Bozell Column: 2012, A Year of Media Savagery

For those Republican presidential candidates who eventually conclude there is no path to the nomination, there is consolation in the notion that they won’t be the ones to face the brutal onslaught being prepared for the GOP king of the mountain by Team Obama and their army of “objective” media allies. This time around, the Obama machine cannot run on the fairy dust of Hope and Change. They…
Brent Bozell
December 27th, 2011 8:02 PM

NY Times Buried David Barstow's Reluctant Pentagon Vindication on Chri

An April 20, 2008 New York Times story by David Barstow, “MESSAGE MACHINE: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand,” won a Pulitzer Prize for the explosive claim that the Pentagon had cultivated “military analysts” in a “trojan horse” campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay. On December 1 of this year, the…
Clay Waters
December 27th, 2011 4:02 PM

NY Times Honors 'Sewer Mouth on Go-Go Wings

It’s always odd to see a “family newspaper” aglow over profane entertainment that it couldn’t possibly describe in its pages. That celebration of the unprintable happened in Monday’s New York Times, with a David Rooney theater review headlined “Under the Bouffant, a Sewer Mouth on Go-Go Wings.” Rooney’s supposedly sublime “sewer mouth” was the drag queen named “Lady Bunny” (real name: Jon…
Tim Graham
December 27th, 2011 3:12 PM

Thomas Friedman Says GOP Looking for Someone as 'Smart and Mellifluous

Appearing on Sunday’s Meet the Press, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman brought his usual lecturer’s arrogance and said he was really worried about President Obama’s chances at re-election: “I really, really worry about him.” The answer, of course, is more “stimulus” and increased spending on overpriced college tuitions: “I really hope he gives us a big choice.” Friedman also said the…
Tim Graham
December 27th, 2011 2:18 PM

NBC's Guthrie Promotes Obama's (Vanishing) Gallup Approval Rate Rise

In mid-December, we noticed ABC, CBS, and NBC had no interest in citing Gallup polls that made the Democrats look like they were on the wrong side of the public. But on Tuesday morning’s Today, NBC substitute co-host Savannah Guthrie gushed to Chris Matthews in the first half-hour of the show that the latest Gallup numbers show Obama ticking up a bit. “For the first time I think since July,…
Tim Graham
December 27th, 2011 1:22 PM

Nigerian Christmas Day Murders Condemned by Muslims, But

Condemning the deadly attacks on Nigerian Christians on Christmas Day, Islamic organizations around the world called the atrocities un-Islamic, yet opinion polls tracking views on terrorism suggest that significant numbers of Muslims disagree. While scientific polling has found a decline in support for suicide bombings over the decade since 9/11 in most major Muslim countries, minorities of…
Patrick Goodenough
December 27th, 2011 11:12 AM

WaPo Faith Section: 'Christmas Means the Redistribution of Wealth

The Washington Post On Faith section came to Christmas with a political agenda. To be specific, “Catholic America” blogger Anthony Stevens-Arroyo saw Christmas as an occasion to drag out the hidebound Marxism of “liberation theology” and then pretend that Pope Benedict has favored it, when in fact he has condemned it for years. The Christmas Eve article was headlined: “Christmas means the…
Tim Graham
December 27th, 2011 10:58 AM

Open Thread: Showdown Looms Between 'Occupy' Movement and Dem Conventi

Have Democrats created a monster by egging on the left-wing "Occupy Wall Street" movement by encouraging people to copy the original New York-based group in other cities? That seems to be the case in Charlotte, North Carolina where the outdoor hippie group is still hanging on to its encampment with an eye toward a showdown at the Democratic National Convention which will be staged in Charlotte…
NB Staff
December 27th, 2011 9:31 AM

ABC's Misleading Headline: "Gingrich ’06 Memo: 'Agree Entirely With

ABC's Jonathan Karl Tuesday published a piece now prominently featured at the Drudge Report with a headline guaranteed to be the Obama-loving media's lead story concerning something Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wrote over five years ago: "Gingrich ’06 Memo: 'Agree Entirely With Gov. Romney' on Health Care." Inside the actual document uncovered by BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski…
Noel Sheppard
December 27th, 2011 8:54 AM

Actress Playing Ann Richards Sees Palin, Bachmann as Signs of the Apoc

Karin Tanabe of Politico talked to actress Holland Taylor, who's now starring in her own play as liberal Texas Governor Ann Richards at the Kennedy Center in Washington. Taylor demonstrated she was at least as liberal as Richards in dismissing Republican women like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. “In recent years, the ‘mom candidates’ who have surged forward are not politicians and not…
Tim Graham
December 27th, 2011 7:09 AM

AP Report on Institute Burning in Egypt an Exercise in Reality Avoidan

A month ago, Aya Batrawy at the Associated Press's Egyptian bureau described those who ransacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo as "protesters," and absurdly asserted in the face of contrary evidence I was able to find in about five minutes that "the historic 1979 peace treaty with Israel ... has never had the support of ordinary Egyptians." Last week, in the wake of the burning -- more like…
Tom Blumer
December 26th, 2011 10:44 PM

AP Howler: A Successful College Football Team Lowers Male Students' Gr

I hope that the nominations for dumbest wire service item of the year are still open, because the December 20 report by Associated Press Education Writer Jay Pope on the alleged negative impact of a successful college football team on the grades of male students on campus must be placed in the running. Based on an eight-year study of grades by economists at just one school, the University of…
Tom Blumer
December 26th, 2011 6:59 PM

Lady Gaga's Christmas Offering: 'Stuck on F***in' You

Lady Gaga is at it again, trying to offend to get attention. Her latest song, which she leaked on Christmas Day to listeners, “Stuck on F***in You," is another effort to glorify casual sex and profanity.   Huffington Post reported positively on Gaga’s latest effort. “Think of her as a raw, hyper-sexualized Santa Claus, slinking down the chimney to mingle with the flames of your yule log. Lady…
Paul Wilson
December 26th, 2011 5:38 PM

What Time of Year Is It? In the Press, 'Holiday Shopping Season' Still

This is the seventh year I have looked into how the media treats two Christmas-related topics: The use of “Christmas shopping season” vs. “holiday shopping season” and the relative frequency of "Christmas" and "holiday" layoff references. Unfortunately, the hints of improvement late last year, when 20% of stories in the late December pre-Christmas search referenced the "Christmas shopping…
Tom Blumer
December 26th, 2011 12:08 PM