Emma Margolin

MSNBC.com Fumes Over Tenn. Religious-Freedom Bill, Omits Key Facts
April 6th, 2016 6:39 PM
"Yet another 'religious freedom' bill stands on the brink of becoming law," MSNBC.com's Emma Margolin sighed in the lead paragraph of her April 6 story, "Tennessee the latest red state poised to approve 'religious freedom' bill."

MSNBC: Jeb's Defense of Religious Freedom Is 'Troubling'
May 18th, 2015 6:07 PM
To MSNBC's Emma Margolin, it's "troubling" that former Florida governor Jeb Bush doesn't think there's a constitutional right for persons to enter into a same-sex marriage. But what's even more "troubling" to her is his defense of religious freedom claims when it comes to Christian business owners being asked to cater, plan, or photograph a same-sex wedding ceremony.

Ghoulish MSNBC.com: 'Gun Violence Strikes at Boy Scout Camp'; Incident
June 30th, 2014 8:06 PM
Exploiting a tragedy to take a swipe at gun rights, MSNBC.com editors this afternoon jumped on a boy's apparent suicide to alarm readers, "Gun violence strikes at Boy Scout camp," read the teaser headline in the lightbox.
"A 12-year-old boy has died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, one day after arriving at a Boy Scout camp in San Diego, KNSD reported," read the caption for the…

MSNBC's Gripe: 'Gay Couples Feel Tax Wrath
April 15th, 2014 6:35 PM
Tax Day, April 15, is a perfect day for a news organization to publish stories about tax reform debates, including the notion that perhaps we should do away with a national income tax and replace it with a national sales tax. Perhaps instead we should have a flat tax with very few, if any, deductions, credits, and all kinds of other exemptions which gum up the tax code.
A sensible news…

MSNBC.com Attacks Mozilla CEO’s ‘Glaring Black Mark’ of Traditio
April 1st, 2014 3:05 PM
Uh-oh. The newly appointed head of a prominent company did something, six years ago, to signal his support for traditional marriage. Somebody call the thought police!
On Monday, MSNBC.com called attention to this horror in an article titled “Mozilla Under Fire for New CEO’s Anti-Gay Past.” The new CEO in question is Brendan Eich, who was Mozilla’s chief technology officer for nine years…
MSNBC.com Writer Hails Obama-Castro Handshake
December 10th, 2013 4:52 PM
Alan Gross, political prisoner. Those were four words missing from Emma Margolin's December 10 MSNBC.com story hailing the handshake between President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro earlier today at Nelson Mandela's memorial service in Soweto, South Africa. Gross, a State Department contractor, has been languishing in a Cuban prison for five years.
There was a reference to "genocide"…

MSNBC's Facebook Page Celebrated Voter Registration Day with Image of
September 26th, 2013 2:15 PM
Tuesday was National Voter Registration Day. MSNBC social media editors marked the occasion with a Facebook post inquiring, "Have you registered to vote yet?"
But for the stock image to accompany the post, editors chose to show a clipboard with an Organizing for America flier which reads, "Register to Vote Here" and bears the O-shaped Obama logo in the top left-hand corner [see screen capture…