Lynn Sweet

MSNBC's Wagner Hypes 'Republican Assault on Women's Health,' Omits Fou
March 2nd, 2012 6:14 PM
After airing a clip of a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ad featuring female Democratic candidates for key U.S. Senate races this November, MSNBC's Alex Wagner effusively praised the campaign ad as an excellent response to the "Republican assault on women's health." The ad "really isolates the guys in Congress who are voting for this" and the women that stand as bulwarks against this…

Fox News Watch: Jonathan Alter, Paul Krugman and Markos Moulitsas 'Vil
January 15th, 2011 4:45 PM
Fox News Watch panelists on Saturday named some villains concerning last week's tragedy in Tucson.
Aside from the shooter himself, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, and Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos were mentioned for their terrible coverage of this awful event (video follows with transcript and commentary):
O'Reilly on Fox's Front Row Seat: He, Beck and Hannity Might All Sit T
August 3rd, 2010 1:33 AM
Bill O'Reilly was certainly pleased with the announcement that Fox News has won a coveted seat position in the White House briefing room.On Monday's "O'Reilly Factor," the host told guests James Rosen of FNC and Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times that he "might be able to sneak down in there" and "sit in the front row." O'Reilly continued with a devilish grin on his face, "Believe me when I tell…
Kurtz: Helen Thomas Has Been Excused for Saying Questionable Things fo
June 13th, 2010 4:47 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday said an inconvenient truth that few in his industry would care to admit: "Helen Thomas has been saying all kinds of questionable things in [the White House] press room for the past decade, but her colleagues, for the most part, had given her a pass until now."This indeed is the real lesson behind last week's retirement of the nation's longest living member of the…
Bill Clinton Laments Poor Treatment of Women on AMC's 'Mad Men
November 12th, 2009 4:31 PM
Former President Bill Clinton was in Chicago yesterday, speaking at a fundraiser on the subject of the current health insurance overhaul.Somehow, some way, Clinton wound up talking about ethnic diversity, the Fort Hood murders, and – most bizarrely – the AMC network’s “Mad Men.”Clinton began his descent with the following, quoted from Lynn Sweet’s Chicago Sun-Times blog:
Jon Stewart: Obama Handled Gates Racism Question 'Stupidly
July 24th, 2009 12:56 PM
"I wasn't at the press conference last night, and I also don't have all the facts, but I think it's fair to say that Obama handled that question -- oh, what's the word I'm looking for -- stupidly?"So quite surpisingly said Comedy Central's Jon Stewart on Thursday's "Daily Show" in reference to the President's statement at Wednesday's press conference that the police officers involved in Harvard…
Chicago Sun-Times: Michelle Obama 'Embraces an Activist Agenda
February 22nd, 2009 7:48 PM
We all know that Barack Obama, if he isn't actually divine, at least qualifies as a Superman. So I guess it's fitting that he's married to a Superwoman. Or at least that's the impression we get in today's Chicago Sun-Times article "Michelle: Her first month as first lady THE EAST WING | In just a month, Michelle Obama has put her mark on her new domain, as she embraces an activist agenda." …
Shuster: I Hope MSM Won't Get 'Adversarial' With Obama Over Blago
December 19th, 2008 9:33 PM
Lynn Sweet wants the Obama team to come clean over its contacts with Blago. David Shuster has a different concern. He's hoping the media won't get "adversarial" once the Obama folks get around to releasing their report about who said what to whom.Shuster made his pre-emptive plea for good media manners on this evening's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the MSNBC show Shuster has recently begun hosting…
The Emanuel-Freddie Mac Connection: Will the Media Report It
November 6th, 2008 5:08 PM
Now that he's President-elect Barack Obama's new chief of staff, according to various Nov. 6 media reports, will Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., face the same scrutiny Karl Rove did when he was named Bush's deputy chief of staff? More importantly, will the media take note the tie Emanuel had to the now taxpayer-owned, failed government-sponsored enterprise Freddie Mac? Emanuel, who was a senior…
Gaffe Watch: Obama Confuses 'Sanford and Son' with 'The Jeffersons
October 29th, 2008 2:54 PM
I may have found the real reason Sen. Barack Obama was hesitant to appear on "The O'Reilly Factor." Fear of flunking the "Great American Culture Quiz."From an October 29 blog post by Chicago Sun-Times Washington bureau chief Lynn Sweet: RALEIGH, N.C.--Barack Obama seemed to mix up black television sitcoms "Sanford and Son" and "The Jeffersons" in a speech Wednesday, where he was making the point…
Chgo Sun-Times Omits Daley Party Label in City Worker Purge Story
August 20th, 2008 11:09 AM
"Daley scoffs at worries of political purge," reads a August 20 Chicago Sun-Times headline recording the dismissive reaction of the city's Democratic mayor about how his city worker firing spree could turn into a political purge. Only Daley's Democratic Party affiliation was nowhere mentioned in Fran Spielman's nine paragraph story:Mayor Daley on Tuesday scoffed at a federal hiring monitor's…
'People': Elizabeth Edwards Authorized Friend to Attack John Over Nigh
August 13th, 2008 11:24 PM
Elizabeth Edwards authorized a friend to attack John Edwards over his infamous "she was in remission" interview on Nightline. That's the stunning assertion of Sandra Westfall, the "People" magazine writer who authored the article [excerpt here] containing the friend's crticism. Westfall was a guest on tonight's Verdict with Dan Abrams.DAN ABRAMS: Sandra, let me start with you. Is it fair to say…