Kamala Harris MSNBC Morning Joe 7-26-24

Robots: Morning Joe Hypes The Obamas' Staged Endorsement of Kamala

July 26th, 2024 12:06 PM

Morning Joe hypes a clip of a staged phone call in which Barack and Michelle Obama call Kamala Harris to endorse her. Jonathan Lemire dismisses as "nonsensical" reports that the Obamas lacked confidence in Harris.

Donald Trump Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning JOe 7-19-24

Morning Joe Warning To MSM: Do NOT Praise Trump's New Tone!

July 19th, 2024 8:11 AM

On Morning Joe, MSNBC's Jonathan Lemire warns the MSM not to report Donald Trump's softer new tone. Says Lemire: "I do think we need a moratorium here in the media about Donald Trump's -- praising Donald Trump's new tone. That doesn't ever happen on this show, mind you."

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 7-18-24

Morning Joe Admits—We've Known For 'A Long Time' That Biden Was Losing

July 18th, 2024 10:20 AM

Morning Joe knew "for a long time" that Biden was losing, but it continued to claim that he was doing well, discounting any negative polls. It does put a final nail in the coffin of any pretensions Joe Scarborough might have had of being anything other than an all-in Biden lackey and hack.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Willie Geist MSNBC Morning Joe 6-26-24

Scarborough: Trump Scared 'Jacked-up' Biden Will 'Beat Him Badly'

June 26th, 2024 4:12 PM

After playing a clip of Republican Rep. Eric Burlison jesting that Pres. Biden might be "jacked up on Mountain Dew" at the debate. Joe Scarborough claims that Trump is whining, whimpering, and scared that Biden will beat him badly.

Donald Trump Eugene Robinson MSNBC Morning Joe 6-25-24

Morning Joe: 'Massive' Debate Victory if Biden Can 'Remain Upright'

June 25th, 2024 11:04 AM

On Morning Joe, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC analyst Eugene Robinson says that if Biden can "remain upright" and "make sense" during this week's presidential debate, that will be a "massive victory."

Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 6-21-24

Lemire: Dems Whisper If Biden Has a Bad Debate, He Might Have to Go!

June 21st, 2024 12:28 PM

On Morning Joe, Jonathan Lemire, speaking of the upcoming presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, says: "some Democrats have said privately, if Biden has a very bad night, there'll be real worries about whether he can continue forward with his campaign."

Biden at G7

Morning Joe Rages at 'Cheapfake' Joe Biden Videos, Mika Loses Hope

June 18th, 2024 3:37 PM

Morning Joe gets defensive about videos showing Biden being dazed and confused. They call them deepfakes, although they accurately depict a doddering Biden. They focus on the video of Biden wandering away from a G7 group, but ignore the one of Obama having to guide Biden off stage.

Jonathan Lemire Molly Jong-Fast MSNBC Way Too Early 6-7-24

MSNBC: Only 'Low-Information Voters' Affected If Hunter Convicted

June 7th, 2024 5:24 PM

On MSNBC's Way Too Early, political analyst Molly Jong-Fast says that only "low-information voters" would let a conviction of Hunter Biden on gun charges impact their vote. She also claims that the evidence that Hunter lied on his application for a gun license in denying being a drug user is "convoluted," despite the fact that there is overwhelming evidence based on his…

Mara Gay MSNBC Morning Joe 4-17-24

Metaphor Amnesia? 'Morning Joe' Says Trump's an 'Animal' to No Outrage

April 17th, 2024 10:23 PM

On Morning Joe, Mara Gay, an MSNBC analyst and member of the editorial board of the New York Times, says of Trump: "He's like a caged animal. And that's a dangerous situation. He's feeling very threatened. He's out of control. And so we do expect him to lash out."

Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 4-3-24

MSNBC's Lemire Suggests Israel's Strike On Aid Workers Was Intentional

April 3rd, 2024 10:55 AM

On Morning Joe, MSNBC's Jonathan Lemire suggests that Israel's strike on World Central Kitchen workers was intentional, saying "it's hard to reconcile" Israel's "mistake" strike on the workers with its "precision" strike a day earlier on an Iranian general in Syria. That was after Joe Scarborough called for a permanent cease-fire and a two-state solution. 


Morning Joe: GOP's 'Crazy,' But Hunter Shouldn't Dodge Public Hearing

March 14th, 2024 12:48 PM

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski calls the Republicans investigating Hunter Biden "crazy," but panelists Elise Jordan and Jonathan Lemire call it a mistake for Hunter to announce that he will not appear at a public hearing of the House Investigative Committee next week.


Politico Skips Most Embarrassing Biden Moment at Press Conference

February 10th, 2024 9:22 PM

During a press conference, President Joe Biden angrily dismissed allegations of memory loss made by Special Counsel Robert Hur. Biden was particularly upset about claims he couldn't recall the death of his son Beau. However, in a moment seemingly validating the allegations, Biden forgot where his son's commemorative rosary came from. Despite this, Politico extensively reported on the press…

Jonathan Lemire Mike Barnicle Way Too Early MSNBC 2-8-24

Barnicle Advises Biden How To 'Negate Republican Strength' On Border

February 8th, 2024 2:22 PM

On MSNBC's Way Too Early, Mike Barnicle advises Biden that to "change the narrative" on the border, and "negate Republican strength" on the issue, he should go to the border and "sign something," and give more personnel to the Border Patrol.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Elise Jordan MSNBC Morning Joe 2-5-24

Biden Adviser Scarborough Buries NBC Poll Showing Trump Beating Him

February 5th, 2024 10:10 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, who was recently revealed to be a frequent phone buddy with and adviser to Joe Biden, in discussing a new NBC News poll fails to mention its most important finding: that among registered voters, Trump is beating Biden by 5 points, his largest lead yet.