Americans Reject Role of Politics in Shooting, CBS's Couric Still Fret

Introducing a segment on Tuesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric acknowledged the latest CBS News poll showing that 57% of Americans do not believe heated political rhetoric had anything to do with the Tucson shooting. Even so, she added: "Just the same, nearly half say the discourse has become less civil than it was ten years ago." The poll numbers that appeared on screen showed…
Kyle Drennen
January 12th, 2011 1:37 PM

Video: MRC's Bozell Addresses Left's History of Politicizing Tragedies

Jared Loughner was in no way a conservative or inspired by alleged conservative talk show "hate," yet the media have been quick to blame conservative talk radio and Sarah Palin for his assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona), all in an effort to delegitimize and demonize the conservative movement. This stands in stark contrast to how the media have been silent on the real…
NB Staff
January 12th, 2011 1:13 PM

Wash Post's Jonathan Capehart Smears Sarah Palin for 'Anti-Semitic Phr

MSNBC's Chris Jansing featured the liberal Jonathan Capehart on Wednesday to attack a newly released Sarah Palin video as "anti-Semitic." The Washington Post editorial page writer berated Palin for complaining about the media's attempts to link conservative speech to last week's shooting in Arizona. In the video, the former Alaska governor rejected this as a "blood libel." Capehart smeared…
Scott Whitlock
January 12th, 2011 12:24 PM

On Today: Spike Lee Attacks NRA, Calls USA 'Most Violent Country In H

Director Spike Lee, along with his wife Tonya, came on Wednesday's Today show to promote their new children's book, but he couldn't leave without blaming the NRA for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting and slamming the United States of America for being "the most violent country in the history of civilization." Initially both Lees just talked about their new book, Giant Steps to Change the World…
Geoffrey Dickens
January 12th, 2011 11:36 AM

NewsBusters Publisher Bozell Condemns Death Wishes Against Conservativ

Editor's Note: NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell issued the following statement and provided evidence on the double standard of blaming conservatives for the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona while repeatedly ignoring left-wing media outbursts wishing death upon conservatives: The so-called ‘news’ media have zero currency in this debate because we have…
Brent Bozell
January 12th, 2011 11:10 AM

'Candorville' Strip Mocks CBS Early Show's Taste for Fluffy News

Cartoonist Darrin Bell is no conservative. His syndicated comic strip "Candorville," when it does get political, often skews to the left. But Bell's January 10 strip caught my eye the other day for mocking a dreadfully dopey line uttered by CBS correspondent Priya David-Clemens on the January 3 "CBS Early Show." "Gandhi likely never had a year like [Lindsay] Lohan's 2010," David-Clemens…
Ken Shepherd
January 12th, 2011 10:55 AM

'Entertainment' Media Join Chorus Blaming Conservatives for Shooting

It was no less depressing for being predictable. News of the horrendous Jan. 8 shooting of Democratic Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 17 others had just broken when some on the left were exploiting it to malign conservatives. Yet the left has blamed the “vitriolic” rhetoric of conservatives and the Tea Parties as inciting violence. The mainstream media has enabled and even joined liberals…
Matt Philbin
January 12th, 2011 10:51 AM

USAT Cites Kanjorski NYT 'Civility' Op-Ed As 'Smart Insight'; Former C

The folks at USA Today really ought to vet their candidates for the "Et Cetera -- Smart insights on the news of the day" section of the print edition of its editorial page a bit more thoroughly. Wednesday morning's opener in that section (apparently not available online) featured two paragraphs from a New York Times op-ed by former Pennsylvania Congressman Paul Kanjorski, including this final…
Tom Blumer
January 12th, 2011 10:25 AM

Sarah Palin: 'Journalists and Pundits Should Not Manufacture a Blood L

Media members that have been shamelessly blaming Sarah Palin for helping to incite Jared Lee Loughner's shooting rampage in Tucson on Saturday have been in the past couple of days ridiculing her silence since the event. On Wednesday, just hours before the President is set to speak on this subject, the former Alaska governor posted her thoughtful response to the tragedy - as well as the press'…
Noel Sheppard
January 12th, 2011 10:18 AM

Top Chef Tom Colicchio Scrapes Bottom of the Barrel During Giffords Tr

Anyone who’s seen Bravo’s "Top Chef" knows Tom Colicchio.  He’s a man who knows how to cook and a man who knows good food.  And, while his taste buds work magnificently, he’s apparently politically tone deaf.  In the wake of Representative Giffords' shooting last weekend he served up a dish that turned the majority of the country’s stomach. He wrote on Twitter:
Doug Ernst
January 12th, 2011 9:39 AM

Open Thread: Is the MSM Full of Yellow Journalists

Over at Ace's place, Purple Avenger ponders whether today's journalists can really be deemed "yellow" in the late 19th-early 20th century sense. He(?) finds that "what we're seeing now is a somewhat different and more dangerous beast than traditional yellow journalism." The one thing that clearly distinguished the early vanguard of yellow journalism from media today is the perspective it took…
NB Staff
January 12th, 2011 9:32 AM

CNN's Toobin: President Obama is 'Against Gun Control

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin falsely claimed on Tuesday's Parker-Spitzer that Barack Obama is "against gun control." Toobin also seemed to lament that the conservative position on the Second Amendment has become the "conventional wisdom" in politics: "This is how much gun control has fallen off the map politically- that the idea that more guns will mean more protection is widely believed" [audio…
Matthew Balan
January 12th, 2011 9:16 AM

Westboro Baptist Liberalism

Fred Phelps, crazed leader of the Westboro Baptist Church cult, has become infamous for blaming any bad event on the evils of homosexuality. Earthquake in Haiti? Blame the gays. Combat troop deaths in Iraq? Ditto. Phelps's logic works thusly: God literally hates people who engage in homosexual conduct and unless societies take the steps to ban and punish such action, God is going to…
Matthew Sheffield
January 12th, 2011 7:35 AM

What Our Constitution Permits

Here's the House of Representatives new rule: "A bill or joint resolution may not be introduced unless the sponsor has submitted for printing in the Congressional Record a statement citing as specifically as practicable the power or powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact the bill or joint resolution." Unless a congressional bill or resolution meets this requirement, it cannot…
Walter E. Williams
January 12th, 2011 12:01 AM