Bypass Co

Robert Gibbs on Friday appeared on all three network morning shows, as well as Fox News, MSNBC and CNN, but only FNC quizzed the White House press secretary about whether the White House would try and force immigration reform without Congress. Co-host Steve Doocy challenged, "There are some memos circulating...up on Capitol Hill, and probably at the White House as well, about how the…
Scott Whitlock
July 30th, 2010 12:57 PM

Left-wing Black Activist Acknowledges Race Attacks on Tea Party Are Bo

What will it take for the media to acknowledge that the Tea Party is not a racist movement, and that liberals have smeared it as such in a naked politicization of race relations? How about a lefty activist admitting just that.UPenn professor Mary Frances Berry, a leader of the "far-left black political scene," as NB Executive Editor Matt Sheffield wrote,  penned this astonishing email to Politico…
Lachlan Markay
July 30th, 2010 12:24 PM

CNN Picks Up on Charles Sherrod's 'White Man and His Uncle Toms' Remar

CNN's Joe Johns surprisingly highlighted Charles Sherrod's racially-charged comments about stopping "the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections" during a segment on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360. Johns also reported on the questions being raised by conservatives about how his wife Shirley Sherrod received her former position at the U.S. Department of Agriculture [audio clip…
Matthew Balan
July 30th, 2010 11:55 AM

MoveOn.Org Adores NPR, Conducts E-Mail Campaign Against Fox Getting th

For anyone who does not think National Public Radio is a taxpayer-funded propaganda organ for the left, consider that the radical leftists at are conducting an e-mail campaign to assign the "Helen Thomas seat" in the front row of the briefing room to NPR a "real, public" news organ, not that Fox "propaganda machine." They think NPR can offer a better cloning of Helen Thomas: Dear…
Tim Graham
July 30th, 2010 11:49 AM

Media Parrot White House Spin on Auto Bailout as Unemployment Rises

As President Obama travels to Michigan to visit General Motors and Chrysler assembly lines, the media assembly line continues mass-producing bias.On July 30, both ABC and CBS ran stories on their websites promoting President Obama's trip to Michigan to "let you know the Detroit Big Three are in the black again." Both networks' stories claimed the "unpopular auto industry bailout has turned into…
Kyle Gillis
July 30th, 2010 11:32 AM

Mea Culpa 360: CNN Anchor Says He Was Wrong to Let Shirley Sherrod Sme

On Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, anchor Anderson Cooper faulted himself for not pressing Shirley Sherrod when she appeared on the show back on July 22 and claimed that conservative Andrew Breitbart was a “vicious” racist who “would like to get us stuck back in the times of slavery.” Cooper now says he should have challenged Sherrod to support such an inflammatory charge with facts: “I believe…
Rich Noyes
July 30th, 2010 9:42 AM

Time Helps Jerry Brown Sell False Image as 'Budget Hawk' Who 'Never Ra

Jerry Brown was known as "Governor Moonbeam" in the 1970s, and ran for president from the left three times (to the left of Jimmy Carter in 1976 and 1980, and to the left of Bill Clinton in 1992). But now that he's running for governor again, Time magazine is trying to convince its readers he's really a centrist. In the August 2 magazine, reporter Karl Taro Greenfeld helpfully laid out Brown's…
Tim Graham
July 30th, 2010 6:36 AM

ABC Leads by Trumpeting ‘Anger in the Streets’ from ‘Hundreds

“Anger in the streets and we’re there for the protests,” ABC anchor Diane Sawyer teased in making reaction from a few opposed to Arizona’s immigration enforcement efforts her top story on Thursday night. She led: “Emboldened by a judge's rebuke of that law yesterday, hundreds of opponents of the crackdown took to the streets today. But the state's unyielding Governor stood by the law.” ABC’s…
Brent Baker
July 30th, 2010 1:48 AM

CNBC Reporter: Bush Tax Cuts Only Affected Those Making $250K or More's Jeff Cox needs to brush up on his financial history. He believes that George W. Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts affected only the highest-earning taxpayers, i.e., those who gross $250,000 a year of more. He's wrong. Here's part of what Cox posted this morning (erroneous statement is bolded; HT to Mark Levin in his Thursday broadcast): Letting Bush Tax Cuts Die Would Kill Recovery:…
Tom Blumer
July 30th, 2010 12:46 AM