Lydia Polgreen

Huffpo Editor in Chief Wants Major Corps to Set Aside $50B for News
November 20th, 2019 1:04 PM
When the liberal media starts relating their bellyaching over their man-made climate change narrative to an impending “collapse of the information ecosystem,” their propagandizing may have just made the latter a self-fulfilling prophecy. HuffPost Editor in Chief Lydia Polgreen wrote an opinion piece Nov. 19 for liberal outlet The Guardian, where she suggested that “[w]e are currently facing a new…

CNN Panel Politicizes Hurricane Reporters, Claim Trump Attacking Them
August 27th, 2017 5:27 PM
With the remains of Hurricane Harvey still threatening the communities and lives of the people living along the coast of Texas, the liberal media still couldn’t put their obsession with President Trump aside. In a segment of CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday, host Brian Stelter wanted to talk about Trump’s description of political journalists as “sick people” from earlier in the week. But his…

Even Olbermann Went 'WTF?' HuffPost Shoos Bannon With 'GOY, BYE!'
August 18th, 2017 3:22 PM
The Huffington Post raised eyebrows with their shade-throwing at departing White House strategist Steve Bannon. Their first headline on their home page read “GOY, BYE!” The Jewish word for a non-Jew is usually not seen as derogatory, but it sounded derogatory in this usage. You know you've raised eyebrows when Keith Olbermann suggests you've become a little unglued. HuffPost editor Lydia Polgreen…

How Sweet: Liberal HuffPost to ‘Listen to America’ in Bus Tour
July 14th, 2017 3:45 PM
More than a year after Huffington Post co-founder and Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington stepped down from her position, the staff at the HuffPost website is preparing to go on a seven-week, 23-city bus tour to “Listen to America” as part of an attempt to enhance its “new, less-partisan image.” Lydia Polgreen, a former editor with the New York Times and the current editor-in-chief of the site,…

Why Is The Huffington Post Afraid of The Washington Post?
June 25th, 2017 7:52 AM
This week, NewsBusters and other sides noticed that after the death of Otto Warmbier, The Huffington Post edited, but did not take down a controversial article entitled “North Korea Proves Your White Male Privilege Is Not Universal.”
Washington Post media blogger Eric Wemple also grew interested in why the HuffPost would keep the Warmbier-bashing piece, when it unpublished a contributor…