
CNN vs. CNN: GA-06 Is 'Really Ruby Red Republican,' But Not Really

April 19th, 2017 11:49 PM

On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, viewers could see a contradictory message as CNN regulars repeatedly embellished the Sixth Congressional District of Georgia as being solidly Republican -- even though there were also a few times when CNN regulars conceded that Donald Trump only beat Hillary Clinton by about a point in the district. But the CNN regulars still kept going back to painting the…


CNN Anchors Deride Pruitt as 'Climate Change Denier'

December 12th, 2016 5:44 PM
Long-term followers of American politics will recall that about a decade ago, the left began pushing the phrases "global warming denier" and "climate change denier" into the public conversation as a way of discrediting those who are skeptical of the preferred liberal take on global warming theory. The expression was reminiscent of the term "Holocaust denier" and was meant to suggest that those…

CNN Frets 'Hardliners,' 'Climate Denier,' 'Militarization' in Trump WH

December 8th, 2016 10:17 AM
On Thursday, CNN's New Day began the show by immediately hitting the incoming Donald Trump transition from the left, seeing "more hardliners" and a "climate change denier" being appointed to the administration, and fretting over its "militarization" because of the selection of "another general." The news network also forwarded fearmongering from an unnamed former Barack Obama aide who charged…

CNN, NPR Notice Baltimore Looters Targeting Asians; Big Three Yawn

May 1st, 2015 8:07 PM
As of Friday evening, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to report on the targeting of Asian-owned businesses by the rioters/looters in Baltimore on Monday. To their credit, CNN and NPR covered this disturbing component of the unrest in Maryland's largest city. Less than 24 hours after the unrest, on Tuesday's The Lead with Jake Tapper, CNN's Joe Johns spotlighted how an "…

FNC Airs 55 Minutes of Live Gruber Hearing Coverage, CNN/MSNBC = 0

December 9th, 2014 4:49 PM
Tuesday’s congressional hearing that featured Jonathan Gruber being grilled about his controversial ObamaCare remarks was carried live by Fox News for 54 minutes, and 53 seconds. CNN and MSNBC didn’t bother to air any of the hearing live. 

CNN's Johns: Emails Suggest Lois Lerner May Have Pushed for Chuck Gras

June 25th, 2014 10:10 PM
Halfway through the Wednesday edition of her eponymous program this evening, CNN's Erin Burnett turned to her colleague Joe Johns for breaking news regarding a fresh development in the IRS scandal: email evidence suggesting Lois Lerner may have pushed for an audit of Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley.  Immediately afterwards, in a panel discussion, CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin endorsed…

CNN Spins for Obama: 'You Can Keep Your Health Care Plan' Promise Was

October 29th, 2013 4:15 PM
CNN's Joe Johns wouldn't call President Obama's "you can keep your health care plan" promise a lie or a broken promise, on Tuesday. According to him, it "might have been an oversell." This despite a report that the administration knew millions would lose their insurance under ObamaCare.  Johns, in his deep benefit of the doubt for the White House, gave this ever-so-slight criticism of the…

CNN's Joe Johns Pits 'Conservative' Opponents of Voting Rights Act Aga

June 25th, 2013 4:46 PM
CNN's Joe Johns pitted some "conservatives" against "civil rights advocates" on Tuesday in provocative fashion, after the Supreme Court struck down a provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. "I think you can say this is a home run for conservatives who said this law shouldn't be in place and this is a big loss for those civil rights advocates who have been fighting to go sustain this law…

CNN Relays Gov't Hysteria Over 'Massive' Sequester Cuts

February 20th, 2013 10:16 AM
After hyping the "draconian" sequester cuts set to take place March 1, CNN kept up its frenzy on Tuesday afternoon by spreading government hysteria over the $85 billion spending reduction. Headlines sounded alarms like "Medicine, Food at Risk," "Travel Nightmare In the Making," and "U.S. justice system in jeopardy." "President Obama is warning of dire consequences for all of us if lawmakers…

Openly-Gay CNN Anchor on SCOTUS Possibly Hearing Gay Marriage Cases

November 30th, 2012 3:56 PM
Openly-gay CNN anchor Don Lemon is happy that the Supreme Court is even considering hearing cases on gay marriage. Instead of just reporting the story on Friday, he injected his own feelings on the matter. "It's amazing. I never thought in my lifetime that we would be covering this issue, having the Supreme Court possibly look at this particular issue. How far we have come," he remarked. […

CNN's Baldwin Misses FRC Shooter's Political Motive -- Despite CNN Rep

August 16th, 2012 6:22 PM
CNN's Brooke Baldwin couldn't find a motive behind the Family Research Council shooting, on Thursday afternoon – despite CNN having earlier reported that "politics" was involved in the shooting at the conservative organization. "You know, who knows what really was the motive behind this particular individual Floyd Lee Corkins?" Baldwin wondered at 3:10 p.m. EDT, even though anchor Suzanne…

For Two Straight Days, CNN Harps on Romney's Wealth as Potential Voter

March 29th, 2012 6:40 PM
For the second straight day on Thursday, CNN emphasized Mitt Romney's wealth as a possible turn-off to voters. Correspondent Joe Johns aired a segment on Thursday's The Situation Room about "Mitt Romney-isms," or Romney's references to his own wealth and beliefs that seem to "hit the wrong note" for a presidential candidate. "Mitt Romney the millionaire may still have some problems with the…

CNN's Johns Gushes Over 'Incredible,' 'Riveting' Michael Moore Speech

March 13th, 2011 2:15 PM
CNN's Joe Johns hyped a recent Michael Moore speech on Monday's Newsroom as "incredible" and "riveting." Johns highlighted a clip from the left-wing film director, who spoke at a pro-union rally in Madison, Wisconsin, where he claimed that "America is not broke...The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands! It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in…

CNN: Keeping Current Tax Rates is Increasing Government Spending

December 7th, 2010 8:31 PM
On Tuesday's Newsroom, CNN tried to spin the proposed compromise between President Obama and congressional Republicans to keep the current tax rates as a "package that increases spending dramatically." Correspondents Jessica Yellin and Joe Johns forwarded the liberal talking point that the Republicans were breaking their campaign promise to reduce government spending with this proposal.…