Schultz Blames Egypt on Food Prices, Bush 41 and Wall Street; No Menti

February 2nd, 2011 12:02 PM
Ed Schultz on Tuesday spent a great deal of time blaming the crisis in Egypt on rising food prices tying commodity inflation to former President George H.W. Bush and Wall Street speculators. Not once in over fifteen minutes of air time were the name Bill Clinton or the two bills he signed into law that deregulated the financial services and commodity futures industries mentioned (videos…

Ranting Ratigan Disparages US Justice System as More Abusive Than Chin

January 25th, 2011 6:16 PM
Every so often, MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan goes on a rhetorical bender that stupefies his guests and defies logic. On his eponymous program today, Ratigan latched onto conflicting reports concerning the treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who was arrested under suspicion of illegally downloading classified military documents and funneling them to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, to assert…

MSNBC's Tamron Hall: Part of Business Community Has 'In Some Ways Demo

January 19th, 2011 5:02 PM
Tamron Hall was joined by her MSNBC colleague Dylan Ratigan on Wednesday's edition of "News Nation" in condemning some members of corporate America for the way they have "demonized" the Obama administration. That slight of American businesses came during a dicussion of President Hu Jintao's U.S visit, in which Ratigan remarked that President Obama's greatest challenge will not be dealing with…

Reuters Editor Shrieks: Tax 'Lucky Sperm Club' to Break 'Landed Gentry

December 15th, 2010 5:51 PM
For Chrystia Freeland, the thought of only taxing wealthy estates 35 percent is "destructive to the fabric of America." The Reuters global editor-at-large went on a ear-piercing tear this afternoon on MSNBC's "Dylan Ratigan Show," stoking the flames of class warfare. "[The wealthy] were just born–it's the lucky sperm club, right?" screeched Freeland. "I don't think American wealth should be…

Rachel Maddow at Most Eel-Like Emerges During Interview With Jon Stewa

November 15th, 2010 6:48 PM
Think that liberals are slippery when disagreeing with a conservative? They're just as bad during an exchange with another liberal. One didn't have to wait long for examples of this during Rachel Maddow's interview with Jon Stewart on her MSNBC show Nov. 11. Here's Maddow in the first segment of the interview attempting to draw a distinction between "direct-action activists" such as members…

Greg Gutfeld Takes On Ratigan and Rall's Call for Violent Revolution

November 13th, 2010 6:14 PM
Greg Gutfeld on Saturday took on Dylan Ratigan and Ted Rall for advocating a violent revolution on the former's television program last Monday. Giving the closing comment on "Fox News Watch," the "Red Eye" host also pointed out the delicious irony in a cartoonist "calling for a government overthrow with guns and violence on a network, MSNBC, that accused Tea Partiers of the same" (video…

Hannity, Bozell Excoriate NBC’s Lauer and MSNBC’s Ratigan in Novem

November 12th, 2010 3:18 PM
NBC's Matt Lauer and MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan last night found themselves just two of the targets in the latest "Media Mash" segment on Fox News Channel's "Hannity" show. NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell appeared on the November 11 program to dissect NBC's biased coverage of former President George W. Bush's new memoir, "Decision Points," an ABC News puff piece on Michelle Obama's fashion…

MSNBC Host Dylan Ratigan Hints at Violent Revolution

November 9th, 2010 10:55 AM
UPDATE (1:52 PM) - Check below the fold if you're convinced this is hyperbole. Dylan Ratigan seemed to tacitly endorse violent revolution on his show Monday. He hosted far-left radical Ted Rall who, when he's not comparing "idiot" American soldiers to suicide bombers, is lauding the necessity of political violence. Ratigan opened the segment by claiming the nation may need "more drastic…

Dylan Ratigan Disparages Tea Party as Pyromaniacal Crazies Bent on Des

November 3rd, 2010 6:10 PM
Tea Party members, MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan wants you to know that he’s just like you. Except of course that he’s not a pyromaniacal lunatic hell-bent on destroying America. That’s how the MSNBC anchor leaned forward, no, make that leaped, into insanity during a November 3 segment with Nicolle Wallace. The former George W. Bush staffer told Ratigan that, like him, Tea Partiers who fueled last…

Dylan Ratigan: Tea Party Gutted GOP of 'Political Traction' In Senate

October 21st, 2010 6:50 PM
MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan believes the recent developments in the GOP – including the rise of the Tea Party – have shredded the party of its "political traction" in the Senate. When asked by guest-host Peter Morici, an economist and professor of business at the University of Maryland, how much the Tea Party has set the Republicans back in their bid to retake the House and Senate, Ratigan…

MSNBC's Ratigan Falsely Claims GOP Senator's Ad Contained Geographical

October 21st, 2010 6:07 PM
 MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan is apparently so intent on depicting Republican candidates for office as stupid that he's willing to make asinine assertions to do it. Today in his "Ads Gone Bad" segment, Ratigan falsely insisted that an ad by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) attacking his Democratic opponent Rep. Charlie Melancon communicated to viewers that "illegal immigrants [were] crossing the border…

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Brands Bill O'Reilly 'Liar' and 'Jackass Fool' O

October 15th, 2010 6:47 PM
  Smearing Bill O'Reilly as an "extremist" and a "jackass fool," MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan fired back at the Fox News Channel host for saying Muslims "killed us on 9/11." On his Friday afternoon MSNBC show, the liberal host launched a blistering attack on O'Reilly and accused him of lying and being a "fearmonger." O'Reilly made his remarks in a heated debate on ABC's "The View" Thursday…

Cenk Uygur: The Next Leftist MSNBC Star

September 8th, 2010 10:45 PM
Cenk Uygur (pronounced Jenk You-gurr) is profiled by media reporter James Rainey in Wednesday's Los Angeles Times, and it becomes quite clear the exotically-named Young Turks radio host could be the next leftist star at MSNBC. Since his friendship with Dylan Ratigan led to some guest-hosting gigs (in which he bested Ratigan in the ratings), Uygur is now part of the "family" of Bush-hating…

Ratigan: 'Default Position' In USA Is To Incarcerate Black Men

August 23rd, 2010 5:57 PM
Dylan Ratigan's "Daily Rant" segment was a treasure trove of controversial statements today.  You be the judge of which statement rates higher on the controversy-meter:Ratigan's claim that the "default position" in the USA is to incarcerate black men rather than educate them; orBlogger Keli Goff's suggestion that to end the cycle of poverty among African-Americans, and to avoid burdening…