Mark Tapscott

Obama and Palin Call for Civility, but MSNBC Duo Marvel Over Former an
January 13th, 2011 1:03 PM
On MSNBC's "Jansing & Co." today, anchor Chris Jansing and liberal columnist Karen Hunter took turns ripping apart Sarah Palin's call for civility in an Internet video posted yesterday morning in the wake of the Tucson shooting.
The morning after President Barack Obama delivered a well-received speech at a memorial service for the victims of a rampage that left six dead and Congresswoman…
Environmental Group Paid for Journalists' Vacations, Got Favorable Cov
September 30th, 2010 1:33 PM
As part of its week-long special report on "Big Green," the Washington Examiner's Mark Tapscott wrote a piece detailing the cozy relationship - often brushing right up against unethical - between journalists, policymakers, and environmental advocacy groups.The Examiner raises serious ethical concerns regarding a 2003 article in U.S. News and World Report that, according to Tapscott, continues to…
Lefty Group Tries to 'Infiltrate' Tea Parties with Offensive Signs - W
April 11th, 2010 4:31 PM
This week, Americans of all political stripes will take to the streets -- so to speak -- to protest what they see as excessive and out of control government spending and intrusion into their daily lives. Among the many Tea Party protesters, however, will be individuals plotting to undermine the peaceful grassroots movement.Blogger Glenn Reynolds spotted today, a website that…
Much-anticipated Obama Transparency Fails to Materialize to Supporters
January 5th, 2010 6:42 PM
The Obama presidential campaign indisputably used new media better than any before it to build a virtual army of grassroots supporters, and to wield that army as a powerful tool for fundraising, rapid response messaging, and boots-on-the-ground campaigning. But the energy that surrounded Obama and his team after the election, and supporters' expectations that President Obama would be the…