Serge Kovaleski
NY Times Still Carrying a Torch for Jon Ossoff, 'A Dream Son-In-Law'
The New York Times is still carrying a torch for failed 2017 Democratic congressional candidate Jon Ossoff, so young, so photogenic, so liberal. He faces Republican Sen. David Perdue in a January 6 runoff for a vital seat in Georgia. On Monday, reporters Reid Epstein and Serge Kovaleski gushed on the front page over Ossoff's resume. On Thursday, Epstein, along with fellow reporter…
NY Times Proudly Claims Ossoff 'Consistently Outperformed' His Resume
While the New York Times has piled hostile coverage on the Republican candidates in the vital U.S. Senate runoff in Georgia, the paper has reliably defended the two Democratic challengers. Candidate Jon Ossoff was awarded front-page puffery from reporters Reid Epstein and Serge Kovaleski, “After Some Breaks in Politics, Ossoff Made a Few of His Own.” Monday’s story opened with bullet…

'Arrested Development' Season 5 Mocks Trump Campaign Run

Comedian Who Said He Survived 9/11 Attacks Now Admits He Wasn't There
NY Times Pities Boston Bomber, Finds No Connection to Jihad, Yet Op-ed

NYT Still Wants Readers to Believe 'There Is a Dispute' Over Role of