
Barely News: Rep. Lummis's 'Most Moving Moment' at Gruber Hearing

December 13th, 2014 11:00 AM defines "glib" as "readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so." Jonathan Gruber's apology at his Tuesday congressional hearing included that word. The word, especially the "superficial" element of its definition, applies to how the establishment press covered the hearing. With only rare exceptions, it excluded any mention of what has accurately been…

Bipartisan Group of Legal Scholars: Critics 'Egregiously Misrepresente

February 28th, 2014 1:01 PM
The nature of Arizona's SB 1062 -- a bill to expand the parameters of the state's religious freedom protections -- was "egregiously misrepresented by many of its critics," according to a bipartisan group of constitutional law experts who wrote to Gov. Jan Brewer (R) prior to her Wednesday veto of the bill. By extension, as we've noted in our reporting, the liberal media glommed onto the bill'…