ABC on Romney (Not at Bain Since 1999): He 'Sent Millions to the Mormo

In 1998, we learned that Al and Tipper Gore made $353 in deductible charitable contributions against income of $198,000 the previous year. In the decade from 1998-2007, Joe and Jill Biden averaged $369 per year in such reported contributions. Bill and Hillary Clinton were infamous for taking charitable contributions for used underwear. The aforementioned facts are generally not known by…
Tom Blumer
January 18th, 2012 11:58 PM

Who's Dumb? Andrew Sullivan Says Tax ‘Revenues Currently Are At 50 Y

The more one listens to Newsweek’s Andrew Sullivan, the more one has to conclude that he either knows absolutely nothing about the economy or he’s lying through his teeth. Appearing on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Wednesday evening, Sullivan actually said tax “revenues currently are at 50 year lows” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
January 18th, 2012 11:23 PM

Terrorist Says He Was 'Prompted' to Kill U.S. Airmen By Anti-War Movie

The mainstream media will spend ten days losing their ever-loving minds blaming a Sarah Palin campaign map a killer never saw for that killer’s actions, but this news about a confessed terrorist admitting that a clip from Brian De Palma’s “Redacted” “prompted” him to murder two American airmen gets buried at the bottom of a Salt Lake City newspaper article:
John Nolte
January 18th, 2012 10:11 PM

David Letterman Jokes About Gingrich Abusing Wife, Mocks Gov. Christie

CBS comedian David Letterman teed off on the Republican presidential field on Monday night while barely batting an eye toward President Obama or the Democrats. The Late Show host joked at the expense of Newt Gingrich's first marriage and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's weight, while comparing former First Lady Pat Nixon to a reptile from Star Trek. In addition, the CBS comedian dismissed the…
Matt Hadro
January 18th, 2012 9:30 PM

Syrupy CNN Hails Michelle Obama's 'Really Good Comic Timing' and 'Very

On Tuesday, CNN repeatedly cheered Michelle Obama’s cameo appearance on the Nickeodeon teen comedy “iCarly,” offering an obsequious basket of compliments, hailing a possible “second career” in acting and honoring her dancing as “very, very cute.” CNN entertainment correspondent Nischelle Turner wasn’t quite correct in suggesting Mrs. Obama “signed up” for “iCarly.” The cameo was her idea (as…
Tim Graham
January 18th, 2012 9:26 PM

Piers Morgan and Rosie O'Donnell Bash 'Anti-Homosexuals' Republicans

CNN's Piers Morgan never even tried to conceal his support for gay marriage while he hosted "special guest" Rosie O'Donnell for the one-year anniversary of his prime-time CNN show. The Tuesday interview morphed into a GOP-bashing festival as the two liberals derided some Republicans for their "anti-gay" remarks. Morgan never pressed O'Donnell about her past espousal of 9/11 "truther"…
Matt Hadro
January 18th, 2012 7:18 PM

Three Conservative Victories You May Not Know About But Should

While most attention is focused on the presidential race and Republican hopes to oust President Obama from office, some significant steps were taken last week on issues dear to the hearts of conservatives. In Texas, a federal appeals court upheld the state's sonogram law, which requires that women seeking abortions view a picture of their baby before having the procedure. The 5th Circuit…
Cal Thomas
January 18th, 2012 5:56 PM

Chris Christie Zaps MSNBC's Botched Chart: It's 'Democratic Math

MSNBC doesn't make sense to Chris Christie, either. The outspoken Republican governor on Wednesday mocked a network graphic insisting that 55 percent of New Jersey residents think he'll be Vice President and 68 percent don't. (So, 123 percent?) An amused Christie quipped, "That sounds like Democratic math!" [See video below. MP3 here.] A sheepish Joe Scarborough admitted, "Now, see, I'm not…
Scott Whitlock
January 18th, 2012 5:53 PM

Chris Matthews Calls Republican Voters 'Lemmings

A day after calling South Carolina GOP voters racist, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday referred to the Republican electorate as "lemmings" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
January 18th, 2012 5:37 PM

NBC's Lauer Presses Chris Christie: Isn't Obama Class Warfare Really A

In an effort to once again run defense for Barack Obama, NBC's Today co-host Matt Lauer on Wednesday pushed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to agree that the President's sustained effort to pit economic classes against one another is just a matter of fairness: "Talk to me about that word 'envy.' Because I asked Governor Romney about this last week as well....why is it envy as opposed to…
Kyle Drennen
January 18th, 2012 5:18 PM

Geraldo Rivera Confesses: I'm a Product of 'Affirmative Action

Geraldo Rivera's new radio talk show on WABC in New York is leading to Rivera blabbing at length about himself and his career. On Monday, Geraldo admitted he might not have had his high-profile career without racial quotas (or "affirmative action," in liberal-speak). I'm a product, I think, of affirmative action, in the sense that I was a lawyer for the Young Lords [a leftist Puerto Rican…
Tim Graham
January 18th, 2012 4:50 PM

Time Notes 'Fundamentalist War Against Moderate Islam' In Libya

Ken Shepherd
January 18th, 2012 4:41 PM

MSDNC: In Chat with DNC Chief, Wagner Spins Oil Pipeline Cancellation

Yesterday MSNBC's Alex Wagner treated viewers of her noon Eastern Now program to a panel that featured Obama Super PAC staffer Bill Burton. Today the promotion of pro-Obama spin continued with Wagner herself attempting to help DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz spin the Obama/Clinton State Department's decision to scrap the Keystone XL pipeline project. "Is there a concern, though,…
Ken Shepherd
January 18th, 2012 3:55 PM

NPR, CBS Play Up Romney's 'Provocative' Warren Buffett Tax Rate

NPR  harped on Mitt Romney's "provocative tax detail" on Wednesday's Morning Edition, highlighting that the GOP presidential candidate "disclosed he's in the same low tax bracket as the billionaire [Warren] Buffett." Correspondent Scott Horsley later used clips from President Obama to accent liberals' class warfare spin about the rich paying a lower tax rate than "millionaires and billionaires…
Matthew Balan
January 18th, 2012 3:31 PM