John Fund

NY Times Attacks Trump Adviser Bannon With ‘Fascist’ Smear
February 14th, 2017 1:34 PM
New York Times’ hard-left political reporter Jason Horowitz slimed President Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon, based on a second-hand reference in a speech Bannon gave two years ago. The distortion appeared in Sunday’s paper under the bias-on-steroids headline, “Fascists Too Lax for a Philosopher Cited by Bannon.” Bannon’s actual 2014 speech revealed that he’s not wholly on board with…

CBS Plays Up The Absence of Republican Speakers at King Anniversary
August 29th, 2013 5:17 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Jeff Pegues spotlighted the lack of GOP speakers at the 50th anniversary commemoration of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech: "Noticeably absent from this event, the GOP...the two most senior Republicans in the House...were invited to speak but declined." However, Pegues failed to mention that the event organizers didn't make much of an effort to get…

WaPo, Chicago Tribune, NYT Omit Story About Democrat Blaming Aurora Vi
April 5th, 2013 6:53 PM
Robin Kelly, the Democratic nominee in the special election to replace disgraced Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) is a staunch anti-gun zealot, who apparently also doesn't keep up with the news. In video obtained by our friends at Breitbart, Kelly described James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado, theater shooter, as a “gentleman,” and noted how the occupants inside the theater failed to draw their…

Imagine That: Voter-Fraud Allegations Against Hamilton County, Ohio Wo
February 8th, 2013 11:34 PM
UPDATE: The post has been revised from its original presentation to reflect the fact that the Cincinnati Enquirer covered the story but chose not to identify the person involved, even though her name is a matter of public record.
On Wednesday, local Cincinnati TV station WCPO did a report (HT John Fund at National Review via Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin's blog) on how "The Hamilton County…

Kirsten Powers: ‘We Need to Hire Grown-ups to Cover the President
January 26th, 2013 1:00 PM
Despite her liberal beliefs, FNC commentator Kirsten Powers has really distinguished herself by her willingness to tell the truth about America's media elite which has moved from being a legion of skeptics into a team of cheerleaders during the presidency of Barack Obama.
Earlier this week, Powers acknowledged the discomfort that many statists feel when confronted by conservative beliefs…

Ed Schultz Hyperventilates That Voter ID Laws ... 'Attack Women
September 13th, 2012 11:45 AM
Stay tuned as Ed Schultz describes how the massive asteroid hurtling toward earth and threatening to end all life on the planet puts women and minorities at the greatest risk ...
Sure he's a loose cannon, but Ed Schultz is a predictable one at that. (Audio after page break)

Time's Foroohar: 'I'm Actually Sad' That We're 'Talking About Taxes
July 15th, 2012 11:03 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, Time magazine's Rana Foroohar - identified as assistant managing editor in charge of economics and business on Time's Web site - lamented that she was "sad" at how much taxes are being discussed as she asserted that "one thing that's not going to get us some kind of a growth boom is a tax cut," and then called for more government…

John Fund Explains Why Gingrich May Yet Appear on Virginia Ballot
December 25th, 2011 5:34 PM
In light of the development this weekend that Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were the only two presidential candidates who had enough valid signatures to appear on the Virginia Republican primary ballot on March 6, the American Spectator's John Fund appeared on Sunday's Fox and Friends on FNC and suggested that Newt Gingrich may yet find a way to secure a spot on the Virginia ballot. (Video below)
More Maher Idiocy: Senate 'Never Used To Have' The Filibuster
October 15th, 2011 1:21 PM
NewsBusters readers know there's almost nothing I like doing more on a Saturday than exposing the ignorance of Bill Maher.
On HBO's "Real Time" Friday, the host came through like he always does showing his total lack of knowledge concerning how bills move through the Senate as he told the American Spectator's John Fund "they never used to have" the filibuster (video follows with transcript…

Proposed Wisc. Voter ID Law Would Make Registering to Vote 'Really Har
February 23rd, 2011 7:08 AM
Curse those wascally Wepublicans in Wisconsin, you'll never believe what they're up to now.
Bad enough for the Badger State GOP to abet Gov. Scott Walker in his nefarious scheme to prevent public-sector unions from bankrupting the state. Worse, they are hatching even more diabolical plots while Dem state senators continue their courageous evasion of the law to avoid voting on Walker's…

John Fund Battles Bill Maher and Rep. Weiner About Beck, Palin and Cla
February 5th, 2011 12:56 PM
The Wall Street Journal's John Fund on Friday night had a number of interesting battles with Bill Maher as well as Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.).
During the panel segment of HBO's "Real Time," Fund found himself needing to defend Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Clarence Thomas's wife from the at times totally illogical attacks by the perilously liberal host and Congressman (video follows with…
Schieffer’s Black Panther Mea Culpa: Stacks 'Face the Nation' Panel
July 24th, 2010 2:15 PM
Last week, CBS "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer made the incredible confession that he was unaware of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation cast on CNN's July 18 "Reliable Sources." The show's host Howard Kurtz asked why Schieffer didn't ask Attorney General Eric Holder about the case when he had the opportunity in an appearance on his show. "I was on vacation that week," Schieffer…
John Fund Smacks Down Bill Maher: Stop Saying 'Teabaggers
May 22nd, 2010 12:41 AM
John Fund on Friday smacked down Bill Maher for calling Tea Partiers "teabaggers."As the panel discussion of HBO's "Real Time" convened, the host said, "The teabaggers I guess think they had a big win Tuesday."He then asked the American Spectator's Fund, "Why are they so silent on financial reform?" After Fund answered the question, he said, "I think people should be called by the term that they…
Networks, Newspapers Ignore Partisan, Racially-motivated Obama DOJ Act
October 22nd, 2009 11:53 AM
The Obama ascendency, the president's acolytes have been keen on telling us, is the dawn of a new post-partisan era. But a development that undercuts that fiction -- the Obama Justice Department's recent move to scuttle non-partisan local elections in Kinston, North Carolina, on the basis of racial and partisan considerations -- has escaped the interest of the mainstream media.Both the Washington…