Niger Innis
The ‘Uncle Tom’ Card Is Dead
May 2nd, 2018 6:10 PM
Here is a short list of prominent conservatives and independent thinkers who've been accused by their critics of being an "Uncle Tom" or some other vitriolic variation on the overplayed left-wing theme of being a traitor to their race or gender ("Aunt Tomasina," "Uncle Juan," "Aunt Jemima," "Uncle Wong," etc.)[.]

Civil Rights Attorney Calls Ben Carson 'A Puppet of Sean Hannity' - 'Y
April 2nd, 2013 12:56 AM
Civil rights attorney and talk radio host Leo Terrell got into quite a heated exchange with Sean Hannity Monday evening.
During a segment about the double standard by which African-American conservatives and liberals are treated by the media, Terrell called Dr. Ben Carson Hannity's "puppet" telling his host, "You created a monster" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
MSNBC's Shuster Reveals Palin Presser Typo But Forgets MSNBC's Own Rac
September 24th, 2008 2:31 AM
MSNBC's David Shuster continued the attack on Governor Sarah Palin for not allowing reporters in on meetings she attended at the United Nations. Fellow Newsbuster Ken Shepherd pointed out recently the media never complained over not having full access to Barack Obama's meetings with foreign leaders during his tour through the Middle East and later Europe. However, Shuster's attack included…