NBC's Lauer Presses Chris Christie: Isn't Obama Class Warfare Really A

In an effort to once again run defense for Barack Obama, NBC's Today co-host Matt Lauer on Wednesday pushed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to agree that the President's sustained effort to pit economic classes against one another is just a matter of fairness: "Talk to me about that word 'envy.' Because I asked Governor Romney about this last week as well....why is it envy as opposed to…
Kyle Drennen
January 18th, 2012 5:18 PM

Geraldo Rivera Confesses: I'm a Product of 'Affirmative Action

Geraldo Rivera's new radio talk show on WABC in New York is leading to Rivera blabbing at length about himself and his career. On Monday, Geraldo admitted he might not have had his high-profile career without racial quotas (or "affirmative action," in liberal-speak). I'm a product, I think, of affirmative action, in the sense that I was a lawyer for the Young Lords [a leftist Puerto Rican…
Tim Graham
January 18th, 2012 4:50 PM

Time Notes 'Fundamentalist War Against Moderate Islam' In Libya

Ken Shepherd
January 18th, 2012 4:41 PM

MSDNC: In Chat with DNC Chief, Wagner Spins Oil Pipeline Cancellation

Yesterday MSNBC's Alex Wagner treated viewers of her noon Eastern Now program to a panel that featured Obama Super PAC staffer Bill Burton. Today the promotion of pro-Obama spin continued with Wagner herself attempting to help DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz spin the Obama/Clinton State Department's decision to scrap the Keystone XL pipeline project. "Is there a concern, though,…
Ken Shepherd
January 18th, 2012 3:55 PM

NPR, CBS Play Up Romney's 'Provocative' Warren Buffett Tax Rate

NPR  harped on Mitt Romney's "provocative tax detail" on Wednesday's Morning Edition, highlighting that the GOP presidential candidate "disclosed he's in the same low tax bracket as the billionaire [Warren] Buffett." Correspondent Scott Horsley later used clips from President Obama to accent liberals' class warfare spin about the rich paying a lower tax rate than "millionaires and billionaires…
Matthew Balan
January 18th, 2012 3:31 PM

Rachel Maddow Supports 'Shrinking and Streamlining Government' - Who K

I haven't been this surprised since that gal turned out to be a guy in "The Crying Game." MSNBC resident schoolsmarm Rachel Maddow is full of surprises, isn't she? Just the other night, she said something that surely had Americans across the nation spitting out burgers, beverages and baby food (video clip after page break)
Jack Coleman
January 18th, 2012 1:51 PM

ABC's Talking Point: Karl Demands to Know How Romney 'Got Away With Pa

Actual reporting is hard, isn't it? Snarky sound effects are so much more fun. Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Wednesday parroted DNC and White House talking points about Mitt Romney. Karl demanded to know just how Romney "get[s] away with paying so little" capital gains taxes. The segment was punctuated by dollar sign and coin audio clips. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Romney's…
Scott Whitlock
January 18th, 2012 12:41 PM

WaPo Hails How 'Occupiers Confront Seats of Power,' Buries Assault Arr

Yesterday's "Occupy Congress" push by the Occupy D.C. protesters resulted in four arrests at the U.S. Capitol and a lockdown at the White House after someone lobbed "an object similar to a smoke bomb" over the White House fence. If such disturbing incidents accompanied a Tea Party protest, the harsh reaction by the Washington Post would be predictable and, indeed, to an extent justifiable.…
Ken Shepherd
January 18th, 2012 12:11 PM

NBC Whines About Super-PAC 'Lethal Weapons' While Acting Like Super-PA

While Brian Williams warned of "those lethal weapons known as super-PACs" in the GOP primary race on NBC's Rock Center, he and correspondent Ted Koppel failed to recognize their own network's routine advocacy on behalf of liberal causes and in favor of Democratic candidates. Not to mention the barrage of negative coverage directed toward conservatives and Republicans. The report itself on the…
Kyle Drennen
January 18th, 2012 11:34 AM

Bob Woodward: 'Tax Returns Are a Character Issue

The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward on Wednesday said “tax returns are a character issue.” This occurred during a lengthy Morning Joe discussion about – what else? - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s taxes (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
January 18th, 2012 11:22 AM

Chris Christie Calls WaPo's Eugene Robinson an Ignoramus: 'Guys Like T

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Wednesday called Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson an ignoramus for criticizing his weight last year. Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, the Governor said, "As far as I’m concerned, guys like that shouldn’t have a platform to speak because they’re so ignorant” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
January 18th, 2012 9:44 AM

'Occupy Congress' March Fizzles, AP Tries to Spin It Away

Less than a year from its inception, the far-left Occupy Wall Street movement is already sputtering. Many liberal big-city mayors have ejected protestors from their campsites and their donations have dried up. To top it off, a big event touted to "Occupy Congress" fizzled big-time Tuesday in Washington, D.C. That didn't stop the Associated Press from trying to spin away the march's failure.…
Matthew Sheffield
January 18th, 2012 9:26 AM

Morning Joe Claims Romney Pays Lower Tax Rate Than Secretaries—But N

We'll leave it to others to assess the political fallout from Mitt Romney's statement yesterday that he paid about 15% in federal income taxes.  But let's at least get some facts straight. On Morning Joe today, Joe Scarborough claimed that the revelations about Mitt Romney's taxes might be his Dukakis-in-the-tank moment.  Scarborough repeated the shibboleth Warren Buffett put into…
Mark Finkelstein
January 18th, 2012 8:57 AM

Ryan Seacrest to Interview Joe Biden on the Radio

Does Ryan Seacrest have a liberal bias? Maybe he's gunning to be the next Matt Lauer. On his national radio show, Seacrest announced he'll have Vice President Joe Biden on his show on Monday. Seacrest's online announcement lists the other significant political leaders he's  interviewed include the late Ted Kennedy, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Barack and Michelle Obama, and Bill and…
Tim Graham
January 18th, 2012 6:54 AM