If Hockey Star Snubbed Bush, They Would’ve Earned ‘Unwavering Supp

Politically conservative Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas is being vilified for not joining his hockey teammates Monday afternoon at the White House for a ceremony honoring the team’s 2011 Stanley Cup championship, but Hockey News senior writer Ken Campbell suggested that if a few years ago some stars “had snubbed the White House in 2004 to protest the Bush-led U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, my…
Brent Baker
January 24th, 2012 12:57 PM

NBC's Gregory Aptly Sears Politico In Roast: Paper 'Petulant' and 'Tri

Politico turned five years old yesterday and self-importantly celebrated its survival of infancy with a roast video featuring journalists and pundits celebrating the paper with biting comments. Perhaps the best, and most spot-on quip came from NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory about 30 seconds into the spot (video embedded below):
Ken Shepherd
January 24th, 2012 12:45 PM

George Stephanopoulos: The DNC Just Sent Me This E-Mail; Let Me Repeat

Question: What do you call it when a former Democratic operative recites an e-mail from the Democratic National Committee to an adviser for a Democratic president? Answer: Good Morning America. On Tuesday, George Stephanopoulos interviewed David Plouffe and began, "[I] got this e-mail from [the] Democratic National Committee...saying Mitt Romney's tax returns release raises more questions than…
Scott Whitlock
January 24th, 2012 12:25 PM

Public Radio's 'Marketplace' Whitewashes Alinsky; 'Quite a Conservativ

American Public Media (formerly American Public Radio) says that its "Marketplace" program "focuses on the latest business news both nationally and internationally, the global economy, and wider events linked to the financial markets." Okay. One would expect, given the track record of leftist and communist movements and causes in ruining economies and creating unspeakable human misery, that…
Tom Blumer
January 24th, 2012 11:58 AM

NBC's Todd Proclaims: 'Certainly Some Fodder' For Democrats in Romney

After eagerly awaiting the release of Mitt Romney's tax returns, on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer immediately wondered how the new information could hurt the Republican presidential candidate, asking chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd: "Do you see any surprises in here, anything that will give his rivals more ammunition?" Todd wasted no time in reciting liberal talking…
Kyle Drennen
January 24th, 2012 11:53 AM

New York Times Ignores Massive Pro-Life March for Fifth Year in a Row

For the fifth year in a row, there was no story in the Times print edition on the annual March for Life against abortion in Washington, D.C., which every year draws massive crowds in unpromising weather on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion. Reporter Jada Smith’s Monday morning round-up post on the paper’s “Caucus” blog revealed just how clueless…
Clay Waters
January 24th, 2012 11:22 AM

Reuters Touts Pro-Abortion Study in One-Sided Article

The day after the March for Life, a one-sided article from Reuters touted the safety of abortion, claiming that getting an abortion was much safer for women than giving birth. But Reuters failed to include vital information about the study and the people it quoted - namely, that the authors of the study and both of the experts it cited were either abortion doctors or had strong ties to the…
Paul Wilson
January 24th, 2012 10:36 AM

Open Thread: Mitt Romney Releases Tax Records

NB Staff
January 24th, 2012 10:13 AM

Beware False Claims: 'Romney's Tax Rate Is Below That of Most Wage-Ear

Now that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has released some of his recent tax returns, it is quite clear that the Obama-loving media are going to use the information against the former Massachusetts governor in any way they can. Take for example the wire service Reuters who was quick out of the gate early Tuesday morning with the following bogus report (emphasis added):
Noel Sheppard
January 24th, 2012 9:41 AM

Reality Check: No Matter the State of the Union, Reporters Love Obama

Tuesday night, President Obama delivers his third State of the Union address, and his sixth speech to a joint session of Congress since taking office in 2009. But there’s no need to spend a lot of time wondering about what the media will say after The Great One speaks, since — like a gaggle of corporate yes-men — journalists have gushed over every one of these major addresses. “It was a big…
Rich Noyes
January 24th, 2012 8:55 AM

Santorum Socks Heilemann: MSM's Job To Defend Obama, Not Mine

Rick Santorum to John Heilemann [and by extension to MSM at large] on today's Morning Joe: "it's your responsibility to defend the president, not mine." Ouch! If Newt's deft dicing of John King and Juan Williams paid huge electoral dividends, Santorum might anticipate a much-needed bump after running roughshod over the New York mag reporter. Heilemann had called on Santorum to explain his…
Mark Finkelstein
January 24th, 2012 8:44 AM

WashPost Gives Tiny Pro-Abortion Crowd Equal Billing to Thousands of P

Any liberal with two eyes can see that tens of thousands of activists turn out every year in Washington for the March for Life. By contrast, abortion advocates have a turnout on the Supreme Court steps that couldn’t fill a classroom. In their only story on Tuesday (on the bottom of the Metro section front page), the Post once again treated these two groups as equally newsworthy -- except one…
Tim Graham
January 24th, 2012 8:23 AM

NYT Public Editor Traces Media's 'Fact-Checking' to Outcry Over Willie

New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane followed up in Sunday's edition on his controversial January 12 blog post, “Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?,” in which he asked readers if the paper should be more direct in challenging the statements of politicians in its straight news reporting. As Times Watch reported, the paper already does this, albeit almost solely to Republicans. At…
Clay Waters
January 24th, 2012 7:50 AM

WashPost Ombudsman Won't Quibble: The Post Has a Liberal, Pro-Obama Bi

On Sunday, Washington Post ombudsman Patrick Pexton noted that Deborah Howell, Post ombudsman from 2005 through 2008, said at the end of her tenure that “some of the conservatives’ complaints about a liberal tilt [at The Post] are valid.” He added: “I won’t quibble with her conclusion. I think she was right.” Pexton said this even as he characterized his electronic mailbox as a harsh place…
Tim Graham
January 24th, 2012 6:33 AM