Schultz: NPR 'As Down The Middle As You Can Get

Hey, it's Friday night.  Time to kick back, relax, and have a few chuckles, courtesy Ed Schultz.  On his MSNBC show this evening, Schultz, somehow managing to keep a straight face, claimed that NPR is "as down the middle as you can get." Schultz served up his side-splitter in condemning Jim DeMint and other Republicans for proposing the federal defunding of NPR.  In the world according to…
Mark Finkelstein
October 22nd, 2010 8:38 PM

PBS NewsHour Analysts Agree NPR Firing Is Wrong, But David Brooks Tout

At the end of Friday night's PBS NewsHour, anchor Judy Woodruff asked their political analysts Mark Shields and David Brooks about NPR's firing of Juan Williams. Shields said "NPR made a serious mistake...and I think they did it in a terrible way, by a telephone call without a personal chance to explain himself. You know, I think it's given the right wing a tremendous opening to attack NPR,…
Tim Graham
October 22nd, 2010 8:31 PM

Essay: Colorado Personhood Amendment is 'Social Justice

In typical lefty fashion, the Huffington Post is hiding behind a “qualified” author to make a feminist, pro-abortion argument. Reverend Dawn Duval, a minister of social justice (whatever that means) and mother of two, wrote a passionate piece to slam Colorado Amendment 62 and its supporters, while making the misaligned point that in defining a fertilized egg as a person, it removes a woman’s…
Erin R. Brown
October 22nd, 2010 7:22 PM

Recycling the Trash Against Clarence Thomas: Is the New Accuser's Moti

The Washington Post is apparently an easy mark for someone selling 19-year-old sex allegations – or in this case pornography allegations against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In 1991, during the Hill-Thomas hearings, Lillian McEwen kept quiet. But now, she has a memoir she's "shopping to publishers." The Post splashed her face across the front of Friday's Style section. The headline…
Tim Graham
October 22nd, 2010 6:37 PM

Al Qaeda Unhappy About Helen Thomas's Firing

America's mortal enemy was apparently displeased with the recent firing of White House correspondent Helen Thomas. The following question was actually published in al Qaeda's new English language online propaganda magazine Inspire (h/t Weekly Standard via Hot Air):
Noel Sheppard
October 22nd, 2010 4:10 PM

CNN Heavily Promotes Homosexual Activist Group's 'Wear Purple' Day

CNN continued its promotion of the left-wing agenda of homosexual activist groups by devoting five segments on Wednesday to promoting GLAAD's "Spirit Day" or "Wear Purple Day." The network promoted the organization's website for the special day, which, as anchor John Roberts described it, was organized "to show support for gay and lesbian youth and honor teens who have taken their lives in…
Matthew Balan
October 22nd, 2010 2:00 PM

MRC's Worst of the Week: "Strange Extremists" vs. Our "Effective Hero

With less than two weeks before Election Day, the media elite continue to disparage the GOP’s Tea Party candidates while saluting the greatness of the über-unpopular Democratic Congress and its leader, Nancy Pelosi. On This Week, ABC’s Christiane Amanpour — apparently oblivious to the decades of liberal mockery hurled at Ronald Reagan and William Buckley — cited those leaders as exemplifying…
Rich Noyes
October 22nd, 2010 11:55 AM

Juan Williams: 'I've Always Felt the Right Wing was Inflexible and Int

>Former NPR senior analyst Juan Williams told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America" Friday that his surprise termination has changed his view of which side of the political aisle is actually the tolerant one. "I've always thought the right wing was the ones who were inflexible and intolerant, and now I'm coming to realize that the orthodoxy at NPR, if it's representing the…
Noel Sheppard
October 22nd, 2010 11:49 AM

Williams Harangues Christie from the Krugman Left, Pleads for More Spe

Brian Williams touted New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a “star” on “the rise” in the Republican Party before adding a “however” and haranguing him from left over his opposition to massive spending for a new tunnel from his state to New York, reciting as an oracle the criticism from far-left New York Times columnist Paul Krugman without ever identifying the source of the supposed wisdom…
Brent Baker
October 22nd, 2010 10:36 AM

Reid Says He Prevented Worldwide Depression, Schultz Doesn't Bat An Ey

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday's "Ed Show" actually said he prevented a worldwide depression. When he did, the host of the program didn't even bat an eye (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Hot Air):
Noel Sheppard
October 22nd, 2010 10:10 AM

Norah's New Math Grossly Understates NPR's Fed Funding

Trying to write off calls—in reaction to the Juan Williams firing fiasco—for the federal defunding of NPR as mere right-wing electoral politics and "cable catnip," Norah O'Donnell has grossly understated the proportion of its budget that NPR obtains from the feds. Aided and abetted by Chuck Todd, Norah offered her misleading math on today's Daily Rundown on MSNBC.  O'Donnell claimed that…
Mark Finkelstein
October 22nd, 2010 9:59 AM

MRC's Bozell on 'Fox & Friends' Discusses NPR's Double Standard on Con

Juan Williams's firing from National Public Radio (NPR) earlier this week was not only animated in part by the liberal George Soros-backed radio network's disdain of Fox News, it also reeks of a double standard, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told viewers of Friday's "Fox & Friends" program. "If [Juan Williams] had said those words on the Charlie Rose show, it would have been seen as…
NB Staff
October 22nd, 2010 9:03 AM

NY Times' Kate Zernike, Aided by Politicized NAACP Report, Again Ventu

New York Times Tea Party beat reporter Kate Zernike’s obsession with rooting out alleged Tea Party racism rolled on in her Thursday story, “N.A.A.C.P. Report Raises Concerns About Racism Within Tea Party Groups.” The report, released less than two weeks before the November elections, was actually authored by the far-left Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, which promotes…
Clay Waters
October 22nd, 2010 8:27 AM

Juan Williams Fires Back: NPR Worse Than Nixon and His Enemies List

Fired NPR analyst Juan Williams is pushing back hard against the taxpayer-funded network firing him over his appearances on the Fox News Channel. In an opinion piece for, Williams says he was a victim of political correctness and increasing ideological orthodoxy in media, and concluded that NPR is worse than Richard Nixon and his enemies list: I say an ideological battle because…
Tim Graham
October 22nd, 2010 8:07 AM