Al Sharpton: Rick Santorum is Racist for Saying 'America Was Great Bef

As NewsBusters has been reporting for weeks, one of the goals of the Obama-loving media is to depict every possible Republican presidential candidate as racist. On Monday's "MSNBC Live," substitute host Al Sharpton implied that newly announced candidate Rick Santorum was making a racist comment when he said at Saturday's Faith and Freedom Conference, "America was a great country before 1965…
Noel Sheppard
June 6th, 2011 9:29 PM

Obama Ignores Unemployment Rise to 9.1%, Job Gains of only

ABC's Jake Tapper notices president's 'non-acknowledgment' of June 3 jobs report.
Julia A. Seymour
June 6th, 2011 9:21 PM

Ditsy Radio Host Randi Rhodes Confuses Palin's Support for Israel With

Bush Derangement Syndrome never really went away. Nowadays it's directed at Sarah Palin instead. A good example of Palin's uncanny ability to unhinge liberals could be heard on a recent Randi Rhodes' radio show. Rhodes, who infamously derided Hillary Clinton as a "big f***ing whore"  during the 2008 campaign, was angered by Palin wearing a Star of David pendant during a stopover in New…
Jack Coleman
June 6th, 2011 8:33 PM

David Frum Suggests Republicans Looking Like 'Medicare-Annihilating Ra

In his newest op-ed titled "Don't Doom GOP's Chance to Win in 2012," David Frum clearly outlines the Republican Party's best chance for victory – if they don't come off as "Medicare-annihilating racist maniacs." He then goes about making the case that Republicans are doing just that. "It is Tea Party conservatism itself that is Obama's last, best hope for a second term," Frum boldly…
Matt Hadro
June 6th, 2011 7:00 PM

Barbara Walters: If Palin Can Be Considered for President, Weiner Can

Barbara Walters said Monday that if Sarah Palin can be considered as a possible presidential candidate, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) can stay in Congress despite the current sex scandal he's involved in. Significantly more shocking, "The View" co-host Joy Behar actually came to Palin's defense (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 6th, 2011 6:56 PM

Chrystia Freeland Blown Away by Weiner's 'Classy Touch

Chrystia Freeland made a series of bizarre statements on MSNBC today that were overshadowed only by Anthony Weiner's contrite presser during which the Democratic congressman admitted to tweeting the infamous crotch photo and lying to cover it up. Before the press conference, the Reuters editor-at-large quipped that the Twitter controversy showed that Eliot Spitzer, who resigned as New York…
Alex Fitzsimmons
June 6th, 2011 5:37 PM

NYT's Bill Keller: You'd Have to Be a Conspiracy Theorist Not to Belie

Bill Keller, the soon-to-be-former executive editor for the New York Times, writes a front-of-the-magazine column for the Times Sunday magazine. This week he had a relatively balanced take on conspiracy theories left and right, including a whopper from leftist feminist Naomi Wolf, in "Let Me Take Off My Tinfoil Hat For a discuss why otherwise-smart people fall for crackpot…
Clay Waters
June 6th, 2011 5:12 PM

Open Thread: Weiner Comes Clean, Refuses to Resign

In an ongoing press conference, an emotional Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted that he sent lewd photos to six women over the past few years. The New York Democrat refused to resign, however, depsite expressing his "deep regret" for his actions. Weiner also seemed to acknowledge the possibility that Andrew Breitbart, who took questions before Weiner took the stage, has in this presence a photo even…
NB Staff
June 6th, 2011 4:30 PM

Time's Sullivan Cites Left-wing 'Religious Group' to Insist Catholic R

"I am fairly certain that when Paul Ryan first decided to publicly share his admiration of Ayn Rand, he could not have imagined it would lead to him speed-walking to his SUV to avoid a young Catholic trying to give him a Bible and telling him to pay more attention to the Gospel of Luke," Time's Amy Sullivan snarked in a June 3 Swampland blog post.  
Ken Shepherd
June 6th, 2011 3:55 PM

AP's Alonso-Zaldivar Inadvertently Proves Political Nature of Obamacar

In late January (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted how the Associated Press and the New York Times had been studiously avoiding covering the Obamacare waivers granted by Kathleen Sebelius's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Though I can't verify that the AP has ignored the issue since, it doesn't seem to have been a prominently covered item until today, when wire service…
Tom Blumer
June 6th, 2011 3:33 PM

Chris Matthews Sees Edwards Indictment as GOP 'Revenge,' Like in 'Thir

On Friday's Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews proposed a GOP conspiracy behind the indictment of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards: "Do you think there's politics in this prosecution? Was it just a Republican U.S. attorney going after this guy, sticking around to do the dirty work for the 'R's?" [Audio available here] Matthews posed that question to Democratic…
Kyle Drennen
June 6th, 2011 3:11 PM

Weekend Talk Shows on ABC, CBS, CNN, and PBS Skip Weinergate -- But PB

The network elites completely avoided discussing Weinergate on the chat/interview shows this weekend. On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press was off due to the French Open. ABC’s This Week, CBS’s Face the Nation, and CNN's State of the Union all failed to utter even the name of Anthony Weiner – which was especially bizarre on CBS, since host Bob Schieffer interviewed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi…
Tim Graham
June 6th, 2011 3:01 PM

New CBS Anchor Scott Pelley Threatens to Bring 60 Minutes-Style Fairne

CBS News has lately been running ads touting their new Evening News anchor Scott Pelley as bringing “the world class original reporting of 60 Minutes, now every weeknight.” If so, those who hoped CBS would finally shift towards a more fair-and-balanced approach to the news may again be disappointed. Last year, MRC news analysts reviewed “the world class reporting” on 60 Minutes and found a…
Rich Noyes
June 6th, 2011 2:47 PM

Media's Newest Climate Culprit: Search Engines

Last time it was your refrigerator's ice maker, and we wondered what the media would come with next. They have outdone themselves. The latest climate culprit: Internet search engines. The Vancouver Sun calculated in an article last week that each search engine submission emits a minuscule one to 10 grams of carbon dioxide via a small amount of electricity usage. Add up the hundreds of…
Lachlan Markay
June 6th, 2011 1:16 PM