Joan Biskupic

Crying for Roe: CNN Claims Women Will Be Barred from Tracking Cycle
From the moment the news of Roe v. Wade getting over turned broke on Friday, CNN Newsroom’s panel of partisan hacks and fake journalists feverishly started spewing all kinds of doomsday-saying nonsense. Between legal analyst Jennifer Rodger literally tearing up and claiming women won’t “have the right to track their own cycles,” and chief masturbation expert Jeffrey Toobin…

Sciutto Falsely Slams Supreme Court Conservatives for Border Hypocrisy
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court declined to issue a stay of a lower court ruling that the Biden administration's decision to repeal former President Trump's Remain in Mexico was "arbitrary and capricious" and thus illegal. On Wednesday, CNN Newsroom host Jim Sciutto declared this to be an outrageous act of hypocrisy.

Sour Grapes CNN Hacks Attack Supreme Court for Not Ruling Their Way
Why does CNN only want judicial independence when it benefits the Democratic Party? On Tuesday morning's CNN Newsroom, co-hosts Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto edged their guests to trash the Supreme Court after ruling against the Wisconsin Democrats in a case regarding the absentee ballot deadline. Leading the way, Scuitto biasedly speculated: “When you have the Justices deciding in large party…

Bitter CNN Whines About McConnell 'Gloating' Over Barrett Win
After weeks of attacking and whining about the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, CNN had to get one last dig in before her confirmation. Rather than giving an honest assessment of the Supreme Court nominee, they let their partisan affiliation drive their coverage. During Monday morning’s edition of Newsroom, host John King gave one last attack on the nominee before her confirmation…

CNN Expresses Outrage: Barrett Will Not Be a Liberal Judicial Activist
CNN concluded its day one coverage of Amy Coney Barret’s confirmation hearing by expressing outrage over her stance on judicial activism. After gushing over Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee and Kamala Harris’s opening statement, CNN weekday host Brianna Keilar brought in a panel to attack Barrett for following in the philosophy of the late Justice Scalia. CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey…

‘Pretty Stunning’; CNN Marvels at ‘Emphatic’ Harris Attacking Barrett
Aside from the opening statements by Senate Judiciary Committee leadership, CNN had ignored day one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. Instead, they spent another Monday trying to fear-monger on coronavirus. But that changed when vice presidential candidate and Senator Kamala Harris got her turn as CNN Newsroom jumped in so they could marvel at Harris’s “pretty…

CNNer Claims Trump Pick Will Be Threat to 'Rights and Liberties'
CNN Supreme Court reporter Joan Biskupic joined Friday's CNN Newsroom to pay homage to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and, in previewing the future of the Court, she fretted that Trump's replacement (which, according to reports by early evening, would be Amy Coney Barrett) will mean "many, many types of rights and liberties" are now "in the balance."

CNN Cheers Roberts 'Striking Fear' Into Trump's Base on Abortion
Despite abortion being an issue which continues to divide Americans, CNN Newsroom cheered the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down a Louisiana pro-life law as restoring “integrity” and “stability” in the law and “public’s expectations” on abortion. During the 10-minute-segment Monday morning, no journalist or analyst pointed out this law was aimed to protect the life of the mother…

CNN Cheers SCOTUS Ruling Hails Roberts' 'Integrity'
On Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host Jim Sciutto brought on political analyst Sabrina Siddiqui, chief legal analyst and national politics reporter Jeffrey Toobin, and Supreme Court analyst Joan Biskupic to celebrate the Supreme Court striking down a Louisiana law regulating abortions. Rejecting the guise of a news network, the panel unabashedly applauded the ruling. Toobin …

Hilarious CNN Segment Wonders Why SCOTUS Is Silent on Kavanaugh Claim

CNNers Back Chaos at SCOTUS Hearing; ‘Definitely’ ‘Had No Choice’